Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]
Volume I                       Issue 16                      November 13, 1995

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A Weekly Online Newsletter Serving the Assyrian Communities Around the World

                      THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E

       A poem
       has enticed
       my lips
       to display a passionate mosaic of words
       telling you
       all that I am
       but never
       the real me.

       The piano plays
       yet treacherous
       slices of remorse
       patent with genes
       Ah and Yes of a nationalistic breed
       telling you
       who you are.

       Thirst quenches me
       then I twisting quench
       we dance Our "rigda"
       under the sheet of love
       only to find
       a rain of knives
       hailing our bodies with scars
       telling us of our

                        Sharokin Betgevargiz
                        Connecticut, U.S.

  G O O D   M O R N I N G   B E T - N A H R A I N
WS (Baghdad) The Iraqi government has objected to the
U.N.'s monitoring of the sales and the distribution
of food, as well as the allocation of some revenue to
the Assyrian and Kurdish groups in northern

                  S U R F S  U P !
"I think you are doing a commendable job. I just hope
more people take your lead and take advantage of what
this world has to offer the Assyrian people. I think
this is a good start, and hopefully it will not end
here. But it is up to us not to let it..."

                          -Joseph Aghassi, California

"All of my life I have spoken Assyrian, but it wasn't
until recently until I became proud of who I am.
Constantly being labeled as Persian (because it was
my parent's birth place) bothers me.  Constantly
hearing my younger cousins shunning their Assyrian
background and refusing to speak their mother tongue
perturbs me.  I am so excited each time I read ZENDA;
I got to UC Berkeley and my family is in Los Angeles.
This is my Assyrian connection while I am away. Keep
up the good work!!!"

                          -Nira Geevargis, California

"After reading Zenda's latest issue and knowing the
situation that occurred at the San Jose Nisibin
Halloween party I applaud Alina Sargiss's letter to
the AAA of San Jose.  I am appalled and disgusted
that Assyrians would discriminate against non-Assyrians.
As an Assyrian, I am proud of my heritage, ancestry
and community.  However,  I must confess that one
of my closest and dearest friends is not an Assyrian.
If I choose to invite my non-Assyrian friends to an
Assyrian function  I would hope and pray that my
community would also invite and welcome my friends.
If I had to make a choice, my community would
lose and I would not participate in any Assyrian
function.  I myself would never have supported nor
attended an event that did not allow me to invite my
friends, regardless of their nationality.  We have
many Assyrians that have married outside our culture.
Are their spouses not welcomed?  Why are we
not encouraging our people to invite their friends
to our functions, in order to keep them involved
in the community?  Instead we are pushing them away.
Non Assyrians are welcomed in my home and
in my heart.  Who are these people who tell me
that my friends are not welcomed in my community?
I am my community and I did not make these decisions.
If the rest of my community does not welcome
my friends, then they do not welcome me...and it
will be their loss.  These are the types of issues
that make our generation an apathetic one, as well as
nauseate and discourage people like myself from
getting involved in Assyrian affairs.

Why do we hire bands like Black Cats?  They are
not Assyrian.   Why are we not playing only Assyrian
music at our parties?  Why are we not dressing in
our traditional clothing?  The Indians do.  I myself
love to listen to Persian music.  I enjoy wearing
western clothing.  Please don't misunderstand me,
I'm not saying let's all go out and make friends
with non-Assyrians.  I'm simply saying that we
shouldn't discourage people from attending our
gatherings.  If an Assyrian boy/girl brings his/her
non-Assyrian boyfriend/girlfriend to a party, I
believe it is better that they are there with a non-
Assyrian rather than not being there at all.

We will all continue to have different opinions on
the matter.  I must encourage those that share my
opinion on the subject not to support or attend any
function that does not allow non-Assyrians.  This is
my opinion and thoughts on the subject."

                        -Sandra Gevarguize
                         New York
               N E W S    D I G E S T

ZN (San Jose) Mr. Ben Elias, an Assyrian local official,
was re-elected to the City Council of Union city,
California.  Mr Elias was elected on November 4, for
another 2-year term.


