Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]
Volume I                       Issue 15                      November 6, 1995

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A Weekly Online Newsletter Serving the Assyrian Communities Around the World

                    THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E
What is the vision of the future as perceived by the
many Assyrian political organizations?  Is it the
creation of an independent state of Assyria
in the Middle East or is it the establishment of a
world-wide non-gevernmental organization?  Is it
cultural autonomy in a federation of multicultural
state of Iraq that they wish to recognize, or is the
status quo their hope for the future of Bet-Nahrain?

The reality of our time is that our unfocused political
wants are bankrupting our limited resources. The
"leaderships" of the Assyrian nation are ineffective
in effectuating a change.  The intellectuals remain
disgruntled and our youth apathetic.  Yet what seems
as an insurmountable problem, has a simple solution:
empowerment of the youth, the rich,  and the
intellectuals. The authoritarian elites, currently
running the social and political affairs of the Assyrian
nation in diaspora, must allow these three groups to
complete the design of a new society.  A true vision
of the future, as conceived through the informed
decision of these three groups,  will shine the light
of courage and determination upon the faces of our
frightened masses and remove the fear of an uncertain
  G O O D   M O R N I N G   B E T - N A H R A I N

SC (Toronto)  Mr. Ninos Betyo, the secretary General
of the Assyrian Democratic Movement (Zowaa) and Mr.
Salim Toma Kako, the Deputy Minister of Housing and
Public Works in Northern Bet Nahrain,have completed
their official visit to Canda.  In a dinner banquet
held in the honor of the ADM representatives over
$5,000 were raised to assist the Assyrian needy of
northern Bet-Nahrain. Over 350 Assyrians attended
the political rally on Sunday October 29 in Toronto.
The Assyrian delegation departed Canada on October 31
and continues on touring the Assyrian organizations
in Europe.

RU (Baghdad) - Iran is contacting the Iraqi rebel
groups in an effort to establish a base in northern
Bet-Nahrain.  At least one brigade of the Iranian-backed
Shiite dissidents, formerly stationed along Iraq's
southern borders, had moved to the area, currently
outside the control of the Baghdad government. The
Badr forces, whose strength has been put at about
5,000, consist mainly of refugees and Iraqi POWs.

One diplomat said the deployment followed agreement
between Jalal Talabani, leader of the Patriotic Union
of Kurdistan (PUK) and Mohammed Baqr al-Hakim of the
Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq
(SCIRI) during a visit to Tehran last month. Talabani's
rival, Massoud Barzani of the Kurdistan Democratic Party
(KDP), has been courting Turkey by pursuing Turkish-Kurd
guerrillas on his territory.
Most  Iraqi Kurds are Sunni Muslims who have little or
no religious affiliation with Shiite Iranians.  An allied
air-force based in southern Turkey polices a no-fly zone
in northern Bet-Nahrain to guard the area against possible
attacks by the Iraqi army.  U.S.-brokered talks between
the two factions held in Ireland in September failed to
reach an agreement

RU (Ankara) - At least 30 people, including four children,
died Tuesday when a bomb exploded in northern Bet-Nahrain.
Four houses near the security office were destroyed in the
blast. Iraqi Kurds have blamed agents of Baghdad.  One of
the worst bombings in northern Iraq took place last February
when at least 73 people died after a car bomb exploded on
a busy commercial street in Zakho, controlled by the KDP.
There were no Assyrian casualties in last week's bombing.

                                        S U R F S  U P !
"I just wanted to say thank you for sending me the
online newsletter. I hope to enjoy and learn from all
the future online newsletters."

                           -Muna Yacoub, Chicago

"I have really enjoyed your newsletter. I believe
that what you and many others like you are attempting
to do, is very commendable.  I believe that the in-
formation superhighway is just what the doctor ordered,
for the Assyrian people.  I believe this is a great
tool to use to unite our people..."

                          -Joseph Agassi, California

"The last time that I sat down and addressed a letter
to an Assyrian body was almost one year ago, when I
first moved to San Jose and mailed in my membership
application and dues.  Unfortunately, it is with great
regret and disappointment that I am addressing this
body [the Assyrian American Association of San Jose]
once again.  Upon receiving the flyer for last
week's Halloween party, I was appalled to read "Due
to limited space please bring Assyrian guests only"
as a condition for attendance.

I understand that as a community, it is important for
us to hold onto our culture, heritage and language.
But does the AAA of San Jose honestly believe that
hosting non-Assyrians at their parties, parties that
play American, Persian, Assyrian and Latin dance music,
will contribute to the fall of Ashur and the demise of
the Assyrian population???  To find this sort of men-
tality among educated people is quite simply ludicrous,
shocking, and above all, saddening.

