Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]

Volume I                       Issue 7, 8 , 9                      May 1, 15 & 29, 1995

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A Weekly Online Newsletter Serving the Assyrian Communities Around the World


30 email messages later, written in response to our insane
idea to discontinue the Pump Up the Volume section, we have
decided to reverse our premature decision and do the right

We are still experiencing technical difficulties in
transmitting your favorite electronic newsletter.  Thank you
for your encouraging comments and offers of assistance.
ZENDA's here to stay!

              W E L C O M E   T O   Z E N D A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

                     [CORPORATE ACCOUNTS]

CORR Therapeutics

                     [UNIVERSITY ACCOUNTS]

University of California, Los Angeles
University of Southern California
University of Umeaa, Sweden

                      [INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS]

Joenkoeping, Sweden
Santa Barbara, California
San Jose, California

                       S U R F S  U P !

 "In your report on Assyrians left after Turkish invasion
(from RU) why did you note that there were 75,000 Assyrians
in the mountains when, in fact, the report had stated that
the number was 300,000? I agree that this number is high -
the more probable estimate is 150,000 - but why give such a
low number?"

            -Robert DeKelaita, Chicago

"...I would like to ask any Assyrians who know of Windows
programs on True Type Assyrian fonts.  There is a company in
California called UniType who produce many different type of
foreign languages.  However, they inform me that the
Assyrian type is in development stages.  Please send mail to
wdinkha@interlog.com or wdinkha@msn.com if you have any

            -William N. Dinkha

"The Assyrian United Organization of California (A.U.O.C.)
would like to congaradulate you on your hard work."

        -Carlo Ganjeh, President of the AUOC (California)

"It's strange how two people can see one situation in two
different ways.  I am talking about tlhe New York Times
Article that I read on Friday, and had a negative reaction
to the title calling Assyrians Savages, and then they
distribute it over the Net making it seem that the author
was painting a good picture of Assyrians which I hardly
could see in his article.  Perhaps, I'm being overly
sensitive, (OK< I'm PMS'ing)  But I just think it's about
time, that every time there is an article about Assyrians in
a major newspaper like the New York Times, we should bombard
the editor with letters and make our voices heard."

            -"a PMS'ing Zenda Reader"

[on discontinuation of PUMP UP THE VOLUME]
"...As an Assyrian college student I would not want to miss
out on this section  because I personally have benefitted by
it from learning more words of our Assyrian language.  I
think that we should not categorize each other by Iranian,
Iraqian, etc.  We are all humans and should celebrate our
culture together united.  If we are to categorize each other
then how can we move on and work together to bring our goals
and dreams into reality? We will not and cannot survive if
we don't put our minor differences aside.  I don't like to
say whether I'm an Assyrian from Iran or Iraq.  Should it
really matter?  I am an Assyrian who is honored and proud to
be one."
            -Lynnette F.  (MJC, Modesto-California)

"I see a learning opportunity that should not be missed.
You should not starve your readers' intellect in this
fashion.  There is no guarantee that we will ever agree on a
standard way of pronouncing words.  Until then we should
capitalize on the educational value of this section.

It is a matter of fact that there exist several dialects in
our language.  If the pronounciation that is provided in
this section is not "standard", I suggest that those who are
informed about a different pronounciation teach the rest of
us.  They should use Zenda as the medium of choice and
inform the publication manager of the different possible
pronounciations so they can be included  in future releases
of Zenda.  This will not only keep this section alive, but
it will also educate Zenda readership on the different
dialects that are alive within our language...I will look
forward to the next issue of Zenda with the other
pronounciations of the word(s) that have offended my fellow
Assyrian(s) readers."

            -Bellos Nisan, California

"The proper words for left and right in Assyrian (and this
includes Akkadian and Aramaic) are "Semmala" and "Yammeena"
respectively. Who ares about how these have been distorted by Iraqi/Syrian/
Iranian Assyrians!  ...you have an excellent thing going.
Please keep it up. Alaha Natirookh!"