SC (Toronto) The United Assyrian Youth of Canada
has invited Hanibal Alkhas and Yosep Bet-Yosep to
speak on November 19, 1995, 2:00 P.M. at the Assyrian
Centre in Mississauga-Toronto.  Mr. Alkhas, currently
visiting North America, is a well-known Assyrian artist
and poet.  The works of Mr. Alkhas have appeared in
several galleries in Iran, Israel, and the United
States.  Mr. Bet-Yosep is a familiar face around
the Assyrian communities in Canada.  Not long ago he
accompanied Ninos Aho to a similar event sponsored
by the Assyrian Centre.  Hanibal Alkhas and Yosep
Bet-Yosep have been collaborating on several literary
and artistic projects in California.


TN (Ankara) On Tuesday, Malik Hussein of Jordan,
suggested in an interview appearing in the
Financial Times of France that Iraq should be trans-
formed into a federation of Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish
communities. "A federated Iraq might be the answer,"
he said in his interview, excerpts of which were
carried by Agence France Presse on Tuesday.  "I have
the conviction that what we need in Iraq is for us
to get credible representatives of the three major
components of Iraq's people," Hussein said.

Analysts questioned on this point, however, suggested
the Kurds of Northern Bet-Nahrain would not, in fact,
be averse to a federative arrangement, given that
historic precedence has done little to bolster their
confidence in the central authority in the country.
The Assyrian population, neither the residents of
Northern Bet-Nahrain nor the Chaldean-Christians in
Central Iraq, were noted in any future plans for a
new Iraqi Federation.

It remains to be seen whether a country such as the
United States would be comfortable in the long run
with the emergence of another Shiite political entity
in the region which is second in size to Iran.  One
official also questioned whether King Hussein could
convince his own people, 95 percent of who are
orthodox Sunni Muslims, of the need to pave the way
for another Shiite state of sorts in the region.


ZN (Iran) An Assyrian family in Urmie, Iran has begun
a search for a missing family member-Mr. Harbik Baba-
Oghli.  Any information that may assist this family
in locating Mr. Baba-Oghli should be emailed to
Zenda at zenda@ix.netcom.com .


AS (Sweden)  The Assyrian-Swedish Soocer Team, BABYLON,
is the winner of this year's Assyrian Soccer Tournament
in Sweden.  Another strong contendor in this year's
"BABYLON CUP" was the soccer team from Linkoeping,
Sweden, which took third place.  The triumphant Assyrian
soccer teams celebrated their victory with an evening of
Assyrian music and dance.  The Assyrian vocalist, Linda
George, entertained the guests with selections from her
recently released compact disk.

  D I R E C T O R Y  OF THE  N E W S  S O U R C E S
AA (AAA of San Jose Newsletter)
AP (Associate Press)
AS (Assyrian Server in Sweden)
EB (e.Babylon BBS): 1-209-668-1827
        Hollister, California
JS (Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society)
   P.O. Box 4102   Des Plaines, Illinois 60016-4102
NQ (Nebu Quarterly)
        P.O. Box 59422, Chicago  Illinois  60659
RU (Reuters)
SC (soc.culture.assyrian)
TN (Turkish News Agency)
WS (The Wall Street Journal)
ZN (Zenda Reporters):   zenda@ix.netcom.com
    Toronto, Germany, Chicago, Los Angeles, & San Jose
       C A L E N D A R    OF      E V E N T S
-----------------1 9 9 5-------------------

Sept 8-Dec 31   "Nineveh  612 BC:    A Public Exhibition of
                Assyrian Art and Artifacts"
                Finnish Science Center, Heureha
                (northern part of the Helsinki metrop. area)

Oct 1-Feb 4    Exhibition: Assyrian Art & History
                 Kimball  Art  Museum
                 Fort Worth, Texas
                 (817) 332-8451

Nov 19         Hannibal Alkhas & Yosep Bet-Yosep
               << A Seminar >>
               The Assyrian Centre
               Toronto, Canada
               2:00 PM
Nov 23-28      November 23, 95
       -23-    Exhibit/Bazaar
               O'Hare Expo Center
               6 PM - 1 AM
               Babylon Night
               O'Hare Expo Center - East Ballroom - 8 PM
               Admission:  $7.00

