Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]

Tdabaakh 12, 6746                   Volume II                       Issue 26                     August 12, 1996

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       A Weekly Online Publication of the ZENDA Assyrian Newsagency

                                     THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E

                                              The Chicago Tribune
                                              Monday, July 29, 1996

John Hosanna, an 85-year-old World War II veteran, has a magnificent
dream.  It may well be the very last dream he can make come true. For
the past two years, Hosanna has been struggling to collect enough
money to raise a monument in honor of Assyrian Americans in Chicago
who, like himself, served in the U.S. armed forces during World War II
and the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

To raise money, Hosanna last year put together and published a booklet
devoted to Assyrian American veterans.  We are raising the fund since
we published this book," said Hosanna, a Morton Grove resident.  Each
book sold adds $10 to the pool, but Hosanna must rely mostly on
donations from other veterans or Assyrians.

One of our boys passed away and left us $5,000," Hosanna said.
"Another lady passed away last week.  Before she did, she drove to my
house and gave me a check for $4,000."

The one who would rather see the. memorial erected than donate it
money through his will is Lincoln Peters, another Assyrian World War II
veteran and a long time friend of Hosanna.

"Before we die, we would like to see it built to show that we
[Assyrians] are still alive, we're   still kicking," said Peters, 71.

Throughout history, the Assyrians, citizens of a 4,000-year-old nation,
were forced to kick just to survive.

Despite fighting on the Allies' side in both World Wars, the Assyrians
repeatedly have been denied their wish to live in their own country
again.  Once a mighty and prosperous empire, the nation has been
plummeting into oblivion ever since it lost its homeland.   It can't be
found on the world map today.

Perhaps that's why Assyrians today are commonly confused with
Syrians or often called   Kurds, after an area in southern Turkey and
northern Iraq where many live.

In the U.S., when an Assyrian is asked where he or she is from, the
answer may even be "Lebanon." That's because some Assyrians identify
with the closest entity to be found on the map that has a similar
religious background.

Like half of the Lebanese, Assyrians are Christians. "The history of
Assyrians began with the history of Christianity,"  Peters said. "Our
first patriot and the head of our church was St. Peter."

And although it was Peter who denied Christ, the Assyrians in the
Middle East still practice Christianity in the face of suppression from
their Muslim neighbors.   "They're under the thumb of  Saddam Hussein,"
said Peters, referring to the Iraqi strongman,  "but they still keep
their faith."
    Apparently, Hosanna also has preserved the defiance encoded in his
pedigree.  Although he needs a little help to climb the stairs or get
in the car, he is determined to see the memorial completed.

Together with his son, he designed it, and together with Peters he is
doing most of the work connected with fundraising and obtaining the
most suitable site for the monument.

Peters said the monument site has been decided.  "It'll be at Elmwood
Park Cemetery, because all these boys are buried there," Peters said.

To avoid additional expenses, he and Peters are forced to bargain
over the grave sites at the cemetery. They intend to exchange graves in
order to patch together the site for the monument.

"We have about 20 graves that they could exchange," Hosanna said.
What is not decided yet is the size and configuration of the memorial.
Hosanna would love to see a monument with three black marble panels.
The middle panel would feature the names of 14 Assyrian American
warriors killed in action, and the two side panels would bear the names
of another 250 who survived.

"With all probability, it will be a small monument," Peters said. In
the end, it will depend on how much money Hosanna can collect.  He
hopes for about $30,000.  So far, he said, he has collected about

Estimates of the number of Assyrians living in Chicago vary from
50,000 to more than 75,000.  Peters and Hosanna say they hope that
some of the more affluent among them will help Hosanna's last dream
of a lifetime come true.

Daniel Borsky
Tribune Staff Writer
 G  O  O  D    M  O  R  N  I  N  G    B  E  T - N  A  H  R  A  I  N


(ZNRU: Ankara) Turkey's ruling Islamic party swallowed its pride last
week to approve further U.S.-led air patrols over the skies of northern
Bet-Nahrain reversing campaign promises to throw the Western allies out
of Turkey.  "The motion has been accepted," Deputy Speaker Kamer Genc
told parliament after legislators voted in a show of hands.  Prime
Minister Necmettin Erbakan's Islamic-based Welfare Party voted in
favor of keeping the U.S., British and French force, known as Operation
Provide Comfort, in Turkey for a further five months."
                  S   U   R   F   S     U   P   !
"I applaud the spirit of Zenda publishers. I would like to
wholeheartedly congratulate you for such magnificent work. Keep up the
good work... a letter was faxed to Turkish Embassy in Washington today
July 31st. 1996. My letter contains strong protest against the arrest
of the individuals mentioned in your latest Zenda issue. I also condemned
the Turkish government for their inhumane and abusive treatment of
Christians in the region. Strong request was expressed for the release
of the arrested individuals and immediate cessation of such barbaric
treatment of their Christian citizens."

