Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]
Volume I                       Issue 19                      December 4, 1995

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A Weekly Online Newsletter Serving the Assyrian Communities Around the World

                    THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E

"The Assyrians were monotheists before Christ and
Christians after him, and the past therefore led on
to the present without a break.  Thus the history of
Karkha d'Bet Selokh* (Kirkuk) begins with the Assyrian
kings and ends with the Assyrian martyrs:  Sargon
(Sharokin)founded it and the martyrs made it 'a blessed
field for Christianity.'  Likewise in the Seventh
Century before Christ all the world stood in awe of
Sardana,and in the Seventh Century after Christ the
saints took his place as the 'sun of Athor' and the
'glory of Nineve.'

                        Dr. Patricia Crone
                        Oxford Universiy, England

*Karkha d'Bet Selokh:  "the Citadel of the House of
Seleucus" was built and occupied by the Assyrians
long before the Seleucids (BC 312-162) ruled in the

  G O O D   M O R N I N G   B E T - N A H R A I N

ZN (San Jose)  The Office of Foreign Disasters
Assistance under the commission of the U.S. State
Department will help build 350 homes in 6 Assyrian
villages and begin extensive water supply projects
and the construction of medical centers.  The total
cost is estimated at $450,000.00.  The Assyrian Aid
and Social Society of Iraq with the assistance of the
Assyrian Aid Society of America is expected to bear
only four percent of the total expense.

RU (Baghdad) An outbreak of cholera has killed three
people in northern Bet-Nahrain and has afflicted more
than 200 others, said Viktor Wahlroos, deputy U.N.
coordinator in Iraq. The disease is so far restricted
to the city of Sulaimaniya. The UN has rushed medical
staff and equipment to Sulaimaniya, a city of about
750,000 inhabitants.

                  S U R F S  U P !
"It's wonderful what you are doing.  My best to you
and your staff.  "Allah minookh"...

                 -Robert Oshana

"Zenda is great!  The Zenda staff is to be commended.
I appreciate your time and efforts in your continual
commitment to producing a quality product."

                 -Jacqueline Nwia, Glenview, Illinois

"Just wanted to make a correction regarding Council
Member Benjamin Elias's re-election.  This time his
term is 4 years and not 2 as his first term.  Also,
I will inform you of when he will be taking his oath
of office for his second term.  It would be nice if
a group of Assyrians can be present.  It is planned
to be held at, 7:00 P.M., Tuesday Nov 28, 1995 at the
Union City, City Hall office.  I will be getting
the address and directions from Ben and will
forward them to you.  I also plan to video tape
this occasion so that it can be shown on San
Jose's Assyrian T.V. programs."

                  -Esha Tamraz, California

[With the addition of last week's requests for Zenda
the number of the current subscribers to our online
newsletter reaches 200. We wish to acknowledge the care
our enthusiastic readers have shown in the marketing of
this project.  Our heartfelt appreciation is extended
to all our critics, contributers, and our weekly browsers.
Surfing through the fast-growing net of fiberoptics we
are determined more than ever to become the official
news agency of the Assyrian Nation.  With the support
and diligence of our readers our goal will be realized.]

                                      -STAFF OF ZENDA

               N E W S    D I G E S T


AP (Baghdad) - The Iraqi Ministry of Health reports a
rise in the rate of the premature births in Iraq.
According to the report the number has increased four-
folds since 1990.  The rise in premature births and
infant mortality was attributed to the economic embargo
on Iraq.


ZN (Chicago)  Silvana Awanis al-Barwari, the Assyrian
girl from northern Bet-Nahrain brought to Chicago for
medical treatment, has undergone a surgical procedure
to correct her severe case of scoliosis, a curvature
of the spine.  At the press time the operation was
announced "a success" and further treatment is
expected.  To assist with the incurring medical costs
certain organizations and friends have opened a
fundraising account under Sivlana Help Fund in the
First Chicago Bank.


ZN (Tehran)  For the first time since 1980, as permitted
by the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Assyrians of Tehran
are organizing a music concert.  To date over 500 tickets
have been sold.  All donations collected will go towards
combating children-related diseases.  The Assyrian
vocalist, Yarik, will be entertaining the Assyrian music
lovers in the capital of Iran.


ZN (Los Angeles) The Mesopotamia Club of Southern
California is holding its second annual "Iraqi
Cultural Event" in the city of Anaheim, California.
The list of entertainers will include FUAD SALEM (Arabic
music), DELAIR (Kurdish singer),and the Assyrian
vocalist OGEN.  The event will take place on Saturday,
December 2, 1995 Anaheim Inn (1855 S. Harbor Blvd.)
For more information contact the organizers at (714)
725-9719. The Mesopotamia Club, a non-Assyrian
organization, is located at 5319 University Drive,
No. 111, Irvine, California 92715.