It is only by welcoming non-Assyrian guests at our
functions that we will be able to present ourselves
as a nation united and proud, rather than closed-
minded and threatened.  We live in a country where
we are a minority, where we will undoubtedly cultivate
friendships with non-Assyrians.  If I choose to
bring my non-Assyrian friend as a guest into my
community, it isbecause I am proud of my heritage.
Out of respect for me and my judgment ,my community
should embrace rather than shun my guest. Is it fair
for me to be ostracized from my people because I have
friends and associates in non-Assyrian circles that
I want to be exposed to and/or included in the
Assyrian society?  What happens if one marries a
non-Assyrian?  Will their spouse be allowed to par-
ticipate in the dance party?  Ultimatums which stem
from ignorance will only drive our youth further away
from their people. Ultimately, it will be the Assyrian
community that will falter if it does not alter its

My friends, we are living, working and paying taxes
in a non-Assyrian world.  By not allowing Assyrians
the right to share their culture, whether it be a
Nisibin party, Club picnic or Convention banquet,
we are forcing their hand and pushing them away
towards other ethnicities.  Other cultures bring
in theoutsider and integrate them into the community,
thereby strengthening their core with new ideas as
well as securing that one member of the clan from being
led astray.  Can we say the same?

Please examine the broader picture here:  we are
preaching cultural unity and oneness by having
"Assyrian Guests Only" parties that play maybe five
Assyrian songs the entire night, a night that more
often than not ends in a fight, verbal and/or physical,
involving the same proponents of the "Assyrian Guests
Only" policy.  It is simply not logical to the educated

Cooperation among fellow Assyrian organizations.
Stronger ties within and among the churches.  Coor-
dinated sporting events.  Educational programs.
Scholarship funds.  Goodwill and respect towards one
another.  THESE sorts of happenings will contribute
to the rise of Ashur and preservation of our legacy.

Our ancestors learned and absorbed from their neighbors
in order to strengthen their empire.  In turn, we must
continue to strive for intellectual excellence...for
it is in knowledge that lies the power to become a
nation united."
                          -Alina Sargiss, California

               N E W S    D I G E S T


ZN (Chicago)  The Assyrian Chamber of Commerce will
hold its 5th Annual Assyrian Business Convention from
November 23 through 25 at the O'Hare Expo Center in
Chicago.  Bazaar Tables will be available for merchants
and individuals to display and/or sell their products.
For further information contact Mr. Edward Ishaya
at 312-743-2258. For hotel room reservation,
call 1-708-696-1234.  All entertainment programs
will begin at 8 PM at the O'Hare Expo Center -
East Ballroom.      For general information call
312-463-9000 or write to:
             Assyrian Chamber of Commerce
               6310 N. Lincoln, Suite 20
                  Chicago, IL 60659


ZN (Tehran)  Based on unconfirmed reports, last week
an Assyrian girl may have been kidnapped in
Tehran.  No information on the identity of this
individual was received at press time.  The
authorities have not ruled out the possibility of  a
deliberate escape from home.


AP (DAMASCUS)  One of the oldest temples found in Syria
has been unearthed in the northeastern part of the
country.  The temple, dating from 4,000 to 3,000 B.C.,
was discovered by a Russian archaeological expedition
at Tel Khazna in the country's northeast corner. It
consists of a number of chambers topped by a 25-foot-
high tower. A cemetery dating from around 3,000 B.C.
was found in one of the chambers, along with three
implements and a number of ornamental tools.

  D I R E C T O R Y  OF THE  N E W S  S O U R C E S
AA (AAA of San Jose Newsletter)
AP (Associate Press)
EB (e.Babylon BBS): 1-209-668-1827
        Hollister, California
JS (Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society)
   P.O. Box 4102   Des Plaines, Illinois 60016-4102
NQ (Nebu Quarterly)
        P.O. Box 59422, Chicago  Illinois  60659
RU (Reuters)
SC (soc.culture.assyrian)
WS (The Wall Street Journal)
ZN (Zenda Reporters):   zenda@ix.netcom.com
    Toronto, Germany, Chicago, Los Angeles, & San Jose
       C A L E N D A R    OF      E V E N T S
-----------------1 9 9 5-------------------

Sept 8-Dec 31   "Nineveh  612 BC:    A Public Exhibition of
                Assyrian Art and Artifacts"
                Finnish Science Center, Heureha
                (northern part of the Helsinki metrop. area)

