Assyrian Political Candidates & Coalitions                           A Zinda Magazine Elections Special


Election Ticket 139

   Assyrian National Assembly

  For more information:

The Electoral Platform of the Assyrian National Assembly

The Assyrian National Assembly believes that the Assyrian nation comprises the followers of (The Church of The East, The Syriac Church, The Chaldean Church, and the different Evangelical Churches) as well as any person who feels an Assyrian belonging regardless of her/his beliefs or religious affiliation.

Article Three of the ANA by law: The Assyrian National Assembly firmly believes that present day Christians who are of ancient Iraqi roots, that is the Iraq before the Brussels’s borders treaty are certainly Assyrians. Moreover, the Assyrian expansion surpasses Christianity to other beliefs and religions on the condition that this is joined with a true feeling of belonging to the Assyrian civilization, which comprises the essence of nationalism for every Assyrian person regardless where she/he was born or lived.

Thus belonging to Assyrianism is associated with belonging to the historical, cultural and civilized Iraq and not only to today's geographical Iraq, even though today's Iraq is the true and logical Assyrian home because the Assyrians will not accept one day a land far from Nineveh to call home or to replace their civilized homeland for any reason and at any price.

According to this reality of the Assyrian belonging, the demographic Assyrian existence and the state of expatriation which many Assyrians have suffered from over many centuries, but specially the state of dispersion, immigration and forced migration throughout the period of the 20th century during which the Assyrians had to go through another painful struggle with the attempts to doubt their national identity and true belonging to their national homeland Ashur [Iraq].

Therefore, the above two points " the Assyrian national belonging" and " the Assyrian belonging to Iraq the cradle of Assyrian civilization" became priorities for every political, social or educational task on the part of the Assyrian institutions whether political, religious, or social ...etc. Hence, any Assyrian organization that doesn't take these two points as main goals or priorities of their work then that entity wouldn't be serving what is the true belonging to the Assyrian nation, civilization and culture.

The ANA is seeking to realize the following through its involvement in the electoral process of the Iraqi national council:

1st: The Patriotic aspects:

1- The ANA believes in the unity of Iraq as a people, an identity, an economy, and a culture so its work is to preserve all these through civilized parliamentary methods.

2- The ANA calls for a pluralistic, democratic, parliamentarian system in Iraq where individual freedom is provided for all, such as the freedom of work, belief, and political affiliation on the condition that they don't interfere with the unity of the country, the safety of its people and land.

3- Annulling all the laws which limit the Iraqi individual’s freedom based on race, religion or ethnic belonging.
4- Forming capable and specialized administrative systems in order to eliminate property trespasses, remedy and eliminate the reasons for the internal and external forced migration, returning the property deeds to their rightful owners and compensating them for any damages. These procedures should include all the Iraqi regions and people without any exceptions or reasons otherwise democracy and justice won’t be complete.

5- Eliminating all forms of favoritism by applying the principles of qualification, effort, and sincerity as basis for obtaining posts and positions especially in matters that involve many factions of citizens.

6- Eliminating discrimination because of religion, sect or geographical regional belonging, with the law being above all.

7- Forming a qualified, voluntary national army and security systems to assist the Iraqi civil authorities in protecting the homeland from any internal or external aggressions as well as providing for the security and safety of citizens.

8- The formulation and establishment of the country's permanent constitution which would clearly stipulate on the unity of Iraq and its people prohibiting any ethnic, religious, sectarian or cultural hegemony etc ...

9- Establishing a free and modernized system for all levels of education in the country.

10- Implementing the free economy system in a manner which would serve first and foremost the interests of the Iraqi people.

2nd: The Assyrian aspects:

1- Assyrian national reality: The ANA foresees the necessity of solving the harmful national state, which has become an abnormal reality for Assyrians since centuries ago through the following:

A- Acknowledging clearly and frankly in the awaited permanent Iraqi constitution that all Assyrians are Iraqis and of Iraqi roots wherever they are present.

B- Acknowledging that Assyrian is one of the genuine and deeply rooted Iraqi nationalities and as such implementing the true name for their language and culture which is Assyrian, discarding all other denominational and sectarian names in this matter.

