Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]

Tishrin II  18, 6746                   Volume II                       Issue 39                     November 18, 1996

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       A Weekly Online Publication of the ZENDA Assyrian Newsagency

                                         T H I S   W E E K   I N   Z E N D A
The Lighthouse..............  The Homeland Foundation of Dr. Melek
Good Morning Bet-Nahrain....  AZIZ meets Turkish PM before Kurdish talks
Surfs Up....................    "...more articles and features..."
Surfers Corner..............  Assyrian Student Scholarships Information
News Digest.................  6 Assyrians arrested in Baghdad
                                Assyrian Academic Society's Election Results
                                Nabu Issabey's Concert in San Jose and LA
Calendar of Events..........  New Information about Dec 7 Choral Concert
Entracte....................    Nov 29 Thanksgiving Party in San Jose, CA
Intelligentsia..............    Assyrian History/Language Classes in the U.S.
Assyrian Surfing Posts......    Bet-Nahrain, Inc
Pump up the Volume..........    To own, earn and inherit
Back to the Future..........  Shulgi, the great patron of learning
                                Rashid Ali Revolt and the Assyrian Levies
Literatus...................    Sumerian Father and Son Conversation
This Week in History........    Assyrian Mission Press in Urmie
Bravo.......................    Paul Newey honored by Chicago Bar Association
The Directory...............    Directory of ZENDA News Sources
Bshena......................    Sacramento, CSU Stanislaus, San Diego State U
Salute......................  Ashur, Esha, Nadia, Eddy, and Arbella
             THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E


Dr. Melek Kavakcioglu was born in 1949 in Midyat, Turkey. After the
completion of his elementary and intermediary education he moved to
the city of Elazig, to continue his studies in high school. It was
here, in Elazig, that the revolutionary and progressive ideas first
started to grow within him.  While Dr. Melek studied medicine at the
university of Istanbul, his natural abilities as a leader in the
struggle against the oppression and persecution against his people
were becoming more evident.  In addition to the cultural and social
activities, that were necessary for the national activities  of our
people, he participated in political activities that he thought were
the only way to our freedom and liberation.  Dr. Melek always dreamt
of a day when he would be able to return home and live with his people
whom he wished to serve. Unfortunately his dreams were not realized.

When Dr. Melek finished his studies circumstances drastically changed.
A military coup forced him to emigrate to Sweden, where he continued
with his struggle.  Here he began to fight against the social challenges
brought on by mass immigration of our people to Sweden.  Along with this
he went on fighting for the human rights of his people in the homeland.
During his final years he was active in the homeland committee, which he
helped to establish. Dr. Melek's longing for the homeland was so strong
that it intensified his work in the social and political field. He took
this longing with him to the grave.  Dr. Melek passed away quite
unexpectedly on the 13th of January 1996 as a result of a cerebral
hemorrhage and left a great void behind him.  Thousands of people that
sympathized with his struggle were present at his funeral. Friends,
family and relatives, came from all around the world to bid a last
farewell to Dr. Melek. Here it was suggested that a foundation in the
memory of Dr. Melek be established as a symbol of his struggle.  After
the initial preparations, the Funeral Committee, his friends, relatives
and family summoned a meeting on the 25th of May 1996. At this meeting
the Homeland Foundation of Dr. Melek was established.  The individuals
stated below were selected to the Foundation Council. They will be seated
for two years.  In the future the Foundation Council will be selected
every two years at such a meeting.  Individuals who financially
contribute to the Foundation are invited to attend.

The purpose of the Foundation is to financially support our people in
the homeland. This is based on Dr. Melek's ideas, his longing and
lengthy struggle for our people. The success and strength of this
Foundation is dependent on the financial contributions of the
individuals who believe and sympathize with this struggle.
The Foundation Council consists of:
Gabriel Oussi           Chairman
Nebil Soysal            Secretary
Elisabeth Kavakcioglu   Officer
Nail Aho                Officer
Besim Aho               Officer
Adnan Can               Deputy Officer
Zeki Bisso              Deputy Officer

Postal Giro Account:  66 80 08 - 6

The Homeland Foundation of Dr. Melek
Box 4138
151 04  Södertälje

Your support of the Foundation will help keep Dr. Melek's struggle
alive.  Support your people in the homeland!