Esho Tower
Burlington, Ontario


"This is just to let you know  that I faxed the protest letter to the
Turkish Embassy today.  I have also given copies of it to friends who
do not have access to the Internet.  At least one of them will fax it."

Maryam Pirayou
San Jose, California


"My family and I are enjoying your electronic magazine every week! We
share it with all our friends and family when they come over, and
sincerely hope and wish you continued success. If there is anything
we can do to help we surely will.  In the mean time I would like to
know if and how I might be able to advertise my business in your
"Zenda." I own and operate a hair replacement studio in the Chicagoland
area. My brother is a dentist, and I'm sure he'll be interested
also. Please advise."

David E Jacob
Chicago, Illinois

[In the next few weeks ZENDA will introduce its long-awaited, fully-
 searchable homepage.  Subscribers will be able to display their
 business logo's and/or messages on any one of the several pages of
 our website.  The advertising cost will help us improve the quality
 of our equipment, purchase more books, and subscribe to more
 periodicals.  Thank you for your support and encouragement.]


"Thanks for your weekly newsletter. I enjoy reading ZENDA very much. I
just want to let you know that I have mailed my protest letter to the
Turkish Embassy regarding the Assyrians who were arrested. Thank you."

Samir Batio


"Does Mr. Tower's characterization of Assyrians include himself? No
Assyrian is small and insignificant!  However, some of us fail to
realize that we can not afford to deny our heritage.  We are too
small a nation and are easily drawn into the notion of the "Great
Melting Pot."  There is no shame in wanting to preserve our numbers.
There is nothing hypocritical or racist about that.  We have very few
well known Assyrians.  We need those who are all international figures
to instill pride in the rest of us.  Rather than being a role model for
our youth, people like Andre Agassi cause quite a bit of confusion. How
is it that this "Armenian" or whatever person has an Assyrian father who
has been a regular at the Assyrian Olympics and the State Convention held
in San Jose?  How is it that the Assyrian father of this tennis superstar
expresses his hope that Andre will attend the next Assyrian event?  We
certainly did not expect Mr. Andre Agassi to take time away from his busy
schedule to attend our functions.  In light of the above, we have a right
to question this and clarify this issue as it is surely not an isolated
one. Nationality is not a choice.  We are born into a particular nation.
Maybe Mr. Tower may have the urge to belong to the Armenian nation one day,
and the Zulu nation the next.  But the fact remains that a person carries
his or her father's name and nationality, or identifies himself by the
nationality of both parents. Mr. Tower please open your eyes to the
Assyrian situation.  Assyrians are neither blind, nor racist, nor small
and insignificant.  However, if you really think so, you should not even
be subscribing to Zenda, whose main focus is the Assyrians nation.

Rachelle Badal and Lena Mushell
San Jose, California


"I wouldn't have bothered responding to the ridiculous letter from
Ed Tower in your July 28 edition if he hadn't used insulting language,
because his confused words don't make any sense. How can Assyrians be
racist towards Andre Agassi when we are all the same race? And exactly
how are Assyrians who are critical of Agassi hypocritical? Ed didn't
bother explaining this last point. You know, you're expected to explain
what you mean when you write a letter, instead of trying to use a big
word you don't understand.  The irony is that Ed himself expresses a
clear prejudice toward some, if not all, Assyrians. Furthermore, if
someone like Agassi denies his heritage, then he is more likely a racist
or hypocrite, not his detractors.  But I guess that's just too obvious
to state.  Yes, Agassi can choose who he wants to be, and since he
denies he's Assyrian, then he deserves to be criticized for it.  But
the important point to me is that it's ridiculous for people to hold up
Agassi as a great Assyrian when he doesn't even acknowledge his heritage.
He's no brother of mine. Brothers don't claim they come from a different
family.  In any case, the next time you write to us small and insignificant
people, Ed, try to make the minimal effort to look up Agassi's name and
spell it correctly.

