Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]

Kanoon I  16, 6746                   Volume II                       Issue 43                     December 16, 1996

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       A Weekly Online Publication of the ZENDA Assyrian Newsagency

                      T H I S   W E E K   I N   Z E N D A
The Lighthouse......................  Joint Patriarchal Statement
Good Morning Bet-Nahrain............  UN Withdraws from Atrush Camp
                                             US Ends Refugees Evacuation
Surfs Up............................  "continued top-notch coverage"
Surfers Corner......................  ZENDA Needs You!
News Digest.........................  Rev. Barkho Released From His Duties
                                             Saddam's Son Attacked and Wounded
                                             Missing Link to First Writing
Calendar of Events..................  No New Entries
Entracte............................  New Year's Eve Party in Chicago
Intelligentsia......................  Classes, Lectures, and Seminars
Assyrian Surfing Posts..............  Syriac Documents
Pump up the Volume..................  Astonished, Confident, & Forced to
Back to the Future..................  Battle of Lutibu
                                             Malik Kambar of Jelu
Literatus...........................  An Unsatisfied Customer
This Week in History................  Dr. Abraham Yousif
Bravo...............................  Keristofer Seryani
The Directory.......................  News Sources
Bshena..............................  Glendale, Philadelphia,and Sweden
Salute..............................  Mar Bawai, Hannibal

                  THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E

His Holiness Mar Rophael, I, BiDawid, Catholicos Patriarch, His Holiness
Mar Dinkha, IV, Catholicos Patriarch, and their respective delegations
concerning proposals for the re-establishment of full ecclesial unity
between the Chaldean and Assyrian Churches of the East

1.  On Friday, 29 November 1996, at the Chaldean Chancery in Southfield,
Michigan (USA), the two Patriarchs of the Church of the East held their
first ever official meeting to discuss prospects of unity between their two
churches. Present with His Holiness Mar Dinkha, IV, was H.E. Mar Bawai
Soro, Bishop of Seattle and General Secretary for CIRED, and with His
Holiness Mar Rophael, I, BiDawid were H.E. Mar Ibrahim Ibrahim, Chaldean Bishop of USA,
H.E. Mar Yohanan Zora, Bishop of Ahwaz, and, Rt. Rev. Sarhad Jammo, Vicar
General of the Chaldean Diocese in USA who also was appointed by both
Patriarchs to function as the common secretary for the meeting.  At the end
of this meeting, the two Patriarchs wished to sum up their findings in the
following statement:

2.  "Their Holiness, as heads of their two churches, offer gratitude to
Almighty God the Father for granting them this historic opportunity to meet
in a serene fraternal confidence and to discuss with deep and mutual
understanding future prospects for a full and visible ecclesial
reunification of their churches--the two branches of the historically One
Church of the East.  In a humble love to their holy church-fathers and with
such a vision of unity in their minds, they pray, today, to God to send His
Spirit of Holiness to help them achieve a complete rapprochement between
their two churches.  For, it is precisely through such path that they find
themselves able to comply with our Lord's prayer for the unity of his
disciples (Jn. 17:21), and, similarly to encourage all Chaldeans and
Assyrians, their sons and daughters in Christ, to preserve their Christian
faith and to maintain their glorious Assyrian-Chaldean heritage.

3.  In accordance with the Church of the East's canonical practice, Their
Holiness wish to state that their task in this meeting is to discuss and to
formulate proposals that shall be subsequently submitted for the approval
by their two respective Holy Synods.  They, along with the other members of
their two delegations, have carefully deliberated on a number of important
issues that they hope will prepare the way and, one day, will lead their
churches to unity.  The following are their proposals:

(i)  The emphasis on, and exploration of, the several common ecclesial and
cultural dimensions that, today, bind their two churches and people
together, mainly, our mutual faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, our common
patristic, liturgical and theological tradition, as well as the belonging
to our same ancestry and culture, and the same thousands-of-years history
of glory and suffering that inseparably unites the Assyrian-Chaldean people.