C- Working seriously and diligently to restore the Iraqi citizenship to all Assyrians inside and outside of Iraq because they are true Iraqis, equating them with the rest of the Iraqi people with their different races and cultures.

D- Working seriously through international organizations to help Assyrians wishing to return to the homeland, restoring their legal rights, providing them and their families with the means of a modern life so that they can be positive elements in re-building and modernizing Iraq.

E.  Paying special attention to the children and grand-children of the survivors of the Simeleh massacre in granting them the Iraqi citizenship, compensating them and facilitating the process of their return to the homeland as a measure of alleviating the suffering and injustice which they had to endure.

2.  Assyrian demographic reality: The Assyrian people were the first victims of the demographic changes, which took place following WWI and the establishment of present day state borders. The rise of factional governments which didn't believe in pluralism, individual freedoms or even human rights caused the forced uprooting of Assyrians from their own lands and all their original areas thus they became refugees in the homeland and in Diaspora. Thus, the ANA demands the necessity to eliminate of this situation by returning all the lands, villages, and pastures to their rightful owners officially and effectively along with proper compensation and the necessary means to re-establish life in these areas.

3- Security and political situation: The bad and long period of political un rest, deprivation of political freedom and the un safe situation in Iraq in general caused the suffering of many factions of the Iraqi people. The Assyrians suffered greatly here as well because of the inherited ill feelings towards the Assyrians by others, when even uttering the Assyrian name was considered a political crime which would bring a curse upon the Assyrian individual and his family depriving its holder of many privileges such as owning a property, working, traveling, and even obtaining seats in schools etc.

The ANA demands that this abnormal situation be totally eliminated as well as the racist feelings which were created in the hearts of many Iraqis against the Christian Iraqis in general and the Assyrians in particular by the former regimes which formed a notion in the minds of many that the Assyrians aren't Iraqis or that they are not loyal or true patriots and made them second class citizens, these things are of course completely un true.

4- The economical, social and cultural situation: The Assyrian suffering and persecution which took place over the centuries (specially throughout the 20th century) reflected clearly on the lives of Assyrians both in the homeland and in Diaspora in many aspects but most importantly economically, socially and culturally. The Assyrian individual wasn't able to plan for any long term economical projects which would yield substantial financial benefits, on the contrary because of the instability, fear, threats along side political pressure and persecution, the Assyrian individual left all that he owned and was only concerned for his safety and that of his family.

This economic and psychological confusion lead to more social, religious and cultural suffering in general, whereby the Assyrians' interest in their cultural, national and Church inheritance declined terribly to an extent which threatened the Assyrian national identity both in the homeland and Diaspora.

As for the Diaspora the threat came from dispersion and lack of Assyrian population concentration in the same area, which made it at times almost impossible to preserve the Assyrian cultural and social existence.

In the homeland the organized and continuous hostilities aimed at obliterating the Assyrian culture and its particularities. For example, the Assyrians were prohibited since the 1980's till 2003 to have any properties or own a house in the regions and governorates of Nineveh and Kirkuk if they didn't submit written applications declaring that they were "arabs", they also couldn't seek higher education, their cultural institutions were closed and they were forbidden to practice their Assyrian folklore considering such attempts as a treason.

According to all this, the ANA will persevere and sincerely work in collaboration with all sincere Iraqis to eliminate these and other negative situations, allowing the Assyrians to practice their economic, cultural, social and religious activities in accordance with the Iraqi constitution which must guarantee individual freedoms and national particularities for all. The ANA shall also work on compensating and encouraging individuals or groups to live in their homeland respectfully and honorably in equality with other citizens.

The ANA shall work and through the elected Iraqi National Assembly in initiating a national campaign to revive the Assyrian national heritage, renewing it because it's not only an important part of the Iraqi heritage but the most ancient and still truly surviving in its homeland since its emancipation by its true owners (Assyrian Iraqis) in addition to allowing the teaching of the modern Assyrian language academically.

3rd: The regional and international aspects:

The ANA believes in the importance of:

1- Mobilizing efforts to annul the debts, and all forms of financial obligations, which were imposed as sanctions on Iraq or were residues of the previous regime.

2- Working on establishing good and friendly relations with all neighboring and Middle Eastern countries based on mutual interests.

