Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]

Tishrin I  21, 6746                   Volume II                       Issue 35                     October 21, 1996

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       A Weekly Online Publication of the ZENDA Assyrian Newsagency

                  T H I S   W E E K   I N   Z E N D A
                            -Section One-

The Lighthouse..............    How the Middle East was Invented?
Good Morning Bet-Nahrain....    AUA's Annual Report to AANF
Surfs Up....................    "There were no reports of a gang fight."
Surfers Corner..............    AAA of San Jose's $20,000 New Year's Raffle
News Digest.................    New Assyrian School in Detroit
                                "Chaldean" organized crime in Michigan
                                AANF donation to Assyrians in N. B-N & Georgia
Calendar of Events..........  Univeristy Seminars through 1997
Entracte....................    Halloween Party in San Jose
Intelligentsia..............    Assyrian History/Language Classes in the U.S.
Assyrian Surfing Posts......    Assyrian Kings List
Pump up the Volume..........    Tongue and Lanuage
Back to the Future..........    Shalmenesar's victory in Media ; the 1917 Motva
Literatus...................    Damu realizes he is dead
This Week in History........    Persian Prince meets Assyrian Church officials
Bravo.......................    Dr. Laurie Pierce, UCS Professor
The Directory...............    Directory of ZENDA News Sources
Bshena......................    U. of Michigan
Salute......................    Alice, Arbil, Robert, and Felix

             THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E


Until this century, nobody talked about the Middle East because
neither the term nor the states in the region existed.  Both were the
work of the victors in World War I - the true begetters of the furies
that still rage...

The term "Middle East" was coined in 1901 by Adm. Alfred Thayer Mahan,
the celebrated American advocate of naval power.  It was popularized
in speeches in 1916 by Sir Mark Sykes, a British member of Parliament.
As a part-time diplomat he also negotiated the secret Sykes-Picot
agreement, which defined spheres of influence in a soon-to-be-partitioned
Ottoman Empire.

The initial designer of the Middle East was Britain's redoubtable War
Minister, Lord Kitchener, who proposed indirect colonial hegemony,
replying on indigenous kings and emirs to carry out British wishes.
This was the practice in Egypt, where Kitchener was serving as British
Agent, "advising" a khedive.  In Sykes's words, "We deprecated the
Imperative, preferring the Subjunctive, even the wishful Optative mood."

Protecting British India from Russian ambitions was Kitchener's
overriding concern, even though the Czar wa allied with Britian in World
War I.  Britian's nightmare was that Russia would seize Constantinople
and turn the Islamic faithful against the British, especially in India.
Birtian's counterstroke was to advance the claims of its own Muslim
spiritual leader: Sharif Hussein, the Hashemite ruler of Mecca,
great-grand-father of the present King of Jordan.  After Kitcheren died
on a torpedoed cruiser in 1916, his expansionist aims were eagerly taken
by a new British Prime Minister, David Loyd George.  Liberating
oppressed peoples in the rotting Ottoman Empoire was emotionally
appealing to the Welsh Liberal; so was the Zionist dream of restoring
Jews to their ancient homeland.

The result was a British promise to establish a "national home" for
Jews in Palestine, and the stapling together of virtual protectorates
in Iraq, Transjordan, Kuwait, the small Persian Gulf states, Syria and
Lebanon- the latter tow grudgingly yielded to French control.

The new states, however, were less nations that swirling eddies of
discontented peoples who generally despised their Western overlords.
Lacking legitimacy, the new order was challenged by rebellions.  A
demobilized Britian retaliated with air power against tribal armies.
By 1922, even as the empire reached its territorial pick, enthusiasm
for Kipling-style imperialisms was waning and Lloyd George was cast
from power.  British rule in the Middle East became a holding operation,
ending in piecemeal retreat.

The gloomy words of Col. Edward House, Woodrow Wilson's confidant, were
prescient: "they are making a breeding place for future war." Yet the
lines drawn in the sand then have this merit:  They are now in place.
Any radical changes would only sow fresh discord.  The task for today's
peacemakers is to secure mutual recognition for all existing states -
to open rather than redraw hostile frontiers.

Karl. E. Meyer
Wall Street Journal

 G  O  O  D    M  O  R  N  I  N  G    B  E  T - N  A  H  R  A  I  N


The following is a report presented by Senator John Nimrod, Secretary
General of the Assyrian Universal Alliance, to the delegates of the
Assyrian American National Federation attending the  National Executive
Committee meeting in Turlock, California:

...We were very encouraged by the comments of several of the delegates
voicing support for the AUA policy of telling the world who we Assyrian
are, and what we want for our people (Nation).  We also appreciated
the remarks supporting our work with all the governments, especially
those from the Middle East.  The governments have the power and ability
to help the Assyrian cause.  Most of the results as reported at the
meeting, have been very positive.  I am sorry that we were not given
time for a question session where we would have had the opportunity to
satisfy all concerns of the delegates.