Tay Sarguis


"I would appreciate it if you'd seriously consider publishing the
newspaper article below in the next release of Zenda.  I sincerely
hope that this article will be well  received and will have a
positive and moving effect on the readers of Zenda and encourage
them to step forward and help.

I urge all Zenda readers  to share this information with other
Assyrians who do not have access to Zenda.  In my view, this is
what I can really be proud of, but maybe having served proudly in
the U.S. Armed forces during the Vietnam era is my reason for
appreciating and respecting Mr. John Hosanna, Mr. Lincoln Peters,
Mr. Paul Newey, Mr. Lincoln Tamraz, Mr. Bryan Joseph and his father
Shumun Joseph (WWI Veteran), Mr. Alex Agasse and Mr. Lou Agasse to
mention few of the proud Assyrian Americans who served proudly.

I very strongly believe that every Assyrian home needs to have a
copy of the "Assyrian Americans who served in the Armed Forces of
the United States".  A Picture book published by Mr. John Hosanna
in 1993.   Send your Checks and orders t:  Mr. John Hosanna,
AMVETS Post 5, 9042 N. Central Ave, Morton Grove, IL 60053.
You can also call Mr. John Hosanna at (847)966-8043.

Esha Tamras
San Jose, California

[Please refer to THE LIGHTHOUSE section of this week's issue.]

"I would like to make some correction to the news regard the death of
Edward Essa Gavilan.  Edward, 38, was playing with his 10 years old
daughter and his wife in very shallow waters when he drowned on Sunday
July 21, 1996.  He was buried in San Jose on July 26, 1996. He was born
in Tehran, Iran to William and Joan Essa Gavilan. His parents are from
the village of Mushava in Urmia.  I extend my condolences to his mother,
Joan, sister, Anita, his brother, Edison, and his wife and daughter.
May God grant him eternal peace and serenity, and may He comfort those
Edward left behind."

Lena Mushell
San Jose, California

              S  U  R  F  E  R  S      C  O  R  N  E  R
To date nearly 50 letters have been sent from the ZENDA readers to the
Turkish Embassy in Washington D.C.  ZENDA will publish the response of
Mr. Sina Baydur, the Turkish Counselor in D.C., in our next issue. Once
again we would like to thank our readers for their support in improving
the conditions of the Assyrians in the Middle East.

              N   E   W   S       D   I   G   E   S   T


(ZNDA: San Jose)  In the past three weeks Assyrians/Chaldeans in the
United States have been diligently active in raising funds for the
Assyrian families in Georgia (former Soviet Republic).  Father Benyamin
Yadegar, during a brief mission of goodwill to the United States, in
representing the Assyrian communities of Georgia has been travelling
extensively in the U.S. to raise awareness for the distressing condition
of the Assyrians in his country.  The following is a list of cash funds
collected during the last 2-3 weeks of such efforts in the U.S. :

        San Jose, California            $13,100.00
        Detroit, Michigan               $ 4,400.00
        Los Angeles, California         $ 3,000.00
        Turlock, California             $ 1,500.00
        San Diego, California           $   600.00
        Ceres, California               $   500.00

        Total                           $23,100.00


(ZNAR: Lebanon)  The 700-year-old naturally mummified remains of three
women and five children have been found in the Asi-el-Hadath grotto of
northern Lebanon's Qadisha Valley.  Items found in the grotto, including
a Syriac religious manuscript and a talisman similar to one used in
present-day Lebanon, indicate these people had been Maronite Christians.
Much of the embroidery was copied from Maronite springtail motifs.

D I  R  E  C  T  O  R  Y  OF THE  N  E  W  S   S  O  U  R  C  E  S
ZNAR (Archeology Magazine)
ZNMN (Mercury News)
ZNNQ (Nabu Quarterly)
ZNNY (New York Times)
ZNRU (Reuters):  ClariNet Communications Corp.
ZNSC (soc.culture.assyrian) newsgroup
ZNTN (Turkish News Agency)
ZNUP (United Press International)
ZNDA (Zenda: zenda@ix.netcom.com)

  C   A   L   E   N   D   A   R     OF     E   V   E   N   T   S

Thru Aug 15     "Beirut:  Uncovering the Past"
                Profiles recent UNESCO archeology efforts
                The British Museum
                London, England

August 12-14    SyrCOM-96: Second International Forum
                           on Syrian Computing
                Symposium Syriacum
                Uppsala University
                Dept of Asian and African Studies
                Box 513
                S-751 20 Uppsala
                Fax: +46 18 181094
Aug 29-Sept 2   AANF National Convention
                Red Lion Inn Hotel
                Modesto, U.S.A.