3- Establishing good relations with the international community according to international relations and interests.

4- Joining the humanitarian, scientific, environmental and natural science organizations etc... And giving Iraq an exemplary and honorable role in commitment to the principles and the missions of such organizations.


Election Ticket 148

   Bet-Nahrain Democratic Coalition (I'itilaf al-Rafidayn al-Demoqrati)

   The Coalition has presented 12 candidates.


Election Ticket 204

Bet-Nahrain National Coalition (Qaaimat al-Rafidayn al-Wataniya)

The Bet-Nahrain National Coalition has presented 28 candidates (see list below in Arabic) who include parliamentarians and ministers in the Interim Iraqi Government in addition to independent notables such as Mr. Donny George, head of the Baghdad Museum, and others from various spectra of the ChaldoAssyrian society and provinces of Dohuk, Nineveh, Arbil, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Basrah and others. Mr. Yonadam Kanna heads the Coalition. Note that the third name is that of a female candidate to ensure a 25% participation of women in the Iraqi elections.

For the election of the Council of the Governorate of Baghdad, the Bet-Nahrain National Coalition will enter the elections as the Coalition of United Federal Patriotic List for Baghdad.

                                                                The Electoral Program of the Rafidain National List # 204

The Rafidain National List conveys the aspirations and pulse of the ChaldoAssyrian Syriac people, one of the most fundamental elements of Iraqi Society. The RNL will endeavour towards:

• Enhancing and reinforcing security and stability through the development of Iraqi armed forces and security infrastructure on a National basis. The forces will be offered proper training and preparation to enable them to fully perform the national duties and obligations to Iraq. With this, Law and order will be asserted and allow our country to regain its dignity, pride, sovereignty, and end the presence of foreign forces.
• Reinforcing the fundamentals of a united democratic parliamentarian order encompassing all elements of the Iraqi people.
• Emphasizing the unity of Iraqi society on the basis of ethnic and religious tolerance, cooperation, and shared common destiny.
• Implementation a balanced foreign policy on a national level, in the Arab and middle east region, in accordance with the United Nations’ regulations. The policy will strive to strengthen positive relations with neighbouring countries and support the ban on weapons of mass destruction in an effort to strive for peace and stability worldwide.
• The commitment to human right principles for women, children and all mankind by formalizing it in the permanent constitution.
• Ensuring that ethnic and religious minorities and denominations will be guaranteed their rights with accordance to United Nations charters. Furthermore, will ensure their active representation in the political and social arena of Iraq.
• Maintaining and further expanding Syriac language education. Enhance Syriac literature and education as it represents one of the original languages of the country.
• Cleansing the educational curriculum of racist and radical material and replacing it with views that applies to the new Iraq. To improve and update the curriculum bringing it up to date with the world and placing an emphasis on making elementary education mandatory.
• The complete overhaul of all rules and regulations which are racist and despotic in nature and put an end to political racism aimed at changing the demography and identity of the land. Further, the effort would strive to return the villages and lands to their original owners and compensate their loses.
• The reconstruction of destroyed villages and removal of current limitations and boundaries set on returning refugees and internally displaced people in returning to their villages specifically in North Iraq and the Ahwar region in the south. Moreover, to ensure that Iraqi expatriates are allowed to contribute in building the new Iraq.
• The continuation in the march towards the establishment of a solid infrastructure which will provide daily needs such as water, electricity, and all other domestic services.
• The dissemination and broadcast equality and equity regardless of associations
• Building a freemarket economy that serves our national needs, and to implement specific regulations that protects’ the interests of the private sector and the country.
• Repairing the harsh social damage instituted by of the dictatorial policies of the previous regime through working with the families of victims, prisoners of war, and political prisoners. This will address, the moral and financial needs of those family members and friends of victims found in mass graves and victims of the Anfal campaign.
• Substantially reducing unemployment and provide opportunities and social security for every Iraqi citizen.
• To rebuild the infrastructure of the Iraqi state according to modern practices compatible with the currents status and needs of the country and to rid the system of all sources of corruption.

204 Campaign flyers:  click here

Assyrian Democratic Movement's endorsement of 204:  click here


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