Oct 1-Feb 4    Exhibition: Assyrian Art & History
                 Kimball  Art  Museum
                 Fort Worth, Texas
                 (817) 332-8451

Nov 12         "Exhortation and an Assyrian Self-examination"
               A lecture by Mr. Zomaya S. Solomon
               Assyrian Social club
               6313 N. Pulaski Avenue
               Chicago, IL
Nov 23-28      November 23, 95
       -23-    Exhibit/Bazaar
               O'Hare Expo Center
               6 PM - 1 AM
               Babylon Night
               O'Hare Expo Center - East Ballroom - 8 PM
               Admission:  $7.00

       -24-    Exhibit/Bazaar
               O'Hare Expo Center
               6 PM - 1 AM
               Nineveh Night
               O'Hare Expo Center - East Ballroom - 8 PM
               Admission:  $12.00

               ACC General Body Meeting
               Hyatt Hotel
               11-2 PM
               Lecture  (TBA)
               Hyatt Hotel - 2 PM
               O'Hare Expo Center  -  6 PM - 1 AM
               Assyrian Business Ball
               O'Hare Expo Center - East Ballroom - 8 PM
               Admission:  $15.00

               Evan Aghassi
               Linda George
               Charles Tooma
               Melis Ishaya
               Fatin Shabo
               Wisam Zaia
               Oleen Rehana
               ...special appearance by Walid
Nov 28         The Simmons Family Lecture Series
                at the Gindi Auditorium
                University of Judaism
                15600 Mulholland Dr
                Los Angeles.
                "The West Semitic Alphabet
                 and the Spread of Civilization"
                 by Dr. Dennis Pardee
                 of University of Chicago

Dec 5           The Simmons Family Lecture Series
                 "King of the Four Quarters of
                  the Earth: Art, Power and
                  Politics in the Assyrian Empire"
                  by Dr. John Russell
                  of Columbia University

June 9-11 (1996) The ARAM Conference
                 Harvard University
                 Cambridge, Massachusetts  U.S.
Dec 31        New Year's Eve Party
              Westin Hotel
              San Jose, California
              Entertainment:  Ogen
Thursdays     Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
              Modesto Junior College
              1:00 pm
              Founders Hall 125.

Nov 10        National Executive Committee Meeting
              Assyrian American National Federation
              Chicago, Illinois
Mondays       Assyrian Discussion Group
              BETA:  AAA of  San Jose
              8:00-9:30 pm
               A History of the ASYN Language (11/6)
Tuesdays      Boys Soccer Practice
              South Valley Christian School
              Corner of Blossom and Shawnee
              San Jose, California
              5-6:30 pm

Sundays       Boys/Girls Volleyball
              Campbell Community Center
              Camden & Union
              Campbell, California
              6-9 pm
   A S S Y R I A N   S U R F I N G   P O S T S
Ancient Mesopotamia

Assyria On-Line

Assyrian Youth Association of Sweden

Corpus Neo Assyrian Project:  Helsinki, Finland


Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society

"Newsgroup"     soc.culture.assyrian

Nineveh Kids Homepage

Syriac Comp Inst

          P U M P  U P  T H E  V O L U M E

Weariness      "sghadta"
Tired, to be   "sharsheta"
Boredom        "mal-iyoota"
               -boring:  maalya,maalta (fem.)
                kma ktava maalya!
                aha hamzamta eela raabaa maalta.
            B A C K  TO THE  F U T U R E
B.C.(2250)  The city of Ebla in Syria is destroyed by
fire, presumably in an Akkadian attack.  The palace
and temples of the city of Mari, also in the present
day Syria, show evidence of similar destruction at
about the same time.

A.D.(1975) Italian archeologists identify Tell Mardikh
in Syria's northwestern plains as the ancient city of
Ebla.  The discovery established Syria as an important
arena of ancient history.  Thousands of clay tablets
written in Eblaite, an early Semitic language, were

         W E L C O M E   T O   Z E N D A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

              [CORPORATE ACCOUNTS]

Environmental Protection Agency


California State University, Stanislaus


Chicago (2)

          A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals:

Pauline Jasim           Chicago, Illinois
Samir Khamis            Detroit, Michigan

Please limit your letters to no more than three short
paragraphs.  ZENDA will continue to print your
comments and suggestions free of editing, as they
were received in our mailbox.  All letters will be
printed in our PUMP UP THE VOLUME section unless
directed otherwise.
Our Next Issue will appear on Monday, November 13, 1995.