The Executive Committee for the Iran Branch has been selected and should
be in operation shortly.  With an executive board member in Iran we are
now able to communicate and be of assistance to another sector of our
Assyrian people.

In the past weeks I made a visit to Washington DC in connection with a
planned visit to northern Iraq.  We had made all arrangements for the
trip prior to this visit but with the recent changes in control of
northern Iraq we are communicating with governments, the Kurds, and with
the Assyrian Democratic Movement and others of northern Iraq.  It was
stated that it was not wise to travel there at this time.  We will keep
president Lewie (Sargon Lewie of the AANF) informed and involved at all
times.  Our meetings in Washington were informative and beneficial.  We
were briefed on the Assyrian position of USA and the status of the two
American meetings with the North.  There is still a crisis of serious
concern among the Kurds and there is every effort being made to unify
the Kurdish and Assyrian members in their parliament and resume control
and provide the needed services to the people of the North which is
affecting our people.  I have also reported this situation to the UNPO
(Underrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization) office for
consideration at  our Steering Committee the end of this month where I
will consult with the Kurds and Turkomans who are also UNPO members.

We will continue the briefing meetings in each region which will keep
the officers and members of the local organizations informed.  The
Regional Directors and the AUA Delegates of the AANF will be asked to
set up these meetings.  We have already asked for a meeting in the midwest
which will be followed by meetings with the Eastern and Western regions.

I made two visits to New York this last month.  In one case I visited
the United Nations representatives and a week later attended a UNPO
Foundation meeting where I was re-elected as the president of the US

In July of 1997 the UNPO General Assembly will be in Estonia. I have
asked president Sargon Lewie to consider attending with me.

We are making great progress in working with the Assyrian Federations in
Europe, Asia and Australia.  Shmouel Warda, our AUA Secretary in Australia,
was elected the president of the Assyrian Australian National Federation
this past week.

Your president and I have agreed to meet on a monthly basis and keep
each other informed of our activities which will enable us to better
serve you, your organizations and our people not only in the USA but
throughout the world.
Senator John Nimrod
AUA, Secretary General
October 12, 1996
Turlock- California
                  S   U   R   F   S     U   P   !
"I hope you made a mistake in reporting the incident, otherwise we
will have had two tragic deaths in Los Angeles.  There was an 11 year
old Assyrian boy named Paul that was killed by a bullet from an unknown
person in North Hollywood, CA while sitting in a minivan with his
family.  There were no reports of a gang fight."

[In the last issue ZENDA reported the victim as an Assyrian girl. We
 stand corrected.  ZENDA will investigate the matter further and
 bring you more accurate information in our next issue.]
"Akhoonie M'ykra Mr. Tower:  I can understand your devotion to
Christianity, but others have points of view that are as valid as
yours.  A great philosopher once said, "I don't believe a word you
say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it!".  Please
forgive me if you think that I'm pontificating, but I would like to
post this poem that should gewt you thinking about what you have

When the talk turns on religion, I have notions of my own,
Have my version of the Bible and the things I think alone.
And I've found them satisfying, found them comforting to me.
But I'll never lose my temper, if you chance to disagree;
For religion as I view it, is a pathway to the goal,
And is something to be settled between each person and their soul.

Now I'm not a Roman Catholic, but I wouldn't go so far
As to fling away the friendship of the folks I know who are.
I have lived and neighbored with them, come to love them through and
I've respect and admiration for the kindly things they do.
And I've come to the conclusion, though bigots think it odd;
That it makes no difference to me, how a good person worships God.

I know Methodists and Baptists, Protestants, Lutherans, Scientists
   and Jews,
Whose friendship is a treasure which I wouldn't want to lose.
And I honor and respect them, and I would't dare condemn,
The form of prayer and worship which is comforting to them.

When bigots talk religion, I just settle back and see.....
The helpful friends and loyal, every church has given me

     Poem written by the late Dr. Preston Bradley
     Pastor, Peoples Church, Chicago

'Judge not, lest ye be judged' "

Paul Newey  [GYQS35A@prodigy.com]
Age 82

"To [a ZENDA reader], First, I think that your mind is corrupt because
you DO NOT call a 3000 years old heritage empty pride and It's shame
for you and your mistress [a ZENDA reader] for wasting many long years
of your life worshipping your worthless God.  The way of this world is
the reality you are living in hell and haven and this Earth is going to
be your eternity and your Christians way seeking kingdom of God is vain.
Yes I'm living in a world of dreams about my mighty powerful past and
yes I will hold tight on my 3000 years old heritage with PRIDE. I even
disagree with Mr. Ashur Simon Malek, I think that Assyrians should
identify themselves first Assyrian and second as Assyrian."
Sargon Kanja

[ZENDA's policy is to publish any email message received in response to
 a message, article, or news items printed in our weekly newsletter.
 In the future, ZENDA will no longer print any messages which may
 include personal attacks to other ZENDA readers.  The staff of
 ZENDA apologizes to its readers whose names appear or are alluded to
 in the above message.]

