Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]

Ealool 30, 6746                   Volume II                       Issue 32                     September 30, 1996

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       A Weekly Online Publication of the ZENDA Assyrian Newsagency

                                          THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E

In the spring of 1970, Misters Hani Baba, Fred DeEiel, Raman Oshana and
Steve Younan of the Assyrian American Association of Chicago formed the
Winged Bull Soccer Team.  The four founders, still a very active part of
the organization, saw it fit that our youth's energy be directed into
the sports arena as they believed the famous quote `A sound mind in a
sound body'. Through their efforts, the Assyrian community of Chicago
gained an instant recognition among millions of immigrants from other
In 1971, Winged Bull joined the Third Division of the National Soccer
League.  In 1975 it had already won its way to the First Division, during
which time several titles were won.  Shortly after a Trophy Cabinet was
installed at the AAA of Chicago. In 1977, the team overwhelmed with
victories and titles moved on to the Major Division, where it still
thrives and enjoys a commanding lead among players from several soccer-
loving nations as Argentina, Italy, Germany, Poland, to note a few.
The Winged Bull Soccer Team of Chicago continued adding titles to its
outstanding record: three times winning the Regional Championship,
becoming the only team to win the Nations Cup three times thus far, and
obtaining the title of State Champions a countless number of times.
In Chicago, thousands of emotional Assyrian fans have twice witnessed
the Winged Bull's game against the Chicago Sting, a Professional Major
League Soccer team, both indoor and outdoor.  In the mid 1980's, the
newspaper write-ups were quite encouraging. At Soldier Field, where the
Winged Bull defeated Wisla, a Polish team with three national players,
thousands of Assyrians cheered their nationless heroes to the victory.
In 1984, because of exhaustive managerial duties and a substantial rise
in the number of players, the organizers of the team believed that an
association that can focus its resources on organizing Assyrian Athletes
exclusively can better suit the agenda of the Winged Bull team.
Consequently the Assyrian Athletic Club of Chicago was formed to oversee
the sports activities and the day-to-day management of this soccer team.
In the Summer of 1994, when for the first time the World Cup Soccer came
to the United States, the opening ceremonies held in Chicago were preceded
by a procession of floats from all over the World. The Winged Bull Soccer
Team took part in the rally and emphasized once again that Assyrians are
very much Alive !
Today, the Team enjoys a commanding lead in the Major division. There
are currently over 70 registered players with the Winged Bull
organization. They practice twice a week and every week participate in
a different game. The Assyrian Athletic Club, being the sole supporter of
the team, continuously strives to provide the financial means possible
to support such an undertaking and helps keep our young Assyrian men
involved in sports, through sponsorship programs, donations and
Sargon B Yalda
Chicago, Illinois
 G  O  O  D    M  O  R  N  I  N  G    B  E  T - N  A  H  R  A  I  N


(ZNUP: London) Last week a Kurdish group that seized control of a
portion of northern Bet-Nahrain earlier this month said it was forming
a government to run the province. Delshad Miran, spokesman for the
Kurdistan Democratic Party or KDP in Britain said the 16-member
Cabinet would be led by Roj Nuri Shawyess. Shawyess, an engineer and
member of the KDP politburo, was chosen prime minister by the Kurdish
National Assembly when it met on Sept. 16 in Arbil.  The KDP overran
Arbil on Aug. 31 when, supported by Iraqi government tanks and troops,
it defeated the forces of its main rival, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
or PUK.  Shawyess's Cabinet is expected to include Assyrians, Turkmen,
Communists and Islamists.''  But the Cabinet would not include a PUK
representative.  There were PUK representatives among the 67 members of
the National Assembly when it convened in Arbil earlier this month.
The meeting in Arbil consisted of 47 KDP representatives, 17 PUK, and
3 Assyrian representatives.  The full assembly is comprised of 50 KDP
members, 50 PUK and five Assyrian members.