Sept 9          Assyrian Food Festival
                Assyrian Church of the East
                San Jose, California

Thru April 6    The Ain Ghazal Exhibit
                Smithsonian Institute
                Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
                Washington D.C.
                    E N T E R T A I N M E N T
Aug 25          10th Anniversary Dinner
                Assyrian Academic Society
                Chateau Rand
                900 East Rand Road
                Des Plaines, Illinois
                6:30 pm
                Donation:  $30.00
 R E G U L A R  C L A S S E S  &  M E E T I N G S
Mondays          Assyrian History Class
                 "Assyrian History: 19th Century thru Present "
                 Instructor:  Wilfred Alkhas
                 BETA on 20000 Almaden Rd, San Jose, Calif
                 Class begins on June 3

Fridays          Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
                 Modesto Junior College
                 1:00 pm
                 Founders Hall 108
                 Modesto, U.S.A.

Saturdays        Nisibis School
                 The Church of the East
                 Toronto, Canada

                 Nisibin School
                 Ages 4 thru 14
                 Assyrian Language, History, & Arts
                 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
                 BETA on 20000 Almaden Rd, San Joe, California

  A  S  S  Y  R  I  A  N     S  U  R  F  I  N  G     P  O  S  T  S

Which are the original manuscript sources of the Gospels of Jesus in
the New Testament.  Access the following homepage for a new insight
into the Semitic-Greek studies of the scriptures:


               P  U  M  P    UP THE   V O L U M E
                 ENGLISH                ASSYRIAN

                 Paddle               leqha       [M]

                 Boat                 loetdka     [M]
                 Waterfall            shorshora   [F]
F = Feminine     M = Masculine      P = Plural

             B  A  C  K     TO THE      F  U  T  U  R  E

B.C. (2100)  The first ziggurats (Mesopotamian Pyramids) were built
by Ur-Nammu (2112-2095 BC), the first king of the Third Dynasty of Ur,
at Ur, Eridu, Uruk and Nippur in southern Bet-Nahrain.

<<Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia, Roaf >>

A.D. (August 1933)  Thousands of Assyrians in northern Bet-Nahrain
are massacred in the hands of Kurdish fighters.  The memory of the
Assyrian martyrs throughout history is commemorated each year on
August 7.

<< ZENDA >>

              L    I    T    E    R    A    T    U    S
         ******** Enuma Elish (The Babylonian Genesis) ********
                                3100 B.C.

When in the heights Heaven had not been named,
And below, Earth had not been called;
Naught, but primordial Apsu (SUN), their Begetter,
Mummu (Mercury), and Tiamat - she who bore them all;
Their waters were mingled together.
Gods were formed in their midst:
Gor Lahmu (Mars) and god Lahamu (Venus) were brought forth;
By name they were called.
<< Enuma Elish >>

Last week NASA scientists announced the possibility of life on Mars.

    T  H  I  S    W  E  E  K     I  N    H  I  S  T  O  R  Y
August 16, 1973:  Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, Mar
Eshai Shimun, announces his marriage plans amidst a storm of opposition
from the Assyrian communities from around the world.

                      B     R    A     V     O

Congratulations to Mr. Edward Barm, a ZENDA reader,  who last week
graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in

      W   E   L   C   O   M   E     T O     Z   E   N   D   A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

                        Hewlett Packard
                        AMD Corp
                        Sun Microsystems
                        Turlock, California
                        2 Subscribers (location not disclosed)

                        A   C   K   N   O   W   L   E   D   G   E   M   E   N   T   S
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals & organizations
whose contributions appear in this issue:

                George Mikael           Turlock, California
                Arbil Soleymani         Santa Cruz, California
                Christopher Aktas        San Jose, California
ZENDA  prints your comments and suggestions free of editing, as they
appear in our mailbox.  All letters will be printed in our SURFS UP!
section unless directed otherwise.

We urge you to submit the activities of your local and national
Assyrian communities, personal accomplishments, and meeting/school
events to ZENDA no later than Sunday, 12:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time.

 Our Next Issue will appear on Monday, August 19, 1996.