(ii) The formation of a "Joint Commission for Unity" that shall be
appointed respectively by both of their Holy Synods to function as a task
force in order to formulate and carry out a comprehensive
ecclesial-educational plan through which both the Chaldean and Assyrian
Churches of the East will be able to achieve the following objectives:

        a.  The development of a "Catechism of the Church of the East."

        b.  The establishment of an educational ecclesial institution within the
Chicago-Detroit Region for the purpose of training future priests, deacons
and catechists for both of the churches and to offer continuous religious
educational programs for the active clergy in the whole Church of the East.

        c.  The articulation of a joint and common attitude toward emphasizing the
Aramaic mother tongue in liturgical usage and in cultural endeavors by both
of the churches.

        d.  The development of pastoral programs and literary projects as means of
ecclesial and cultural collaboration between parishes and dioceses of the
two churches throughout the world.

4.  In light of their discussions of these findings, they have accordingly
commissioned H.E. Bishop Mar Bawai Soro and Rt. Rev. Sarhad Jammo to
present to them, by 31st March 1997, a comprehensive draft of a plan
outlining the structure and the functionality of the above proposals, in
order for them to present this plan to both of their Holy Synods for the

5.  Meanwhile, Their Holiness would ardently ask all of their brothers
Archbishops, bishops, clergy and faithful, everywhere they may be, to
continue their prayers and support for the success of this noble cause that
shall restore their holy and ancient Church to its historic fullness.
Their Holiness pray that all of us will offer our best efforts to rally
behind them, in order to be able once again to transform our beloved Church
of the East into an instrument of promoting the evangelical virtues of
faith, hope and charity in the world, for the glory of God's name and to
the benefit of all of our Assyrian-Chaldean people."

6.  Signed on the 29th day of November 1996 at the Chaldean Chancery in
Southfield, MI (USA).

Rt. Rev. Sarhad Jammo
Vicar General of the Chaldean Diocese in USA
and Secretary of the "Joint Patriarchal Meeting"

     G  O  O  D    M  O  R  N  I  N  G    B  E  T - N  A  H  R  A  I  N


(ZNUP: ANKARA) The United Nations has decided to withdraw from the Turkish
Kurd refugee camp of Atrush in northern Iraq because separatist PKK
guerrillas were effectively in control, a western diplomat said in
Ankara Friday.  Atrush camp has been providing food, medicine and shelter
to about 14,000 refugees in northern Bet-Nahrain.  "We can no longer
provide support," spokeswoman Maki Shinohara said, "PKK sympathizers are in
control of the camp committee." The Turkish government has long complained
to the United Nations that the PKK, or Kurdistan Workers Party, which has
been waging a separatist war in Turkey, has turned Atrush camp into a base.
Under a U.S-brokered agreement of Oct. 31, the rival Kurdish groups
controlling northern Iraq- the KDP and the Patriotic Union of
Kurdistan-have pledged to "work with and support the UNHCR for the
immediate and voluntary repatriation of Turkish citizens in the Atrush
camp."  Some 21,000 people have been killed since the PKK launched its
campaign to set up an independent Kurdish state in northern Bet-Nahrain in


(ZNRU: Washington) The State Department said it had completed the
evacuation of nearly 4,000 employees of aid agencies from northern Iraq for
settlement in the United States. The last flight from Turkey arrived Sunday
on the Pacific island of Guam, a U.S. territory. The evacuees are being
housed at Andersen Air Force Base on Guam, and will be considered for
asylum in the United States.  Washington had already evacuated to Guam some
2,700 Iraqi aid workers directly employed by the U.S. government and Iraqi
opposition figures in fear of Baghdad's recent increased influence in
northern Iraq. U.S. officials say some of those have already reached the
continental United States.  The latest evacuation involved employees of
Western non-governmental organizations that were either U.S.-funded or
U.S.-based. The evacuations began after the Kurdistan Democratic Party
invited Iraqi forces into northern Bet-Nahrain region at the end of August
to help it fight the rival Kurdish faction, PUK.