Hujada Magazine
Assyrian Federation of Sweden

[For more information please contact Hujada Magazine at hujada@algonet.se]

 G  O  O  D    M  O  R  N  I  N  G    B  E  T - N  A  H  R  A  I  N
(ZNUP: ANKARA) The Assyrian Foreign Minister of Iraq, Tariq Aziz,
arrived last week in Ankara for talks with Turkey's prime minister
on the northern Bet-Nahrain conflict and the use a Turkish pipeline to
the Mediterranean Sea if his country resumes exporting oil. Aziz and
Necmetin Erbakan discussed the conflict between rival Kurdish groups
and implementation of a U.N. Security Council resolution that would
allow Iraq to sell $2 billion in oil to buy food and medicine. At least
a half-million Iraqi children have died because of the commodity
shortages, the United Nations has found, while the government
has refused to show compliance with Gulf War disarmament terms.
Aziz was visiting Turkey before cease-fire talks between the Patriotic
Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which seek
control of northern Bet-Nahrain.
                  S   U   R   F   S     U   P   !
"...I envision the growth of Zenda to a real newspaper publication,
with more features and articles from all Assyrian communities around
the world. Thank you for your excellent efforts."

Joe Davida
San Diego, California

              S  U  R  F  E  R  S      C  O  R  N  E  R
Where can I find out about any Assyrian scholarship's for student's?
This is a question from an Assyrian student attending San Diego State

Gilbert Yousif

[Contact the following Assyrian organizations:

        Assyrian American National Federation
        Education Committee
        P.O. Box 20278
        San Jose, California  95160

        Assyrian Foundation of America
        P.O. Box 2620
        Berkeley, CA 94702                           ]

              N   E   W   S       D   I   G   E   S   T


(ZNDA: Toronto) The following is an official press release of the
Assyrian National Congress, dated November 13, 1996:

To:     Iraq Desk Officer, U.S. State Department
        U.S. Congressional Leaders
        United Nations' Human Rights Commission
        Amnesty International & Human Rights Watch
        Iraqi Opposition Parties
        All News Agencies

Re:     The Arrest of Six Assyrians Working at Sadam Hussein's
        Presidential Palace

The criminal regime of Saddam Hussein has struck again against the
Assyrian Christian community in Iraq.  Sources inside Iraq reported
to the Assyrian National Congress that in early October six Assyrians
working in the kitchen of the presidential palace in Baghdad were
arrested and charged for taking part in a "conspiracy to poison Saddam
Hussein."  Relatives of the arrested Assyrians and the Iraqi Human
Rights Organization in Syria have confirmed these reports.  It is common
knowledge that the Iraqi dictator employees a large number of Assyrians
in his presidential palace because he considers them "more faithful"
to his government.

The Assyrian National Congress, a worldwide Assyrian organization
dedicated to the well being of the Assyrian Christian minority in the
Middle East, was unable to find the whereabouts of the six Assyrians and
fears the worst.  ANC sources in Iraq reported that the Assyrian
community expects more arrests among the Assyrians of Baghdad as a
result of the "collective punishment"  policy followed by the Iraqi
regime in the past.  The names of the alleged Assyrian "conspirators" are:

1. Mr. Gewargis Hormiz Oraha, 45 years, married with four children, from
the Assyrian village of Mala Arab (Dohuk Governorate) now living in the
New Baghdad district of Baghdad.

2.  Mr. Yousip Adam Khamo, 26 years, married with one child, from the
Assyrian village of Mala Arab (Dohuk Governorate).

3. Amira Kora Odisho, 35 years, living in the Karadah district of

4. Mr. Shimon Khoshaba Al-Hozi, 38 years, married with seven children,
from the city of Zakho in the northern governorate of Dohuk.

5.  Mr. Petros Elia Toma, 36 years, married with three children, from
the Assyrian village of Mala Arab (Dohuk Governorate) now living in

6.  Mr. William Matti Barkho (Barfo).

We appeal to you to use your influence to find the whereabouts of the
missing Assyrians and return them safely to their families.  Your
efforts will be appreciated.  Thank you for your help and

Sincerely yours,

Sargon Dadesho, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.
President of the Assyrian National Congress
P.O. Box 3539 Modesto, California  95352  U.S.A.