(ZNDA: Turkey)  On Tuesday, September 17, the Court in Diyarbakir,
Turkey issued the written opinion leading to its judgment on Gebro
Tokgoz and Adnan Kesenci, two of the three Assyrians who had been
accused of treason. Misters Tokgoz and Kesenci remain on bail pending
the possibility of a trial in the future. While this matter still looms
over them, their families were glad to have them back.  Gebro's child
was born while Gebro was in custody.  Melek Akyol, the third Assyrian,
remains under custody.
                                              S   U   R   F   S     U   P   !
"Does anyone know what happens to the money that the Assyrian National
Convention generates every year? Do the convention officials issue a
financial statement after the convention outlining revenues and
expenditures and do they make it public.  If it is made public, can
Zenda publish it.  How do they decide how to spend any surplus.  Do
they come back at the end of the year and show how the money was spent.
Do they know how much money is spent by the Assyrians at the convention

Concerned Assyrian

[ZENDA is in receipt of 1996-97 AANF financial statements.  In the
 very near future ZENDA will also feature an article outlining the 1996
Convention's revenue/expenditure, 1996-97 AANF budget, and the projected
 97-98 budget.  For more information please contact the president and
 the treasurer of the Assyrian American National Federation whose address
 and telephone numbers were listed in our 9/16/96 issue.]


"To my great surprise, Zenda last week featured a letter to the editor
which amounted to little more than Biblical tub-thumping. The letter
writer slammed an Assyrian TV talk show host who, in referring to the
Federation Picnic in San Jose, questioned whether this was the place
for "a few Christians to be promoting Christianity among fellow Assyrians."

The TV talk show host seems to have raised an intelligent question.
Although I was not surprised by the tiresome length of the letter, nor by
its myopia, what took me back was that Zenda should feature it at the very
beginning of its newsletter, as if to accord it special insight.

The writer of the Zenda letter seems well-versed in passages of the
scriptures (e.g., Hebrews 3:8), but needs to bone up on her history. She
points to the collapse of our "kingdom", and says:  "Look what happened to
us", for not being good Christians. For her information, our "kingdom"
collapsed in 612 B.C.; therefore, it is difficult to see the connection she
wants to make between Christianity and the fall of Nineveh.
The TV show host apparently said that our good works would take us to
heaven. This sounds pretty good to the average Joe, but the Zenda letter
writer disagrees.  She says that to God, our good works are just filthy
rags (no passage quoted for this one).
Some callers on the TV show apparently had the idea that "good persons
from every religion will go to heaven."  But the Zenda letter writer
claims this is like calling Jesus Christ a liar ("I am the way and the
Truth and the Life, etc."). So it sounds to me that between 80% and 85%
of the world population is headed for a very hot place, no matter what
great human beings they might be.
Of those of us who are Christians, the letter writer failed to say
whether any particular denomination has a better crack at the pearly
gates (Church of East only? Chaldean Catholic only? Is Seventh Day
Adventist OK? Mormonism? Jehovah Witness? Jews for Jesus?)

The Zenda letter writer also sees a problem with those who only want to
spend part of their time praying and talking religion.  "Imagine if your
child remembers you, visits you, and talks to you on 2 days a year. Will
you be pleased with him/her?" Gee, maybe the only solution is for all of
us to become monks and nuns; that way, we will minimize distractions.
In conclusion, the TV talk show host in question sounds like a very
sensitive person to me. When I go to a picnic, I go to renew acquaintances,
to socialize, to catch up on personal news; I do not go to a picnic to be
proselytized. Moreover, I assume that the religion that was being
pushed at the picnic was not generic Christianity, but some specific
brand of it. This could be offensive to those of us who hold very
strong convictions about their own Church, and they have rights as well.

Francis Sarguis
Santa Barbara


"...I also wanted to say that you guy(s) are doing a great job.  It is
because of people like you that we as a people can still survive in a
nation that has been notorious for forcing its immigrants to assimilate.
I find the information contained within the newsletter very interesting,
educational, fun, and relevant.  Keep up the good job."

Lorence Eshoe

                                    S  U  R  F  E  R  S      C  O  R  N  E  R


Dear Zenda Readers,

We are now in the process of gathering our material for the 1997 issue
of The Assyrian Directory of California.  As you may already know,
this publication is dedicated to gathering and promoting a comprehensive
pool of Assyrian information and resources.  The Directory offers many
services to our community, among which are the Assyrian White Pages and
the Assyrian e-mail Directory listing.