                         S   U   R   F   S     U   P   !
"Please accept my warm wishes and appreciation for your outstanding work in
the publication of ZENDA newsletter.  I would like to share with you and
your readers an important news items that could have tremendous consequence
on the future of our people everywhere in the world.  A "Joint Patriarchal
Statement" that was the product of a long process of dialogue and
communication between a number of concerned clergy and prelates from both
the Assyrian and the Chaldean communities was issued on November 29, 1996.
This statement came out in the context of a meeting that took place in
Detroit, MI, during the Thanksgiving weekend between Their Holinesses Mar
Dinkha, IV, and Mar Rophael, I, Bidaweed.  They, for the very first time in
almost 450 years, met, prayed and co-consecrated a Chaldean church building
together. The event also included serious talks between the two heads of
churches concerning cooperation and the ultimate unity of their churches,
and therefore, of their people, as well.  I hope that the joint statement
of the two patriarchs will shed some light unto this very important process
in our history."

Mar Bawai Soro
Assyrian Church of the East
Rome, Italy



"Congratulations to Zenda...for its continued top-notch coverage of current
Assyrian subjects.  I was especially appreciative of the 'BRAVO' segment,
which provided a brief biography of a wonderful Assyrian Philanthropist,
Mr. Benjamin S. Adams. I never had the privilege of meeting this person,
and I very much regret it.  It seems to me he harbored some important
philosophy about the future direction for Assyrians overseas.

I would assume that the bequest left to the ASSYRIAN AID SOCIETY will
predictably go to aid Assyrians in Iraq, and this is as it should be.
However, I am more curious about the other bequests you have listed. Can
you please provide any information about the intentions or the agenda for
spending these funds by the other groups.  So far, I have only heard one
piece of news, and I would like to know if anyone could verify it.  I heard
that BET NAHRAIN ORGANIZATION has donated its $5,000 bequest to some
charitable organization. If so, this is laudable.  But the other groups
will be getting more than $5,000. Since these bequests were made for
"education or welfare", it seems to me an ideal opportunity for these
groups to pool the money together and to establish a serious fund for
research grants.  In the past, there have been awards made to high school
students, or to college undergrads.  I submit that the greater need, and
the more proper use of such rare funds, is in support of advanced Assyrian
scholarship.  Specifically, I would propose that the organizations who have
been fortunate enough to be named in this Will (excluding Assyrian Aid
Society, whose funds should be used for welfare in Iraq) should consider
organizing a small committee to map out a method for establishing and
administering an Assyrian research program.  Thanks again for your
continued good coverage. Merry Christmas, and a successful 1997 to you, and
to all your readers."

Francis Sarguis
Santa Barbara, California

[Mr. Sarguis' proposal will be submitted to the Executive Committee of the
Assyrian American National Federation and the Assyrian United Organizations
of California and presented at the next National/Regional Executive
Meetings (February 1997) of both organizations.  Mr. Wilfred Alkhas,
publisher of ZENDA and the current chairman of the AANF Education
Committee, is currently preparing a proposal for the establishment of the
Benjamin S. Adams Assyrian Studies Scholarship Fund.]



Dr. Robert Karoukian
San Francisco, California

ZENDA's Translation:  Greetings, Respected Sir,  First of all, I would like
to acknowledge the receipt of your fine weekly newsletter, bravo!  In two
months I will be traveling to Argentina.  A few months ago, I remember,
there was a letter from an Assyrian in Argentina.  If possible, send me his
telephone number and email address.  Peace, love, and blessings from San

[The ZENDA reader to whom you are referring resides in Uruguay.
Unfortunately, to the best of our knowledge, of the thousands of Assyrians
(Syriani's) whose parents emigrated to Argentina in the early part of this
century, no one is receiving ZENDA via email. We hope that you will be able
to expand our readership as you meet Assyrians in your travels.  It is
estimated that as many as 8,000 Assyrians live in the greater cities of
Buenos Aires and Rio De Janeiro. Among such families immigrating to
Argentina from the Middle East were the parents of the current president of
this country, Carlos Menem.]

"thank you for all the hard work you guys are doing at 'Zenda.'  I love
reading your electronic magazine every week. God bless all of you for all
of your efforts, and I want to wish you success always. Thanks!"

