Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]

Shvadt 3, 6746                   Volume II                       Issue 50            February 3, 1997

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       A Weekly Online Publication of the ZENDA Assyrian Newsagency

                      T H I S   W E E K   I N   Z E N D A
The Lighthouse.............................. "My Boy, I Give You America!"
Good Morning Bet-Nahrain............  Assyrian Delegation in the US
Surfs Up............................ "The mother of all ironies"
Surfers Corner...................... Valentine Bash Invitation
                                            Desperately Seeking Bridal Scarves
News Digest......................... Toronto Mourns the Loss of Its Deacon
                                        Harvard Univ. to Hire Assyriologist
News Bits........................... Saddam's Wife in Custody
Calendar of Events.................. Political Rallies in San Jose & Turlock
Entracte............................ Valentine Bash in Michigan
Intelligentsia...................... Classes, Lectures & Meetings
Assyrian Surfing Posts.............. The Netherlands Inst for the Near East
Pump up the Volume.................. Scream and Shout
Back to the Future.................. Ashurnassirpal founds Calah
                                            The Mission Press in Urmie
Literatus........................... Shamshi-Adad's Letter to His Son
This Week in History................ Naom Faiq
Bravo............................... Syriac Concordance Program (German)
The Directory....................... News Sources
Bshena.............................. Holland & Pakistan
Salute.............................. Gabriel, Albert, Firas, Lorine, Ashur,
                                            Christoph, and Steven
                  THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E

                        "MY BOY, I GIVE YOU AMERICA!"

"My boy, I give you America." With these words, my father put me on my own.
I was 16, facing life in America, with no money, no knowledge of the
language, no schooling. My father gave me America, but I had to make
America. That was in 1923; four years after the end of World War I, my
father found me sick in a charity hospital in Constantinople, the only
survivor of his large family he had left, in 1912, fairly comfortable in
Jilu, Zerini, Van Province, Kurdistan. We arrived in Argentina.
I was only eight when the Kurds drove us from our home in 1915. However, I
have vivid memories of our stone house, built on three levels on the
terraced hillside. My uncle's family occupied the lowest level, the sheep
and goats the highest level somewhat back of the house which we occupied
between the uncle and the animals.
Our particular family governed the large Jilu clan. The Malik, or governor,
was elected by acclamation for a period of three years. The Maliks need be
rather wealthy, as they received no pay except the care of their herds in
winter, two or three sheep or goats being parceled out each year by
villagers. My grandfather was a clan Malik - the title is still used in our
names: George Malik Warda, meaning George of the Royal House of Warda.
My grandfather was very astute. At one time the Turks were about to levy a
heavy tax on the Assyrians. The day the came to inspect, Grandfather
received them with a meal of corn-meal mush, over which we smacked our lips
and declared it was a dinner fit for kings. The Turks left without levying
any tax. "If that is a company banquet, what must their everyday fare be?"
they mused.
Christmas and Easter stand out clearly in my mind. There was sure to be
snow at Christmas. At 4 A.M., before the early service, the villagers
divided into two bands and met to shovel snow off the flat-roofed church.
What fun to see which team finished first their half of the roof! Christmas
day was a day of great feasting and visiting after a 25-day fast.

Easter, too, was joyous after a 50-day lenten season, with its total
abstinence of all animal products, even of milk, butter and eggs. Easter
morning would find the entire population at the church with their pockets
full of hard-boiled eggs, and greeting one another with the words: "Christ
is risen," "The Lord lives, Hallelujah!" Then the egg contest. Two
contestants each hold an egg and strike the ends together, first one and
then the other. The winner is the one who holds the most cracked eggs, and
of course one egg unbroken.
Although Assyrian Christians occupied their separate territories in
Kurdistan, they have always been persecuted by Turks and Kurds. Even so,
Nestorian Christians have maintained their faith through the centuries. I
remember our Mar-Zaia Church, the stone structure, massive wooden gates,
and inside innumerable lengths of cloth hung there by those who made vows
or promises and rewarded the saints in this way. More than once the church
served as refuge in times of trouble.
My slender, dark-haired mother had born eight children. Two of them died in
Zerini before the Kurds came. On the 18th June, 1915, my mother and her six
children, with hundreds of relatives and friends, were forced to get
together what we could carry and cross the mountainous country to Diz,
another Assyrian Christian community; a frightening experience for little
ones, terrifying nights in the open, weary foot-sore days, after the
comforts and security of home.

We camped in the mountains of Diz for three months with no shelter
whatsoever. Our only food was unsalted mutton and mountain greens. With
winter coming on, we had to leave our mountain camp and travel farther
east. We reached Salamas, Persia, after many tiresome days, on foot,
fighting the Kurds as we went.  There, an Assyrian woman very kindly shared
her house with us. We had no way of buying food or other necessities.
Father could not return, nor was he able to send any money. He had no news
of us for months. War on a large scale was too new for organized refugee
Soon after we reached Persia, a plague broke out, caused probably by
contaminated wheat found in abandoned houses and used on the way. Or
perhaps caused by unhealthy climate in Persia, or malnutrition and
privation. Our people died by tens and hundreds. Of our family, Mother went
first, fortunately for her. How could she have borne the loss of four of
her six children in such deplorable circumstances? Humberto, who was nine,
was next, then my sisters, Esther and Espania, who were younger than I.
Finally, Baby Theodor, whom we had carried in our arms all the way. Only
Eshaia, who was twelve, and I survived.