We would like to invite you to join in and enlist your information at
NOT CHARGE!  We are dedicated to making this medium of communication
among the finest and the most professional in its class.  To reach our
goal, we need your patronage and encouragement.  Every single participant
will further enrich this publication and can add to its caliber and

We trust you will take the time to send us your information.  We also
encourage you to spread the word to friends and family.

Look for our Directory in January of 1997.  You will be proud to have
been a part of it!

Please submit your information via e-mail:  EDSA INC@aol.com
OR you may write to us at:

The Assyrian Directory of California
4387 Cherry Ave.
San Jose, CA  95118

In California:          1-800-472-3339
Outside CA:             408-266-7676
Fax:                    408-266-7772

Avetoon baseemeh!
              N   E   W   S       D   I   G   E   S   T


(ZNRU: Beirut) Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, responding to
protests from intellectuals, has ordered the dismissal of a lawsuit
against Marcel Khalife, a Maronite-Assyrian singer charged with
insulting Islam by using a Koranic verse in a song.  Lebanon's official
National News Agency said Hariri instructed Justice Minister Bahij
Tabbara on Friday ``to stop the lawsuit against artist Marcel Khalife
and all that he has been charged with of insulting religious rituals in
his song.'  Khalife, who is touring the United States with his band, said
on Friday by telephone he had obtained permission to release the song in
his 1995 album ``Arabic Coffeepot'' from Lebanon's general security
censorship bureau.  The 46-year-old bearded entertainer has earned a cult
following in the Arab world and the Arab diaspora through nationalistic
songs during the 1975-90 Lebanese civil war. Paul Shaool, a Maronite-
Assyrian poet, said on Friday the charges against Khalife were similar
to 15th century Spanish Inquisition accusations. ``Sir (prosecutor) you
were preceeded in your edict by those who issued edicts in Egypt, Sudan,
India and Pakistan and before them the Inquisition courts of the dark
Middle Ages,'' Paul Shaool wrote in an indignant newspaper article.

D I  R  E  C  T  O  R  Y  OF THE  N  E  W  S   S  O  U  R  C  E  S
ZNAD (Assyrian Democratic Organization)
ZNDA (Zenda: zenda@ix.netcom.com)
ZNRU (Reuters)
ZNSJ (San Jose Mercury News)
ZNUP (United Press International)

  C   A   L   E   N   D   A   R     OF     E   V   E   N   T   S

Thru April 6    The Ain Ghazal Exhibit
                Smithsonian Institute
                Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
                Washington D.C.

Nov 13          Babylon & Syria in the time of XENOPHON
                Lecturer:  M. Stolper
                Oriental Institute
                University of Chicago
                Chicago, Illinois

Jan 15          Ashur & Marduk:  The State Gods of Assyria & Babylonia
                Lecturer:  G. Frame
                Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
                University of Toronto
                St. George campus
                Toronto, Canada
                8:00 p.m

Mar 12          Guardians of the Gate:  The Assyrian Winged Colossi
                Lecturer:  A. Harrak
                Near and Middle Eastern Civilization
                University of Toronto
                St. George campus
                Toronto, Canada
                8:00 p.m

April 9         Recent Excavations at Gordion, Turkey:
                An Achaemenid Persian Imperial Town in Central Anatolia
                Lecturer:  T.C. Young, Jr.
                Royal Ontario Museum
                Toronto, Canada
                8:00 p.m
                    E N T E R T A I N M E N T

Oct 4           First Anniversary of the Church Dedication
                St. Mary's Catholic Church
                Naperdak Club
                San Jose, California
                7:00 pm
                Donation:  $ 30.00
                Entertainer: Ogin

          R E G U L A R  C L A S S E S  &  M E E T I N G S
Wednesdays       Assyrian History Class
                 Fall 1996 Session
                 "Assyrian Biographies"
                 Instructor:  Wilfred Alkhas
                 BETA of the Assyrian American Association of San Jose
                 20000 Almaden Road
                 San Jose, California
                 8:00-9:00 pm
                 Info:  Wilfred_Alkhas@3mail.3com.com

Fridays          Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
                 Modesto Junior College
                 1:00 pm
                 Founders Hall 108
                 Modesto, U.S.A.

