Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]
Volume I                       Issue 14                      October 30, 1995

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A Weekly Online Newsletter Serving the Assyrian Communities Around the World

                      THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E

[In 1973 Dr. David Perley was awarded the "Star of
Ashur" by the Assyrian Universal Alliance Congress
in Yonkers, New York.  The following was the
concluding remark of his speech.]

"Don Quixote sang in joy that his only guiding star
was his Quest, where to win or lose becomes immater-
ial.  What is material however, is that he follow the
Quest both as a matter of duty and as a matter of

What gleam of hope may we have, you may ask further?

That gleam of hope I find in the statement of the
late William B. Ziff, who declared:
'The Assyrian past is a record in which the down-
trodden Assyrian remnants can find a bright gleam
of hope for the future.  For the sacred fire of the
great creative genius is burried in the wombs of
their women and will one day burst forth again in
the persons of children perhaps yet unborn.'

The Knight-errant of Cervantes had but one dream-
to follow his Quest no matter how impossible his
Dream-to follow the Star, no matter how hopeless,
no matter how unreachable.  To fight for the Right,
he was willing to march into hell for a heavenly

Let me ask you:  what is more heavenly than to
fight for the cause of the Assyrians?  It belongs
in the city which was built to music, and therefore
never built at all, and therefore built forever.

Assyria will not die!  This is my ultimate passion."

  G O O D   M O R N I N G   B E T - N A H R A I N
According to unconfirmed reports, Massoud Barzani,
the current leader of the Kurdish Democratic Party,
has invited John Nimrod, the Secretary General of the
Assyrian Universal Alliance, for a visit to Northern
Iraq.  Mr. Nimrod recently met with the representatives
of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tehran.

Some 30,000 Iraqi soldiers, of whom 700 may be Assyrian,
are believed to remain in Iranian prisons, according to
the International Committee of the Red Cross.  In 1992
all negotiations between the ICRC and the government
of Iran collapsed as Iran refused to cooperate.  The
Baathist government in Baghdad maintains that it hold
no Iranian soldier.  After the Iran-Iraq War ceasefire
in 1988 some 75000 prisoners were exchanged on both
                  S U R F S  U P !
"I was in Dallas on business last weekend, and managed
to swing by Kimbell Museum.  The collection they had
displayed was an abreviated version of Met's exhibit.
They Berlin collection was not present.  Nonetheless,it
was well worth the trip!  The pieces they  have on hand
are some of the most important and valuable Assyrian
artifacts still remaining. There was also an informative
audio tour available.   I'd recommend it highly!

                            -Yolanda Bebla, California

"What a wonderful introductory essay to Zenda; the most
life-giving, hope-inducing, faith-strengthening and
uplifting collection of words and thoughts I have read
in a long time.  Continue to give us hope.  Khayit!!!"

                           -Robert Dekelaita, Chicago

"Your last few introductory articles were repulsive,
obnoxious, and far-fetched.  Please stop my
subscription and put a stop to your preposterous
claims at once...and stop feeding nonsense into the
minds of our youth."
[Zenda:  Since the appearance of our feature
article "ROOMS WITH A VIEW" nine readers have asked
us to discontinue their subscription.  Zenda will
continue to print your views and comments unedited
and if possible in their entirety.  As M.L. King
wrote in 1963, "nothing can be more dangerous than
a sincere ignorance and conscienctous stupidity."]

"Thanks for Zenda.  Beautiful & original opening as
usual.  We must propagate this silent revolution.
Keep up the good work..."

                            -Pauline Jasim, Chicago

"I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that due to my
expedient nature when I check email in-between classes,
I almost overlooked that inspiring introduction in the
latest issue of Zenda.  Paradoxically, the scene at
first struck me to be fictitious.  Yet as I continued
to read, I realized that you were describing quite
poetically the nationalistic endeavors that are under-
taken each day by our fellow brothers and sisters.  Your
piece certainly offered a strong argument to those long-
winded and empty statements that chastise our nation for
being unproductive, quite unjustly I may say.  Thank you
for reminding me of the beautiful and heartening images
taking place every minute.  It certainly is wonderful to
have the efforts conjured so vividly by your picturesque
                            -Natali Aziz, California

"For PUMP UP THE VOLUME wouldn't it be better if you
stuck to a particular theme of words?  Just a thought.
I don't know if the words will stick as well if I'm
making the association of 'shalpookhta rooshmeta'. :)"

                            -Vivian Hermiz, California
               N E W S    D I G E S T

EB (Hollister) Albert Gabrial of eBabylon has completed
the creation of another homepage for the enjoyment of
the Assyrian WEB browsers.  This time however, he had a
much younger audience in mind:  ages 6 through 12.
"Nineveh Kids", as he calls his young internet users,
can look through pages of text and graphics detailing
the Assyrian heritage, language, and history.  In the
near future, Assyrian songs and coloring pictures can
be downloaded as more and more parents are encouraged
to assist in the gathering of information and teaching
tools.  The URL address for the Nineveh Kids Homepage:


SC (Toronto) On November 5, the United Assyrian Youth
of Canada will celebrate 25 years of Ninos Nirary's
literary accomplishments and timeless contribution to
the modern literature of the Assyrian language.  Nirari
is best known for his impressive biography of General
Agha Potros of Baz: "Agha Potros, Saankhirib d'Dora d'
Esree." A collection of Nirari's poems entitled
"Igarta" or The Message is currently available on
cassett tape.  Ninos Nirary will be the guest speaker
of the evening accompanied by several other figures
of the modern Assyrian literature.