(ZNDA: Chicago)  Assyrian Academic Society Elections were held
on Sunday, November 10, 1996. The newly elected officers are as


President:                      Dr. Mark Mkrdichian
Vice President:         Christine Benjamin
Treasurer:                      Roger Ichou
Secretary:                      Nadia E. Joseph


Publication, History,
  Language and Culture: Peter Jasim
Membership and By-Laws: Martin Mirza
Public Relations:               Raman Michael
Ways And Means:         Firas Jatou
Education and Counseling:       Shlimon Marcus
Financial:                      Roger Ichou


                                Dr. John Michael
                                Yokhana Alkass
                                Daniel Benjamin
                                Yoab Benjamin
                                Benyamin Yalda
                                Basil Aboona
                                Mazin Enwiya

In addition to sponsoring cultural and educational lectures and
seminars in Chicago, The Assyrian Academic Society publishes the
scholarly Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society.  Recently,
AAS celebrated the Tenth Anniversary of its journal at Chateau
Rand in Des Plaines, Illinois.  For subscription information contact:
JAAS  P.O. Box 4102  Des Plaines, Illinois   60016-4102


(ZNDA: San Jose)  After several months of tireless preparation, The
Nineveh Choir under the direction of Mastro Nebu Issabey, is once
again eager to perform its long-awaited Piano and Vocal Combo concert
in San Jose, California.  The group will then travel to Los Angeles
for an equally glorious performance on December 7.   Nineveh Choir
performs songs in Assyrian and Latin from classical to folkloric.
The Choir performs one or two concerts each year in California. The
November performance in San Jose will include such Assyrian classics
as Paulus Khofri's "Kokhva" (Star) and the absorbing devotional music
of Samuel Khangaldy's "Peera d'Alaha" (The Lamb of God).  The program
will also include Nebu Issabey's majestic "Shlama aal Nineveh"
(Hail to Nineveh) from Act III of Semiramis Opera and "Sobaya" (Youth).
The audience in San Jose on November 23 can also expect an encore
performance of "Roomraama" (Assyrian National Anthem), "Zowaa", and
"Ata" (The Flag). For schedule information refer to the CALENDAR OF
EVENTS section in this issue.

  C   A   L   E   N   D   A   R     OF     E   V   E   N   T   S

Thru April 6    The Ain Ghazal Exhibit
                Smithsonian Institute
                Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
                Washington D.C.

Nov 23           The Nineveh Choral Concert
                 Piano Recital by two Assyrian Concert Pianists
                 Nineveh Issabey (Simons) & Nineveh Bet-Shleimoun
                 Conducted by Nebu Issabey
                 San Jose State University Music Hall
                 San Jose, California
                 8:00 PM
                 Tickets:  $20.00
                 Contact:  Robert Badalian  (408) 268-8545
                          Joseph Betjoseph (209) 668-6805

Dec 7            The Nineveh Choral Concert
                 Conducted by Nebu Issabey
                 Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                 Assyrian Hall
                5901 N. Cahuenga Blvd.
                North Hollywood, California
                 8:00 p.m.
                 For ticket information:

                 Walter Ebrahimzadeh     (909) 625-2533
                 Catherine Babayan       (714) 750-7751
                 Elenor Orshan           (805) 292-2982
                 Kardella Lazar          (818) 344-9748
                 AAA of Southern CA      (818) 506-7577

Jan 15          Ashur & Marduk:  The State Gods of Assyria & Babylonia
                Lecturer:  G. Frame
                Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
                University of Toronto
                St. George campus
                Toronto, Canada
                8:00 p.m

Mar 12          Guardians of the Gate:  The Assyrian Winged Colossi
                Lecturer:  A. Harrak
                Near and Middle Eastern Civilization
                University of Toronto
                St. George campus
                Toronto, Canada
                8:00 p.m

April 9         Recent Excavations at Gordion, Turkey:
                An Achaemenid Persian Imperial Town in Central Anatolia
                Lecturer:  T.C. Young, Jr.
                Royal Ontario Museum
                Toronto, Canada
                8:00 p.m
                          E N T R A C T E
Nov 29           Thanksgiving Party
                 Jora's Restaurant
                 1250 Aviation Ave. Ste. 235
                 San Jose Jet Center
                 Off of Coleman Ave.
                 9:00 p.m.
                 Entertainment: Nights of Babylon Music Productions
                 Admission: $10.00,  $8.00 before 10 p.m.
                 21 & older only

                   I N T E L L I G E N T S I A
Mondays          Assyrian History Class
                 Fall 1996 Session
                 "Assyrian Biographies"
                 Instructor:  Wilfred Alkhas
                 BETA:  Assyrian American Association of San Jose
                 20000 Almaden Road
                 San Jose, California
                 7:30-9:00 pm
                 Info:  Wilfred_Alkhas@3mail.3com.com

Fridays          Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
                 Modesto Junior College
                 1:00 pm
                 Founders Hall 108
                 Modesto, U.S.A.