            -Robert DeKelaita, Chicago

"I was surprised by ... and the decision of the Zenda to
stop  the "Pump up the volume" section.  I strongly
recommend that you continue this section and in order to
make it less offending just mention the references from
which you have selected the words."

            -Tony Khoshaba, Chicago

"as for your "solution" to discontinue Pump Up The Volume,
this is short sighted and does more harm than good. Please
continue this section of Zenda.  Here is my contribution for
the next issue:  (English)  Electronic Message, (Assyrian)
Shikhda B-Birqa."

            -Peter Jasim (Chicago)

                     N E W S    D I G E S T

Thousands of Iraqi Christians (mostly Assyrians), against
the wishes of the priests in Iraq and most of the Assyrian
political parties in Europe and America, are fleeing their
homes in Iraq to seek asylum through the Western
embassies in Amman, Jordan. The economey of Iraq, crippled
by war and the United Nations sanctions, has wreaked havoc
on the lives of all inhabitants of the territory still under
the control of Saddan Hussain's Baath Party.   An Assyrian
family which recently arrived from Amman estimated that over
40,000 Assyrians (Nestorians, Chaldeans, and Jacobites) are
in Jordan waiting to emigrate."


US President Bill Clinton sent a  letter to Prime Minister
Tansu Ciller  thanking  her  for  ending  the  northern
Iraqi operation and withdrawing from the region in
accordance  with promise.   Clinton  stated  in his letter
that the US supports Turkey in the customs union issue with
Europe.  The  President also  emphasized  that  he  was
pleased  with the discussions during Prime Minister Tansu
Ciller visit to the US  in  April.   Meanwhile, the two
warring Kurdish political parties in the region, the PUK of
Jalal Talabani and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) of
Masoud Barzani, reached a  concensus  on  a  federal system
being  established  in  Iraq  in  which the "Provide
Comfort" forces would act  as  a  guarantor  in  the  region
should   an   agreement   be   reached   with   the  Baghdad


Chicago (ZN)-  In a press release of the Parliament of
Kurdistan in Exile, dated April 23, 1995, Zubeyir Aydar,
Chairman of the PKE Executive Council denounces the April
1915 massacre of the Christians in Turkey perpetrated by the
Ottoman administrators.  "This was a plan long in the
making, meticulously carried out with the aid of some tribal
Kurds who were organized into an auxiliary force... millions
of Armenians, Assyrians, and Kurds were murdered and many
more were forced to embrace the coldness of diaspora.", says
Aydar.  For more information contact PKE at
 129a Avenue Louise  1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +322-539-3033      Fax: +322-539-3887


The first Assyrian Community Networking Conference,
sponsored by e.BABYLON and Assyria On-Line, was held at the
Assyian State Convention of California in Pasadena on May
26.  Speakers included Albert Gabrial of e.BABYLON,  Carlo
Ganjeh, Western Regional Director of the Assyrian American
National Federation, Peter Jasim, President of Nineveh
Software (Chicago) and Francis Sarguis, English Editor of
Journal of  the Assyrian Academic Society.  During the Open
Discussions period a small group of participants formulated
an agenda for the establishment of an Assyrian Information
Network sponsored by the AANF.


The largest and most impressive exhibitions of the ancient
Assyrian art  entitled Assyrian Origin and Art & Empire were
recently opened to public at The Metropolitan Museum of Art
(5th Avenue and 82nd Street) in New York.  On display are
ancient Assyrian palace and temple reliefs, royal statuary,
fine metalwork, ivories, and tablets dating from the ninth
to seventh centuries B.C. in northern, works in stone,
precious metals, ivory, and clay dating back to the 3rd and
2nd millenia B.C.   The artifacts will remain on display
until August 13, 1995, when the exhibition will travel to
Fort Worth, Texas, where it will be exhibited at the Kimball
Art Museum from October 1st 1995 to February 4, 1996.