We took to begging, an unprofitable business. The ones from whom we begged
were as needy as ourselves. For a time I took care of the mayor's horse. I
rode it to the brook to wash it. I groomed it and fed it. The horse was
happier than myself. Even its shelter was better than mine. My physical
stature suffered for those years of privation. I should have been growing
those years, but I had nothing to grow on.

After my mother, sisters and brothers died, an aunt took care of Eshaia and
myself. I never knew anyone poorer in this world's goods, nor richer in
human kindness; a widow with five or six children, taking in two orphaned
boys. She didn't exactly take us in, she took us under, our "dwelling"
being a shed with roof but without walls.
With money that our father was able to send, we bought a baby goat. I cared
and loved that little animal. It followed me around like a brother; it even
slept with me. It grew sleek and fat, and the day came when it had to be
killed for meat. I begged for its life. It was useless. The goat was killed
and eaten. But I would have starved to death rather than to have eaten a
bite of that goat meat.

In the First World War, the Assyrian nation was known as the "Little Ally".
Russia sent in huge cakes of sugar in which arms and ammunitions were
concealed. Some of these broke open, the Turks discovered the weapons, and
at their instigation, the Kurds drove us out of our country. We were in
Persia two years. As long as the Russian army was there, we were safe.
When the Russian revolution broke out in 1917, the Czar's army had too much
trouble at home to remain fighting the Turks, so they returned to Russia.
We thought we might be better off in friendly Russia, so my brother and I,
with a large number of relatives, marched with the army over plains and
mountains into Armenian territory. We were among Armenian Christians, hence
not persecuted. Those who remained in Persia suffered greatly.

From the Armenian frontier, we enjoyed our first train ride. In changing
trains, my aunt forgot her little home-made spindle and a cone or two of
wool. Very excitedly she exclaimed, "Can't some young fellow run and catch
the train? It just disappeared over yonder mountain."

We arrived in Tiflis, Georgia, where we lived several months, the bitterest
of my life. It was impossible to get work. All I earned was a few coppers
thrown to me as I played clown, turning somersaults and hand-springs in
front of the cafes. When driven by hunger, I begged.
Isaiah kept the accounts. How I admired his sense of responsibility and
honour! A few pounds sterling, or a few roubles borrowed from an uncle or
cousin, on such and such a date, were repaid when father sent us a little
money. Years later I paid out little debts for which Eshaia felt
responsible and which he did not live to repay.
From Tiflis we went to Almavar, in Kuban, where we spent a longer time.
When the counter revolution broke out between White Russia and the
Bolsheviques, we decided to go farther inland. My brother went ahead, to
Ikatrindar (later called Krasnodar), Kuban. I never saw him again; he
drowned in the Kuban River where he had gone to bathe and wash his clothes.
Later I went to Ikatrindar. It would humiliate me too much, after all the
years, to relate the menial chores I did there to keep soul and body together.
Two years later, some hundreds of us, fleeing from the Bolshevique regime
in whatever possible way, took a train from Ikatrindar to Novorossiisk,
hoping to get to the coast and take ship to Constantinople. It was winter,
thick snow was falling. We were riding on top of passenger cars.
The hour came for a cousin to give birth to her baby. Four of us youngsters
held a blanket over the woman to keep off the snow as she gave birth to a
baby girl. When it was known what had happened up there on top of a moving
train, a place was made for the mother and baby inside the passenger
We arrived at the port. The boat was already overcrowded. There was no room
for hundreds of Assyrian refugees and White Russians wishing to escape. We
stood on the dock, with our pots, pans, and precious possessions gazing up
at the ship. The captain looked down, shook his head and said, "The
Bolsheviques won't harm you starving Assyrians. They'll feed you." And so
it was - they were really good to us.
Novorossiisk was a good place for business. The warehouses were full of
abandoned merchandise and beautiful garments. Two of my relatives fought
over a fur coat; one wanted it for his wife, the other for his fiancee. A
policeman came along, separated the fighters, and took the coat, perhaps
for his wife!
We bought and sold, bartered and exchanged, in this school of hard knocks
which was fine preparation for the prospective tradesman of which I had
become one. The police, one day, found me with four pairs of trousers and
several shirts from the warehouse, one on top of the other. My neck then
was about as thick as my wrist is now, so I must have been a comical sight.
The police made me give up all the shirts (I had none of my own). Then they
began to divest me of the trousers. I cried and told them that my own pants
were full of holes, so they allowed me to keep one good pair.
After some time, some of us returned to Ikatrindar where we were treated
nicely. We bought clothes in the street fairs, took them to the country and
exchanged them for flour, cheese and other food. The country people were
most kind to us.