Saturdays        Nisibis School
                 The Church of the East
                 Toronto, Canada

                 Nisibin School
                 10:00-12:00 pm
                 BETA of the Assyrian American Association of San Jose
                 San Jose, California

SUNDAYS          Assyrian Boy Scouts
                 Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                 Assyrian Club
                 5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                 North Hollywood, California
                 9:30am  to 12:30pm
                 Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                                           (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

                 Assyrian Student Union
                 California State University, Northridge
                 Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                 Assyrian Club
                 5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                 North Hollywood, California
                 Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                                           (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

  A  S  S  Y  R  I  A  N     S  U  R  F  I  N  G     P  O  S  T  S

Chaldeans in Iraq

               P  U  M  P    UP THE   V O L U M E
                   ENGLISH                ASSYRIAN

                Fist Fighting           mkha/look/ma            [M]
                Boxing                  poo/qa/tdaa             [M]
                                        koo/tash/goo/naa/reh    [M]
F = Feminine     M = Masculine      P = Plural
             B  A  C  K     TO THE      F  U  T  U  R  E

B.C. (704?) King Sennacherib moves the capital of Assyria from Dur-
            Sharrukin to Nineveh.

<< The Might That Was Assyria, Saggs >>

A.D.(1847) Excavations of King Sennacherib's Palace begin under the
           direction of Sir Henry Layard.  The project continues
           under the supervision of several archeologist until
           1967, when the Excavation of the Southwest Palace is complete.

<< Sennacherib's Palace Without Rival at Nineveh, Russell >>

              L    I    T    E    R    A    T    U    S

               *** A TRAVELER'S TALE OF NINEVEH  ***

The following is a Jewish rabbi's account of the city of Nineveh nearly
a thousand years ago, over 1600 years after is Fall in 612 B.C. :

It is Ashur the Great, and about 7000 Jews live there... It sits on
the river Tigris.  Between it and Nineveh is a connecting bridge. It
[Nineveh] is in ruins but within its ruins there are villages and
communities.  And the extent of Nineveh may be determined by its walls,
about forty Persian miles, as far as the city of Arbil...

<< The Might That Was Assyria, Saggs >>

    T  H  I  S    W  E  E  K     I  N    H  I  S  T  O  R  Y

October 2, 1972:  dies, Dr. Peera Sarmas, author of A History of
                  Assyrian Literature

                      B     R    A     V     O

ZENDA Assyrian Online Newsletter is now enjoyed by over 400 readers
in 15 countries around the world. ZENDA TV Show is now broadcasted
in San Jose, and will soon appear in Los Angeles and Connecticut.
Meanwhile, ZENDA news and feature articles are published in several
Assyrian magazines in the U.S., Canada, and Sweden.  We are indeed
very close to reaching our goal of 500 readers before December 31,
1996.  On behalf of myself and ZENDA's regular contributors I would
like to take this opportunity to thank our weekly readers who have
continuously supported our efforts and brought ZENDA to the attention
of other Assyrian internet surfers.
Wilfred Alkhas
Publisher of ZENDA

      W   E   L   C   O   M   E     T O     Z   E   N   D   A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

                        Internet Shopping Network     
  A   C   K   N   O   W   L   E   D   G   E   M   E   N   T   S
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals & organizations
whose contributions appear in this issue:

                Sargon B. Yalda         Chicago
                Chris Aktas             Sunnyvale, California
                Zaineb Istrabadi        New York
                Albert Gabrial          Hollister, California
                Mazin Enwiya            Skokie, Illinois
                Pauline Jasim           Chicago
                Ross Jatou              Chicago
                Chaldean American Student Association:
                                        Univ of Michigan, Dearborn
Our Next Issue will appear on Monday, October 7, 1996.

In our next issue:  1996 Report of the Assyrian Youth Excellence Pageant
                    Modesto, California

                    Congresswoman Anna Eshoo's request for aid for the
                    Assyrians in northern Iraq