Germany (ZN) -   The English version of "A Forgotten
Holocaust: The Annihilation of the Assyrian Christians in
Turkey" by Dr. Gabriele Yonan, may be published as early as
the beginning of  next year.  The first edition of the book
was published in German by the Society for Endangered
People.  On her last visit to the United States Dr. Yonan
organized a committee to oversee the translation of her
scholarly research of the Assyrian community's modern
history. The Assyrian Foundation of America contributed to
the initial investment of this project. The total cost of
the translation and printing is estimated to be under
$12000.00.  The Assyrian United Organziations of California
has agreed to finance the entire project and make copies of
Dr. Yonan's work to all interested in the modern history of
the Assyrian nation.


Los Angeles (ZN)    Zenda has recently learned that since
earlier this year, Stuart Smith, a research associate of the
Institute of Archeology at UCLA has been commenting on the
props used in the production of the film "True Lies"
featuring Arnold Schwarzenegeer and Tia Carrere.  In one
scene Tia Carrere's character shows Arnold S. several
artifacts, including a winged bull door entrance carving and
stating the following:  "You see, a lot of these pieces are
from ancient Persia."  Professor Smith comments that
Lightstorm Entertainment which produced the movie was off by
300 years.  He continues to say that The Assyrians used
winged bulls to flank doorways of major buildings to ward
off unwanted intruders.  In a response to the spokesman for
Lightstorm Entertainment commented that the Carrere
character is not specific about which of the antiquities-in
a room full of them are Persian.  Professor Smith comments
that "They did a good job of imitating the original, but
someone went to a book and found the pictures.  So they must
have known what they were making.  It was odd that they
didn't mention Assyria."


Hollister (EB)-  e.BABYLON participated in the "Ties that
Bind Community Networking Conference" held from May 2
through May 5 in Cupertino, California.  The event was
sponsored by Apple Computers Inc and The Morino Institute.
Information and case studies on the types of viable
community networks  used by schools, non-profits,
foundations, businesses, media, and Government agencies were
reviewed.  e.BABYLON, the first Assyrian BBS located in
Hollister, California provided information on the activities
of the Assyrian American communities and the effect of the
electronic communication in linking the Assyrian
associations and individuals to form a collective medium of
information exchange.


Santa Barbara (JS) Journal of the the Assyrian Academic
Society is a research publication devoted to a scholarly
understanding of Assyrian culture.  Regardless of any
previous writing experience, you are invited to send your
paper or manuscript for possible publication in JAAS. The
Editorial staff provides editing assistance.  Materials
prepared in English should be sent to: FRANCIS SARGUIS, P.O.
Box 816, Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0816 [Tel 805 565-0728; Fax
805 565-0628;  E.mail: fsarguis.aol.com].  Materials
prepared in Assyrian should be sent to: DANIEL BENJAMIN,
P.O.  Box 4102, Des Plaines, IL 60016-4200 [Tel 708 803-
6776; Fax 708 803-4311].


Toronto (ZN)-   Twenty clay tablets, written in Akkadian,
were found last April at the Tell Qalat in Bahrain, in a
Middle Bronze Age Layer, associated with the Kassite
presence in Bahrain in the mid-second millennnium BC.  The
tablets are presently studied by Beatrice Andre-Salvini of
Louvre Museum in Paris.

     D I R E C T O R Y  OF THE  N E W S  S O U R C E S
AP (Associate Press)
EB (e.Babylon BBS)              Hollister, California
JS (Journal of Assyrian Academic Society)   Chicago
MC (Mercury Center)             San Jose
NQ (Nebu Quarterly)             Chicago
RU (Reuters)
ZN (Zenda Reporters)            Toronto, Germany
                        Chicago, San Jose

            A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals:

Abdulmesih BarAbrahe            Germany
Pauline Jasim:                  Chicago, Illinois
Firas Jatou:                        Toronto, Canada
Albert Gabrial:                 Hollister, California
H.B. Quoyoon        U.S.