Evans Alkhas

"A couple of weeks ago, there was an issue regarding the United Nations
leaving North Iraq and along with them were Kurds. I wanted to know why
they were evacuating only the Kurds and not the Assyrians. Why didn't we
try to help Assyrians leave. I am sure there are many Assyrians who would
have taken the opportunity. Can someone respond to my questions?"

Kelli Khoshaba
Milpitas, California

[At this time there are no reports of the evacuation of any Assyrian
individuals from northern Bet-Nahrain. We suspect that all evacuees are
officially identified as "Kurdish" and thus other minority groups -
Assyrians, Turkomans, and Armenians- remain improperly identified.]

                  S  U  R  F  E  R  S      C  O  R  N  E  R

                            ZENDA NEEDS YOU!

We are often asked about our coverage of the lectures, seminars, parties,
and the meetings taking place in the Assyrian communities around the world.
 "Why did you not inform us about Rabbie X's lecture in Chicago or the
Halloween Party in San Diego," our readers may ask.  To quote a ZENDA staff
member "our readers are the eyes and ears of ZENDA."  In fact in reference
to STAFF of ZENDA we are indeed referring to 28 ZENDA readers who prepare
the contents of our weekly newsletter. Yet not every social event of nearly
200 Assyrian social, political, cultural and religious organizations in 16
countries can be recorded unless more readers contribute to the pages of
ZENDA.  Join the growing family of ZENDA reporters and write to us about
your community's activities.  Your eyewitness reporting of such events will
encourage others to organize similar activities and increase public
awareness.  Email your reports, comments, and news to zenda@ix.netcom.com.

                  N   E   W   S       D   I   G   E   S   T


(ZNDA: Los Angeles) Reverend Barkho of St. Mary's Church in North Hollywood
was recently released from his pastoral duties in the North Hollywood
Parish. According to a decree from Bishop Mar Aprim Khamis,
prelate-in-charge of the Parishes of the Assyrian Church of the East in
California, Reverend Barkho was indefinitely removed from his
ecclesiastical duties in California. At press time ZENDA has not received
any confirmation of such reports as Rev. Barkho's possible transfer to
Arizona.  Moreover, rumors of Mar Aprim Khamis' possible replacement of
Rev. Barkho with his relative, Rev. Kando of the Parish in Orange County,
has enraged many parishioners in North Hollywood who feel that they have
been victims of internal struggle for power in the church. Rev. Barkho was
once before the focus of attention when a threat to his life was made
public after his vandalized automobile was discovered by the Los Angeles
Police.  Several Los Angeles parishioners interviewed for this article
accuse the heightened controversy on Bishop Mar Aprim Khamis' attitude
against any further involvement of Rev. Barkho in the local affairs of the
church.  As reported by one ZENDA reader, the keys to the newly-renovated
Parish in North Hollywood were replaced to prevent Rev. Barkho's use of the
church building.  Amidst all the controversy surrounding Rev. Barkho's
release the Assyrian Church of the East has not commented on its decision.


(ZNRU: Amman) On Thursday, December 12, three or four attackers, hurling
hand grenades and firing machine guns, attacked President Saddam Hussein's
eldest son Uday. The windscreen of Uday's armored car had been shattered in
the attack in Baghdad's al-Mansour district. Uday, 32,  was shot and
wounded, and was then taken to Ibn Sina hospital.  The Islamic Dawa Party,
An Iran-based Iraqi opposition group, said it was behind the assassination
attempt.  Uday heads Iraq's National Olympic Committee and is also head of
the Iraq Soccer Federation. He owns Iraq's most influential newspaper
Babel. Uday holds a degree in engineering and military studies.
President Saddam Hussein has two sons and three daughters.
A woman traveling in the same car as Uday was killed in the attack and that
the Iraqis were looking into the possibility that another woman may have
told the gunmen where Uday would be that evening. Another previously
unknown Iraqi opposition group, the Iraq Salvation Movement, has also
claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt.  General Wafik
Samarrai, a former head of Iraqi military intelligence who now lives in
Damascus, said the Baghdad government had still not identified the would-be