              S  U  R  F  E  R  S      C  O  R  N  E  R
Dear ZENDA Reader:

The Assyrian American Association of San Jose, a non-profit cultural
and educational organization, is conducting a fund raising raffle.
The Association is planning to make some improvements to its building,
land, and perform a feasibility study to build a banquet hall for the
Assyrian community in the San Francisco Bay Area.  We are in need of
the support of our fellow Assyrians and other community groups and
businesses. Presently, the Association does not have sufficient
capital to perform these tasks.  In order to achieve our goals it
was deemed necessary to plan and start a fund raising function.  A
raffle has been scheduled to take place on December 31, 1996 at the
New Year's Eve banquet to be held at the Westin Hotel in Santa Clara;
winner need not be present to win.
Twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) will be given to a lucky winner.
What a way to start 1997 !  One thousand tickets have been printed to
be sold at one hundred ($100)  each. Only one thousand tickets will be
sold through December 31, 1996.  The odds of winning this $20,000 cash
prize are much better than winning any local lottery.

Please accept this letter as an invitation to help us raise this money
needed to achieve our goals.  You may E-mail your name, address, and
telephone number to ZENDA Market Place.  You will be contacted by an
Association representative for further detail.
Your cooperation and understanding is greatly appreciated.

Yours in Assyrianism,
Galina Philipovtich Vartan
Treasurer of the AAA San Jose
                                        YOUR NAME:
                                        TELEPHONE:   (DAY & Evening):
                                        BEST TIME TO CALL:

              N   E   W   S       D   I   G   E   S   T


(ZNDA: Chicago)  An Assyrian school is soon to begin its first
academic year in Detroit, Michigan.  Under the auspices of the
Assyrian-Chaldean Catholic Church in the U.S. the school will provide
a complete elementary education as approved by the State of Michigan's
Board of Education.  The school will be administered by the Chaldean
Order of Sisters and directed by Rev. Sarhad Jammo.  The construction
of this unique center of learning has so far exceeded 5 million
dollars.  Among the many subjects taught at this school will be a
"standardized" form of the Assyrian language.


(ZNDA: Turlock)  As announced in the October 12 quarterly meeting of
the National Executive Committee, the Assyrian American National
Federation will donate a total amount $10,000 to the Assyrian Relief
Fund of Georgia (Gorgistan) and $20,000 to the Assyrian Aid Society
in northern Bet-Nahrain. It was also emphasized that the fund
allocated for the Assyrian projects in northern Bet-Nahrain will be
directly sent to the Assyrian authorities in northern Iraq, bypassing
the intervention of the local Assyrian aid organizations in the
United States.


(ZNDA: Detroit) The following is an excerpt from an article which
appeared in the U.S. News & World Report's September 30 issue:
"There is an Arab mob, which is particularly strong in Detroit,
where there's a large population of Christian Iraqis known as
Chaldeans.  Their biggest racket is grocery coupon fraud.  They
own lots of little convenience stores and cut grocery coupons out
of newspapers, make them look like they have been used by customers
by crinkling them up and then send large amounts of them to food
manufacturers to redeem them.  It sounds like small potatoes, but it
amounts to millions of dollars a year."  Such reports of criminal
activities are chronicled in a new book entitled New Ethnic Mobs
(Free Press) by crime reporter William Kleinknecht.

[Last week ZENDA submitted a letter demanding an explanation for
 the improper use of the Assyrian-Chaldean name in association
 with criminal activities in the city of Detroit.  ZENDA also
 encourages its readers to follow up and access the Editorial page at:
  C   A   L   E   N   D   A   R     OF     E   V   E   N   T   S
Thru April 6    The Ain Ghazal Exhibit
                Smithsonian Institute
                Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
                Washington D.C.