       -24-    Exhibit/Bazaar
               O'Hare Expo Center
               6 PM - 1 AM
               Nineveh Night
               O'Hare Expo Center - East Ballroom - 8 PM
               Admission:  $12.00

               ACC General Body Meeting
               Hyatt Hotel
               11-2 PM
               Lecture  (TBA)
               Hyatt Hotel - 2 PM
               O'Hare Expo Center  -  6 PM - 1 AM
               Assyrian Business Ball
               O'Hare Expo Center - East Ballroom - 8 PM
               Admission:  $15.00

               Evan Aghassi
               Linda George
               Charles Tooma
               Melis Ishaya
               Fatin Shabo
               Wisam Zaia
               Oleen Rehana
               ...special appearance by Walid
Nov 28         The Simmons Family Lecture Series
                at the Gindi Auditorium
                University of Judaism
                15600 Mulholland Dr
                Los Angeles.
                "The West Semitic Alphabet
                 and the Spread of Civilization"
                 by Dr. Dennis Pardee
                 of University of Chicago

Dec 5           The Simmons Family Lecture Series
                 "King of the Four Quarters of
                  the Earth: Art, Power and
                  Politics in the Assyrian Empire"
                  by Dr. John Russell
                  of Columbia University

June 9-11 (1996) The ARAM Conference
                 Harvard University
                 Cambridge, Massachusetts  U.S.
Dec 31        New Year's Eve Party
              Westin Hotel
              San Jose, California
              Entertainment:  Ogen
Thursdays     Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
              Modesto Junior College
              1:00 pm
              Founders Hall 125.

Nov 10        National Executive Committee Meeting
              Assyrian American National Federation
              Chicago, Illinois
Mondays       Assyrian Discussion Group
              BETA:  AAA of  San Jose
              8:00-9:30 pm
Tuesdays      Boys Soccer Practice
              South Valley Christian School
              Corner of Blossom and Shawnee
              San Jose, California
              5-6:30 pm

Sundays       Boys/Girls Volleyball
              Campbell Community Center
              Camden & Union
              Campbell, California
              6-9 pm
   A S S Y R I A N   S U R F I N G   P O S T S
                     NEW HOMEPAGES

A List of Books on Babylon

Akkadian Language

Assyrian Flag

Assyrian Server (in Sweden)

Ancient Mesopotamia

Assyria On-Line

Assyrian Youth Association of Sweden

Corpus Neo Assyrian Project:  Helsinki, Finland


Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society

"Newsgroup"     soc.culture.assyrian

Nineveh Kids Homepage

Syriac Comp Inst

          P U M P  U P  T H E  V O L U M E

Negative       "mree-ma-na"
               Negative Impression:  rooshma mreemana
Positive       "msee-ma-na"
               Positive Attitude:  doobara mseemana
Neutral        "mool-sa"
               Neutral Stand:  kleta moolseta
            B A C K  TO THE  F U T U R E
B.C.(1275)  King Shalmanaser I of Assyria campaigns
against the eight Urartian districts around Lake Van.
Shalmanaser notes that all areas were conquered,
tribute was imposed, and the youth were carried off
to Ashur.

A.D.(1982) The first Assyrian wordprocessor is
developed in California using an early IBM Personal

         W E L C O M E   T O   Z E N D A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

              [CORPORATE ACCOUNTS]

Hollister BBS
AT & T Global Systems


University of Illinois

Jonkoping, Sweden

          A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals:

Ramin Daniel           San Jose, California
Atour TV               San Jose, California
     Assyrian Federation of Sweden
    United Assyrian Youth of Canada
Please limit your letters to no more than three short
paragraphs.  ZENDA will continue to print your
comments and suggestions free of editing, as they
were received in our mailbox.  All letters appearing
in our mailbox will be printed in our PUMP UP THE
VOLUME section unless directed otherwise.

Our Next Issue will appear on Monday, November 20, 1995.