(ZNRU: London) Some 10,000-year-old stone carvings from Syria may represent
the missing link between cave drawings and modern writing, French
researchers said last Thursday. The stones, taken from the left bank of the
river Euphrates, carry ancient pictograms, New Scientist magazine reported.
Danielle Stordeur of the Institute of Oriental Prehistory near Nimes said
the pictograms were an intermediate form of communication - more advanced
than stone-age cave drawings but not as advanced as real writing. The flat,
oval rocks depict, among other things, an insect connected to something
that looks like an owl, a snake, arrows and zigzags. One also carries 34
crescent shapes with dots. The area is due to be flooded next year
when the Tichrine dam is built. A French archaeologist tells New Scientist
magazine that carvings on stones found in Syria may be an important
"missing link" in the evolution of writing. The carvings found 250 miles
northeast of Damascus are twice the age of Sumerian cuneiform, the world's
oldest writing. New Scientist says decoding the messages would require
further finds.

         C   A   L   E   N   D   A   R     OF     E   V   E   N   T   S

Thru April 6            The Ain Ghazal Exhibit
                        Smithsonian Institute
                        Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
                Washington D.C.
                        AAA of Southern CA      (818) 506-7577

Jan 15                  Ashur & Marduk:  The State Gods of Assyria & Babylonia
                        Lecturer:  G. Frame
                        Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
                        University of Toronto
                        St. George campus
                        Toronto, Canada
                        8:00 p.m

Mar 12                  Guardians of the Gate:  The Assyrian Winged Colossi
                        Lecturer:  A. Harrak
                        Near and Middle Eastern Civilization
                        University of Toronto
                        St. George campus
                        Toronto, Canada
                        8:00 p.m

April 9                 Recent Excavations at Gordion, Turkey:
                        An Achaemenid Persian Imperial Town in Central Anatolia
                        Lecturer:  T.C. Young, Jr.
                        Royal Ontario Museum
                        Toronto, Canada
                        8:00 p.m

                               E N T R A C T E
Dec 25                  Christmas Party '96
                        Assyrian Church of the East
                        680 Minnesota Avenues
                        San Jose, California
                        Entertainers:  Ogin & Ashur Bet-Sargis

Dec 31

CHICAGO         New Year's Eve Party
                        Assyrian American Ladies Association of Chicago
                        1618 w. Devon
                        Chicago, IL 60660
                        Entertainment:  RAMSIN SHENO
                        All You can eat and drink!
                        Donation:       Non Members  $ 45.00
                                        Members      $ 35.00
                                        Kids            $ 15.00
                        For table reservation, call Sonia Aghakan
                        (773) 271-5539 (H)/ (773)338-3922

SAN JOSE                New Year's Eve Party
                        Westin Hotel
                        Santa Clara, California
                        Entertainers:  Sooren & Edmond
                        Donation:       Non Members     $ 75.00
                                        Members $ 65.00
                        Babysitting Service Available

LOS ANGELES             New Year's Eve Party
                        Hilton Hotel- LAX
                        Los Angeles, California
                        Entertainers:  Ogen & Black Cats
                        Donation:       $ 65.00

GERMANY         New Year's Eve Parties
                        Wiesbaden & Bremen
                        (More Info Next Week)

                         I N T E L L I G E N T S I A
Thursdays               Nineveh Choir under the direction of Maestro Nebu Issabey
                        BETA:  20000 Almaden Road
                        San Jose, California
                        8:00 pm

Fridays                 Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
                        Modesto Junior College
                        1:00 pm
                        Founders Hall 108
                        Modesto, U.S.A.

Saturdays               Nisibis School
                        The Church of the East
                        Toronto, Canada

                        Nisibin School
                        10:00-12:00 pm
                        BETA:  Assyrian American Association of San Jose
                        San Jose, California

SUNDAYS                 Assyrian Boy Scouts
                        Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                        Assyrian Club
                        5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                        North Hollywood, California
                        9:30am  to 12:30pm
                        Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                        (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

                        Assyrian Student Union
                        California State University, Northridge
                        Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                        Assyrian Club
                        5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                        North Hollywood, California
                        Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                        (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