Saturdays        Nisibis School
                 The Church of the East
                 Toronto, Canada

                 Nisibin School
                 10:00-12:00 pm
                 BETA:  Assyrian American Association of San Jose
                 San Jose, California

SUNDAYS          Assyrian Boy Scouts
                 Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                 Assyrian Club
                 5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                 North Hollywood, California
                 9:30am  to 12:30pm
                 Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                 (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

                 Assyrian Student Union
                 California State University, Northridge
                 Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                 Assyrian Club
                 5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                 North Hollywood, California
                 Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                 (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

  A  S  S  Y  R  I  A  N     S  U  R  F  I  N  G     P  O  S  T  S

Bet-Nahrain, Inc.       http://www.betnahrain.com

               P  U  M  P    UP THE   V O L U M E
                   ENGLISH                ASSYRIAN

                To Earn                 qne/ta                  [F]
                To own                  ma/roo/ta               [F]
                 To inherit             qne/ta d.yaar/too/taa   [F]

Note:  pronounce "q" as in "qaa/tdoo" (Cat)
F = Feminine     M = Masculine      P = Plural
             B  A  C  K     TO THE      F  U  T  U  R  E

B.C. (2093) The Sumerian king Shulgi is noted as a patron of learning.
The great scribal schools of both Nippur and Ur trace their foundation
to Shulgi who claimed to have mastered the scribal curriculum.

<< The Ancient Near East, Hallo & Simpson >>

A.D. (1941) The Rashid Ali Revolt breaks out in Iraq; Assyrian Levies
stand firm alongside British and Indian troops in the fightings at
Habbaniya and Falujah.  It was then decided to expand this force to
11,000 men to include 300 Assyrian parachutists.

<< Nineveh Magazine, Vol 17, #3>>

              L    I    T    E    R    A    T    U    S
                         ca. 2200 B.C.

Son:  You told me to go to school, recite my assignment, open my
schoolbag, write my tablet, while my "big brother" is to write my
new tablet.  After finishing my assignment, I am to proceed to my
work an dto come to yo afer I have reported to my monitor.  That's
what you told me.

Father:  You who wonder about in the public square, would you
achieve success?  Then seek out the first generations.  Go to school,
it will be of benefit to you.  My son, seek out the first generations,
inquire of them.

<<History Begins at Sumer, Kramer>>

    T  H  I  S    W  E  E  K     I  N    H  I  S  T  O  R  Y
November 21, 1840:  The American Mission Press of Urmie, Iran publishes
"Our Lord's Prayer" in Classic Assyrian.

                      B     R    A     V     O


Mr. Paul Newey was honored at a luncheon held on November 6 at the
Corboy Hall in Chicago.  The luncheon, organized by the Chicago Bar
Association, was held in honor of fifty-year affiliation of 100 of
its members.  Mr. Paul Newey is a World War II veteran and his photo
along with other members of his family appear in the AMVETS booklet
published by Mr. John Hossana.
The Chicago Bar Association published a booklet highlighting its
honored members.    Mr. Newey's "Career Highlights" are
embodied in the following Foreword of a book being written by
Edward Baumann and Jo O'Brien entitled "The Newey Connection":

"Curious Chicagoans checking out a newly opened delicatessen in
the  hectic days following World War II and found themselves being
hustled by swarthy, mustached shopkeeper in a soiled apron.  He
shuffled his 21 pounds around the store on a 5-foot 11 inch frame,
laying bananas, me and other food stuffs out on the counter for
guests to peruse.

The 'grocer' was Paul Newey, a young lawyer playing private eye,
who went into the food business to get the goods on a group of
dairies in an anti-trust suit.  By the time he closed shop several
weeks later he had  enough tape-recorded evidence under his arm to
persuade opposition  lawyers to bestow a $1.25 million settlement
upon his client. A nice piece of change in the 1940s.

Paul Davis Newey - lawyer, lawman, psychologist, hypnotist,
linguist  and music lover - never did cotton kindly to bad guys.

His earliest ambition was to become an FBI agent, but his
Assyrian appearance hardly fit into J. Edgar Hoover's All-American
Boy mold.   So young Newey went elsewhere.