  D I R E C T O R Y  OF THE  N E W S  S O U R C E S
AA (AAA of San Jose Newsletter)
AP (Associate Press)
AS (Assyrian Server in Sweden)
EB (e.Babylon BBS): 1-209-668-1827
        Hollister, California
JS (Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society)
   P.O. Box 4102   Des Plaines, Illinois 60016-4102
NQ (Nebu Quarterly)
        P.O. Box 59422, Chicago  Illinois  60659
RU (Reuters)
SC (soc.culture.assyrian)
TN (Turkish News Agency)
WS (The Wall Street Journal)
ZN (Zenda Reporters):   zenda@ix.netcom.com
    Toronto, Germany, Chicago, Los Angeles, & San Jose

       C A L E N D A R    OF     E V E N T S
-----------------1 9 9 5-------------------

Sept 8-Dec 31   "Nineveh  612 BC:    A Public Exhibition of
                Assyrian Art and Artifacts"
                Finnish Science Center, Heureha
                (northern part of the Helsinki metrop. area)

Oct 1-Feb 4    Exhibition: Assyrian Art & History
                 Kimball  Art  Museum
                 Fort Worth, Texas
                 (817) 332-8451
Nov 23-28      November 23, 95
       -23-    Exhibit/Bazaar
               O'Hare Expo Center
               6 PM - 1 AM
               Babylon Night
               O'Hare Expo Center - East Ballroom - 8 PM
               Admission:  $7.00

       -24-    Exhibit/Bazaar
               O'Hare Expo Center
               6 PM - 1 AM
               Nineveh Night
               O'Hare Expo Center - East Ballroom - 8 PM
               Admission:  $12.00

               ACC General Body Meeting
               Hyatt Hotel
               11-2 PM
               Lecture  (TBA)
               Hyatt Hotel - 2 PM
               O'Hare Expo Center  -  6 PM - 1 AM
               Assyrian Business Ball
               O'Hare Expo Center - East Ballroom - 8 PM
               Admission:  $15.00

               Evan Aghassi
               Linda George
               Charles Tooma
               Melis Ishaya
               Fatin Shabo
               Wisam Zaia
               Oleen Rehana
               ...special appearance by Walid
Nov 28         The Simmons Family Lecture Series
                at the Gindi Auditorium
                University of Judaism
                15600 Mulholland Dr
                Los Angeles.
                "The West Semitic Alphabet
                 and the Spread of Civilization"
                 by Dr. Dennis Pardee
                 of University of Chicago

Dec 5           The Simmons Family Lecture Series
                 "King of the Four Quarters of
                  the Earth: Art, Power and
                  Politics in the Assyrian Empire"
                  by Dr. John Russell
                  of Columbia University

June 9-11 (1996) The ARAM Conference
                 Harvard University
                 Cambridge, Massachusetts  U.S.
Dec 31        New Year's Eve Party
              Westin Hotel
              San Jose, California
              Entertainment:  Ogen
Thursdays     Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
              Modesto Junior College
              1:00 pm
              Founders Hall 125.

Nov 10        National Executive Committee Meeting
              Assyrian American National Federation
              Chicago, Illinois
Mondays       Assyrian Language Classes
              BETA:  AAA of San Jose
              7:00-8:30 pm

              Assyrian Discussion Group
              BETA:  AAA of  San Jose
              8:00-9:30 pm

Thursdays     Nineveh Choir:  Mastro Nebu Issabey
              BETA:  AAA of San Jose
              7:30-9:00 pm
Tuesdays      Boys Soccer Practice
              South Valley Christian School
              Corner of Blossom and Shawnee
              San Jose, California
              5-6:30 pm

Sundays       Boys/Girls Volleyball
              Campbell Community Center
              Camden & Union
              Campbell, California
              6-9 pm
   A S S Y R I A N   S U R F I N G   P O S T S
Ancient Mesopotamia

Akkadian Language

Assyria On-Line

Assyrian Flag

Assyrian Server (in Sweden)

Assyrian Youth Association of Sweden

Corpus Neo Assyrian Project:  Helsinki, Finland


Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society

List of Books on Babylon


"Newsgroup"     soc.culture.assyrian

Nineveh Kids Homepage

Syriac Comp Inst

          P U M P  U P  T H E  V O L U M E

Airplane       "tdosa" (td as in dtla/dtlatha: number 3)
Pilot          "tdosaya"
Airport        "maprakha"
        B A C K    T O  T H E    F U T U R E
B.C.(620's) The Library of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh
includes a medical section divided into three groups:
bultitu (therapy), shipir bel imti (surgery) and urti
mashmashshe (commands and incantations).  A partially
broken tablet describes the surgical removal of a
"shadow covering a man's eye", perhaps a cataract.

A.D.(375)   St Ephraim (Mar Aprim) builds a hospital
in Edessa (Urhai) during the plague epidemic.  The
hospital with a capacity of 300 beds was used by the
Assyrian physicians to teach the art of medicine.

         W E L C O M E   T O   Z E N D A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

              [CORPORATE ACCOUNTS]

Lawrence Livermore Laboratories


University of California, Davis


Modesto, California
San Francisco, California
2 Unknown Sources

          A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals:

Ramin Daniel           San Jose, California
Atour TV               San Jose, California
Esha Tamraz            San Jose, California
Carlo Ganjeh           San Jose, California
Samir Hwazan           Irvine, California
Please limit your letters to no more than three short
paragraphs.  ZENDA will continue to print your
comments and suggestions free of editing, as they
were received in our mailbox.  All letters appearing
in our mailbox will be printed in our PUMP UP THE
VOLUME section unless directed otherwise.

We wish a successful gathering for our readers and
the organizers of the Assyrian Chamber of Commerce
Convention in Chicago.

Our Next Issue will appear on Monday, November 27, 1995.