       A  S  S  Y  R  I  A  N     S  U  R  F  I  N  G     P  O  S  T  S
The Assyrian Academic Society in Chicago has done it again.  Visit this
week's suggested website and download some of the most fascinating works of
Syriac literature available to modern scholars of early Christian writings.
 A most interesting example of such literary masterpieces is Mar Abdisho's
"Paradise of Eden" :

Syriac Documents:  http://www.wwa.com/~aas/pdf_form.html

                     P  U  M  P    UP THE   V O L U M E
               ENGLISH                          ASSYRIAN

                Astonished                      dmee/raa                [M]
                                                      dmer/ta                 [F]
                Confident                       khat/tee/ta             [M]
                                                      khat/te/ta              [F]
                Forced (to do something)  al/lee/sa               [M]
                                                       al/les/ta               [F]

F = Feminine     M = Masculine      P = Plural

                B  A  C  K     TO THE      F  U  T  U  R  E

B.C. (858)  Battle of Lutibu:  Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, meets the
combined forces of Samal, Hattina, Carchemish, and Adini, a north Syrian
confederacy. The Assyrian army was forced to return and Shalmaneser's
strategic routes to Asia Minor were henceforth lost.

<< The Ancient Near East, Hallo & Simpson >>

A.D. (1890) Malik Kambar d'Malik Warda is born in the village of Zerini,
Jelu (northern Bet-Nahrain). Malik Kambar was the leader of the Assyrian
Protectorate in northeastern Syria after World War I.  During the Second
World War he served as a general under the command of emperor Helassi Lassi
of Ethiopia and faught against Mussolini's Italian army in Africa.

<< The Assyrian National Question, Dadesho >>

                                        L    I    T    E    R    A    T    U    S

The following is a correspondence of Ea-Nasir, a merchant in the copper
trade. Here a customer complains to Ea-Nasir that he has failed to supply
him with good quality copper:

"When you came, this is what you said: 'I will deliver satisfactory ingots
to [you].'  You told me this when you came, but you haven't done it.  You
put unsatisfactory ingots before my messenger, and you said 'Take it or
leave it.'  who am I that you treat me in such a way, that you show
contempt for me in this way?  This between gentlemen like us!...Who is
there amongst...traders who has done anything like this to me?"

<<Civilization Before Greece & Rome, Saggs"

           T  H  I  S    W  E  E  K     I  N    H  I  S  T  O  R  Y
December 17, 1866:  born, Dr. Abraham Yousif, in Kharput, Turkey.  Dr.
Yousif served as a medical physician in the U.S. Army, and represented the
Assyrian nation in the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.

                            B     R    A     V     O

                        KERISTOFER SERIANI

Congratulations to our Assyrian ZENDA reader, Keristofer Seriani of
Turlock, California, who was recently elected student body president of
Whittier College in southern California.  Born in Tehran, Iran,
Keristofer's term as vice-president will come to a closure on January 1,
1997 when he will begin his new term as president.

Keristofer plans on receiving a Masters Degree in International Relations
and a Juris Doctorate Degree in International Law.  "I hope to work with
NGOs in developing programs to develop human rights in the Middle East,"
writes Keristofer.  Mr. Seryani is also nominated for the prestigious
Truman Scholarship and for two consecutive years has been the recipient of
the Assyrian American National Federation's Students Scholarship Award.

                         the   D I  R  E  C  T  O  R  Y
ZNAD (Assyrian Democratic Organization)
ZNAM (Archeology Magazine)
ZNAP (Associated Press International)
ZNBN (Bet-Nahrain Inc/ KBSV-TV "AssyriaVision")
ZNDA (Zenda: zenda@ix.netcom.com)
ZNNQ (Nabu Quarterly)
ZNNV (Nineveh Magazine)
ZNRU (Reuters)
ZNSJ (San Jose Mercury News)
ZNTM (Time Magazine)
ZNUP (United Press International)
ZNUS (US News & World Report)

             W   E   L   C   O   M   E     T O     Z   E   N   D   A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

                        Glendale, California
                        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

                     S     A     L     U     T     E
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals & organizations
whose contributions appear in this issue:

                Mar Bawai Soro                 Rome, Italy
                Hannibal Givargiz               Tehran, Iran

Our Next Issue will appear on Monday, December 23, 1996.