ZN (San Jose)  Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, the Repre-
sentative of California's 14th Congressional District,
and Ben Elias, a member of Union City's City Council,
have declared their candidacy for re-election.  Both
candidates have begun extensive campaigns in northern
California and are seeking volunteers to aid in their
re-election campaigns.  For more information contact:

Anna Eshoo:  (202) 225-8104  in Washington D.C.
                    (415) 323-2984  in California
Ben Elias:      (408) 223-2208  contact Mr. Esha Tamras


NQ (Chicago)  H.W.F. Saggs, the author of THE MIGHT
THAT WAS ASSYRIA, has written a new book entitled
THE BABYLONIANS.  Saggs "details the history of the
southern peoples of Mesopotamia (including Chaldean
and Aramean tribes), Assyrian conquests, and the
Babylonian legacy in western civilization," according
to Robert DeKelaita of the Nabu Books in Chicago.  THE
BABYLONIANS is priced at $28.00, available in hardcover
through Nabu Books: PO Box 59422, Chicago, IL. 60659.

       C A L E N D A R    OF      E V E N T S
-----------------1 9 9 5-------------------

Sept 8-Dec 31   "Nineveh  612 BC:    A Public Exhibition of
                Assyrian Art and Artifacts"
                Finnish Science Center, Heureha
                (northern part of the Helsinki metrop. area)

Oct 1-Feb 4    Exhibition: Assyrian Art & History
                 Kimball  Art  Museum
                 Fort Worth, Texas
                 (817) 332-8451

Oct 30         The Simmons Family Lecture Series
                at the Gindi Auditorium
                University of Judaism
                15600 Mulholland Dr
                Los Angeles.
                "Mesopotamian Myths, Epics and
                 Laments: the First Recorded
                 by Dr. Piotr Michalowski
                 of University of Michigan

Nov 5          A Gathering in Recognition of
               Ninos Nirari's Accomplishments
               Toronto, Canada
Nov 28         The Simmons Family Lecture Series
                "The West Semitic Alphabet
                 and the Spread of Civilization"
                 by Dr. Dennis Pardee
                 of University of Chicago

Dec 5           The Simmons Family Lecture Series
                 "King of the Four Quarters of
                  the Earth: Art, Power and
                  Politics in the Assyrian Empire"
                  by Dr. John Russell
                  of Columbia University

June 9-11 (1996) The ARAM Conference
                 Harvard University
                 Cambridge, Massachusetts  U.S.
Dec 31        New Year's Eve Party
              San Jose, California
              Entertainment:  Ogen

Thursdays     Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
              Modesto Junior College
              1:00 pm
              Founders Hall 125.

Nov 10        National Executive Committee Meeting
              Assyrian American National Federation
              Chicago, Illinois
Mondays       Assyrian Discussion Group
              BETA:  AAA of  San Jose
              8:00-9:30 pm
               Assyrian Calendar (10/30)
               A History of the ASYN Language (11/6)
Tuesdays      Boys Soccer Practice
              South Valley Christian School
              Corner of Blossom and Shawnee
              San Jose, California
              5-6:30 pm

Sundays       Boys/Girls Volleyball
              Campbell Community Center
              Camden & Union
              Campbell, California
              6-9 pm
   A S S Y R I A N   S U R F I N G   P O S T S
                       New Site(s)

Nineveh Kids Homepage

Ancient Mesopotamia

Assyria On-Line

Assyrian Youth Association of Sweden

Corpus Neo Assyrian Project:  Helsinki, Finland


Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society

"Newsgroup"     soc.culture.assyrian

Syriac Comp Inst
                         P U M P  U P  T H E  V O L U M E

Hawk           "shaah-va"
Eagle          "neshra"
Falcon         "nes-sa", "baz-zeegha"
            B A C K  TO THE  F U T U R E
B.C.(750)  By this time the cavalry had replaced
the chariots in the armies of the Assyrian kings.
During this century, as is shown in the reliefs of
Tiglath-Pileser III, the cavalrymen employed a new
technique which allowed them to operate independent
of another rider, controlling one's own mount.

A.D.(1736) Naader Shah of Iran expels all Catholic
missionaries from Iran.  The Assyrians of Salamas in
northwestern Iran guarded the Roman Catholic faith
until the return of the Vatican Church representatives
to Urmie in 1839.
                           W E L C O M E   T O   Z E N D A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

              [CORPORATE ACCOUNTS]

Metropolitan Museum of Art


University of Chicago
DePaul University, Chicago
Northern Illinois University

                     A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals:

Pauline Jasim           Chicago, Illinois
Carlo Ganjeh            San Jose, California
Nineveh Magazine        Berkeley, California
Robert DeKalaita        Chicago, ILlinois

Our Next Issue will appear on Monday, November 6, 1995.