Life for this future under-cover agent began among the
Scandinavians in Minneapolis in 1914.  He came to Chicago with his
parents at the age of  two.  His maternal grandparents, the S.M.
Yonans, were early Chicago set tlers and, like many of their ethnic
group, became rug merchants.   For the Newey side of the family,
things would be different.

Newey's immigrant father, the Rev.  Paul S. Newey, became a
Congregational minister on Chicago's North Side.  One of his uncles
was a Roman Catholic priest, and another was a Presbyterian minister.
As child Paul learned to speak Aramaic, the language of Christ.

Reaching manhood in the tempestuous '30s, he was inspired by a
movie about the fledgling federal Bureau of Investigation, and
aspired to become a G-Man himself.  To qualify, one had to be an
attorney or an accountant, so Newey opted for law school after earning
a college degree in psychology.

Upon graduation from John Marshall Law School in 1940 he breezed
through both written and oral FBI exams.  The last hurdle would be
a personal interview, but when he showed up for it bursting with
self confidence he was advised he had failed the tests.  It was years
later before he learned the reason why.

'I did not fit J. Edgar Hoover's profile for special agents at that
time,' he recalled.  'They all looked very similar in stature and
ethnicity.  In those days the FBI did not engage in undercover work,
and I guess I looked more like a gangster than Jack Armstrong.'

Undaunted, Newey set aside his FBI ambitions and joined the U.S.
Secret Service in Washington, D.C., as a uniformed police officer at
$1,200 a year.  Two years later he transferred to the Federal Narcotics
Bureau where he worked undercover as 'Chicago Blackie.

Newey returned to Chicago and opened his own law practice in 1948.
That's when he covertly set up the Deli business to nail the dairy
cheats.   But the lure of the hunt was too much, and by 1951 he was
back in  Washington as a cloak-and-dagger man for the Central
Intelligence  Agency (CIA).

The desire to work in his home town brought him back to Chicago in
1957, not as a lawyer, but as chief investigator for State's Attorney
Ben Adamowski.  As such Newey commanded a force of 75 Chicago
police  officers and eight civilian investigators assigned to the
prosecutor's office.

He was the mastermind who broke the back of a corrupt police bur-
glary ring, the general who directed a sweeping investigation of a
Traffic Court scandal, and the cop who put the lid on corruption in the
Cook County Assessor's office.  On one occasion, Newey solved a
kidnap-rape case through hypnosis, but an over-cautions judge tossed
the evidence out  of court.

In recognition of his work as a lawman, the Special Agents
Association, a distinguished organization of law enforcement officers,
granted Newey life membership.  His peers also awarded him the
National Police Officers Association Medal of Merit, and in 1960
elected him to  the National Police Officers Hall of Fame.

Still practicing law today in his 80s, Newey specializes in pro
bono work for churches and charitable organizations that help
immigrants  becomes U.S. citizens.

But that investigative bug has never let go of him, and he has
spent several years trying to dig out the true story behind the
controversial Richard Cain.

This book is the end result of Paul Newey's bulldog tenacity,
covert  meetings and hush-hush conversations with undercover
sources in out-of- the-way places, late-night phone calls to the
authors, and a battered old suitcase bulging with top-secret files."

                   the   D I  R  E  C  T  O  R  Y
ZNAD (Assyrian Democratic Organization)
ZNAP (Associated Press International)
ZNBN (Bet-Nahrian Inc/ KBSV-TV "AssyriaVision")
ZNDA (Zenda: zenda@ix.netcom.com)
ZNNQ (Nabu Quarterly)
ZNNV (Nineveh Magazine)
ZNRU (Reuters)
ZNSJ (San Jose Mercury News)
ZNTM (Time Magazine)
ZNUP (United Press International)
ZNUS (US News & World Report)

      W   E   L   C   O   M   E     T O     Z   E   N   D   A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:
                        California State University, Stanislaus
                        San Diego State University, California
                        Sacramento, California
                            S A L U T E
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals & organizations
whose contributions appear in this issue:

                Ashur Simon Malek       Ontario, Canada
                Esha Tamraz             San Jose, California
                Nadia Joseph            Chicago, Illinois
                Eddy Willimas           Chicago, Illinois
                Arbella Issabey San Jose, California

Our Next Issue will appear on Monday, November 25, 1996.