Nov 13          Babylon & Syria in the time of XENOPHON
                Lecturer:  M. Stolper
                Oriental Institute
                University of Chicago
                Chicago, Illinois

Jan 15          Ashur & Marduk:  The State Gods of Assyria & Babylonia
                Lecturer:  G. Frame
                Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
                University of Toronto
                St. George campus
                Toronto, Canada
                8:00 p.m

Mar 12          Guardians of the Gate:  The Assyrian Winged Colossi
                Lecturer:  A. Harrak
                Near and Middle Eastern Civilization
                University of Toronto
                St. George campus
                Toronto, Canada
                8:00 p.m

April 9         Recent Excavations at Gordion, Turkey:
                An Achaemenid Persian Imperial Town in Central                           Anatolia
                Lecturer:  T.C. Young, Jr.
                Royal Ontario Museum
                Toronto, Canada
                8:00 p.m
                          E N T R A C T E
Oct 25          Halloween Party
                Presented by Nights of Babylon Production
                9:00 pm
                Jora's Restaurant
                San Jose Jet Center
                1250 Aviation Ave.  Ste. 235
                $8 cover
                21 and over only

                   I N T E L L I G E N T S I A
Mondays          Assyrian History Class
                 Fall 1996 Session
                 "Assyrian Biographies"
                 Instructor:  Wilfred Alkhas
                 BETA:  Assyrian American Association of San Jose
                 20000 Almaden Road
                 San Jose, California
                 7:30-9:00 pm
                 Info:  Wilfred_Alkhas@3mail.3com.com

Fridays          Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
                 Modesto Junior College
                 1:00 pm
                 Founders Hall 108
                 Modesto, U.S.A.

Saturdays        Nisibis School
                 The Church of the East
                 Toronto, Canada

                 Nisibin School
                 10:00-12:00 pm
                 BETA:  Assyrian American Association of San Jose
                 San Jose, California

SUNDAYS          Assyrian Boy Scouts
                 Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                 Assyrian Club
                 5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                 North Hollywood, California
                 9:30am  to 12:30pm
                 Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                 (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

                 Assyrian Student Union
                 California State University, Northridge
                 Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                 Assyrian Club
                 5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                 North Hollywood, California
                 Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                 (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

  A  S  S  Y  R  I  A  N     S  U  R  F  I  N  G     P  O  S  T  S

Assyrian Kings List

               P  U  M  P    UP THE   V O L U M E
                   ENGLISH                ASSYRIAN

                Language                lee/sha/na      [M]
                Tongue                  lee/sha/na      [M]
                Assyrian Language       lee/sha/na atoo/raa/ya  [M]
F = Feminine     M = Masculine      P = Plural
             B  A  C  K     TO THE      F  U  T  U  R  E

B.C. (858-824) Shalmaneser III encounters the Medes during his 24th
               campaign and returns triumphant to his Assyrian
               capital.  A little over two centuries later his
               beloved empire falls into the hands of Medians, never
               to regain its glorious past.

<< Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society, Vol VII,#1, Lucrece Dematran >>

A.D. (1917) The Russians withdraw form the war in Azerbaijan and the
government of the city of Urmie passes into the hands of the Assyrian
council, or the Mutva.  Military control is exercised by a joint
Assyrian-Armenian force.

<< A Brief Survey of the Assyrians in the History of Persia..., Ishaya>>

              L    I    T    E    R    A    T    U    S
                       DAMU REALIZES HE IS DEAD
                         -Old Babylonian Poetry-

"Woe! I am become a ghost!
   Woe, I am become a ghost,
I am not one who can answer
   my mother listening
   in Guedinna,
my mother, who is calling to me
   in the desert,
who is letting the call for me
   resound in the desert.
She will not be answered
I am not the grass,
   will not grow up for ther again,
I am not the waters,
   will not rise fo her again,
I am not the grass
   sprouting in the desert,
I am not the new grass
   growing up in the desert!

<<The Harps That Once..., Jacobsen>>

    T  H  I  S    W  E  E  K     I  N    H  I  S  T  O  R  Y
October 26, 1901:  Crown Prince of Persia visits Urmie and meets with
                   the officials of the Assyrian Church of the East
                   to discuss the prevention of further expansion of the
   Russian Christian missionary work in Iran.

                      B     R    A     V     O
Visiting Lecturer Laurie Pierce, a San Francisco-based Assyriologist
who completed her Ph.D. at Yale Univesity, is offering "Ancient
Babylonian Myths and Legends" at the University of California,
Berkeley during the current semester.
                   the   D I  R  E  C  T  O  R  Y
ZNAD (Assyrian Democratic Organization)
ZNBN (Bet-Nahrian Inc/ KBSV-TV "AssyriaVision")
ZNDA (Zenda: zenda@ix.netcom.com)
ZNNV (Nineveh Magazine)
ZNRU (Reuters)
ZNSJ (San Jose Mercury News)
ZNTM (Time Magazine)
ZNUP (United Press International)
ZNUS (US News & World Report)

      W   E   L   C   O   M   E     T O     Z   E   N   D   A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:
                        University of Michigan
                            S A L U T E
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals & organizations
whose contributions appear in this issue:

                Robert Dekelaita        Chicago, Illinois
                Arbel Soleymani San Jose, California
                Alice Shamoon           Santa Clara, California
                Felix Vartanian San Jose, California

Our Next Issue will appear on Monday, October 28, 1996.