     D I R E C T O R Y  OF THE  N E W S  S O U R C E S
AP (Associate Press)
EB (e.Babylon BBS):     Hollister, California
JS (Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society):  Chicago
MC (Mercury Center):    San Jose
NQ (Nebu Quarterly):    Chicago
RU (Reuters)
ZN (Zenda Reporters):   Toronto, Germany, Chicago, San Jose

            C A L E N D A R  OF  E V E N T S

                   CULTURE & EDUCATION

------------------------1 9 9 5-----------------------------

June 8-10       The Syriac Conference
                    Catholic University
                    Washington D.C.  U.S.

June 29         Legal Aspects of Care of the Elderly in the
                Ancient Near East:  A Colloquium
                [Society for the Study of Ancient Near
                Eastern Law]
                On Mesopotamia:  Drs.  C. Wilcke, M. Stol,
                and K.R. Veenhof

                Papyrologisch Institut
                Witte Singel 27
                NL 2311 Eig Leiden
                The Netherlands

July 3-7        42nd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
                Luven, Belgium
                "At the Crossroads of Civilization in the
                Realm,  Lanaguages and Cultures in Contact"

July 1-4        Assyrian United Organizations of California
                San Jose, California
                Chairman:  Homer Benjamin @ (408)  997-3592

Aug 31-Sept 4   Assyrian National Convention
                Sheridan Hotel
                Chicago, Illinois   U.S.

Sept  7-11      10th Anniversary of the Neo-Assyrian Text
                 Corpus Project
                Helsinki, Finland

Sept 8-Dec 31   "Nineveh 612 BC:    A Public Exhibition of
                Assyrian Art and Artifacts"
                Finnish Science Center, Heureha
                (northern part of the Helsinki metrop. area)

            -----------------1 9 9 6---------------------

June 9-11       The ARAM Conference
                Harvard University
                Cambridge, Massachusetts  U.S.



 Thursdays     Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
                Modesto Junior College
                1:00 pm,  Founders Hall 125.


July 1-4       Assyrian Olympics
               San Jose, California

A S S Y R I A N  S U R F I N G  P O S T S  O N  T H E  N E T

Ancient Mesopotamia
Assyria On-Line         http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~jatou/./
Corpus Neo Assyrian     http://www.helsinki.fi/science/saa/
e.BABYLON               Albert-GAbrial@HollOnline.com
"Newsgroup"             soc-culture-assyrian
Syriac Comp Inst        http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/gk105/
"unconfirmed"           http://www/ibn.com/friends/aktasc
Zenda                   walkhas@qntm.com

              P U M P  U P  T H E  V O L U M E

Luck, Fortune       "gadda"

Misfortune          "Bish-gadda"

Lucky                masculine:   "gaddana, tdav-gadda"

               B A C K  TO THE  F U T U R E
B.C.    (2800)   Ishtar, goddess of love, fertility, and war
is worshipped in the city of Ashur.

A.D.    (Nov 1845) Sir Henry Austin Layard, the British
excavator, discovers the palace of Ashurnasirpal II. He was
assisted by the Assyrian archeologist from Mosul, Hormuzd
Rassam, who later discovered the palace of Ashurbanipal in
Nineveh and the Balawat Gates.

            Z E N D A    M A R K E T  P L A C E
Assyrian Email Directory    jatou@waves.toronto.edu
SOFT Zenda                  walkhas@qntm.com
HARD Zenda               P.O. Box 20278 San Jose, California
                         95160 U.S.

        I N  T H E  N E X T  I S S U E  OF  Z E N D A
-An Assyrian Represents The Assyrian Women in the UN
    Conference in China
-Assyrian State Convention in California, Pasadena

                      ...and more!

The next issue of ZENDA due on June 12, 1995.