Little by little we got ahead, saved a few pounds sterling and were able to
leave Russia by way of Batum, Georgia. In Constantinople I met my father.
Nine years before he had left a happy family. Now I was all he had.
Before my father got in touch with me, a fellow countryman, in three
months' time, taught me to read and write in Aramaic, our native tongue. On
the boat from Constantinople to Italy, he taught me the European ABC's. In
Paris I spelled out the word H-O-T-E-L, my first acquaintance of the
European writing.
We arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the 5th of August, 1923. There I
studied the language, arithmetic, history and geography of Argentina.
Argentina was heaven: clean living, plenty to eat, enjoyable work, buying
and selling at a profit.
Within five years I had made what seemed to be a fortune, but came within
one of failing to make America. I sailed to Beyrouth [Beirut-Lebanon],
bought a taxi, hired a driver and expected to live like a gentleman. The
taxi collided with a street car. I sued the company, lost the suit, and the
taxi, and had to pay the costs.
At 23 years of age, I was back in America [South America], having paid my
passage on borrowed money. Just where I started seven years before, only a
bit wiser. My father was so out of patience with me that even his cash
wedding gift six years later was given explicitly to my wife.
I settled permanently - as it turned out - in Montevideo [Uruguay]. I had
no money with which to buy a few trinkets to sell. I got a job in Swift's
Packing Plant shoveling coal. I worked six days, and drew my pay. After
paying my room rent, I had five Uruguayan pesos, my initial capital. I
bought a few notions, combs, brushes, mirrors and handkerchiefs. I set out
to sell them, my own boss from that day on. I sold from house to house,
carrying my goods in a large basket, later with a basket, cheap suitcase,
and a pile of towels, lengths of cloth, and lace over my shoulder. I walked
miles and miles, calling "Tendero, Tendero." Some of my customers from
those days still call me "tendero" (storekeeper). I knew the streets of
this suburb with my eyes shut. I learned whom I could trust. I made
life-long friends. Most of all, I learned the value and satisfaction of
serving my community unselfishly.
My marriage, my family, my father's tragic death, my quitting
street-selling to open a tiny clothing store, the years that saw the
business grow to become the largest of its kind in a suburb of 120,000
inhabitants: are not part of this story.
I made America, but not for myself alone. I would consider it a sin against
those years of hardship and sorrow if I lived in selfish comfort. By
identifying myself with the church and organizations of social betterment,
I have been influential in securing a high school and industrial school for
our suburb, free clinical and ambulance services, a pre-kindergarten school
for 60 children of working mothers, more adequate lighting, paving and
hygiene, and better housing conditions, working harmoniously with the
Community Welfare Committee.

We ourselves live simply in the humbler suburbs where we established our
business. Surplus profits are invested in building comfortable houses with
every convenience to rent at reasonable rates to those who are not able to
pay excessive rents.
Why? We want the humblest citizen to enjoy life as fully as we do. We want
others to "live" America, though certainly not to reach it by the hard
road, which I was obliged to travel.  "Thanks, Dad, for America. Let's
share America with others."

Gewargis Warda and Alice Irwin Warda

[This week's article was submitted by the author's daughter, Gladys Warda,
a ZENDA reader who is currently living in Uruguay.  The article was first
published in the Autumn/Winter issue (Vol 2, No 35) of THE ASSYRIAN, a
Journal of the Assyrian Society of Great Britain in 1976.]

                         G  O  O  D    M  O  R  N  I  N  G    B  E  T - N  A  H  R  A  I  N


(ZNDA:  San Jose)  A delegation of two Assyrian organizations from Northern
Bet-Nahrain is currently visiting the U.S. and organizing political
rallies. The delegation consist of Butrus Zkaria, the president of CAPNI
(Christian Aid Program in Northern Iraq), a humanitarian aid organization,
and  Romel Shimshun, a  representative of a new Assyrian political party,
Gabba Athranaya Demoqrataya (see ZENDA Vol II,#30). Both organizations
have been providing educational, charitable and social assistance to the
Assyrians of northern Iraq in the post-Gulf War period.  A political rally
will be organized in the Assyrian American Association of San Jose on
Sunday, 9 February at 7:00 pm. A rally is also planned for the
Modesto-Turlock communities in the Assyrian American Civic Club of Turlock
on 10 February. For more information contact these Assyrian organizations
in San Jose and Turlock.

                      S   U   R   F   S     U   P   !
"Two days ago, I heard some disturbing news.  I am not sure how accurate it
is, but I heard that a whole family was robbed and killed in their own home
in Baghdad.  I am wondering if anyone heard about this tragedy.  The family
are from Alkosh.  Keep up the good work and God bless.

Vivian Hammi
San Diego, California


"Your piece on the Rogation of Ninevites was beautiful.  Thanks for
educating us on our rich traditions and keep up the good work.

I'd like to make this comment regarding Francis Sarguis' remarks in the
last issue of Zenda.  It strikes me, as an Assyrian who lived the first
half of his life in the Middle East, as "the Mother of all Ironies" that
the most undemocratic and backward Assyrian organizations anywhere in this
world are found right here in the United States.  It is a shame that we
Assyrians in this country, after having lived here for about a century,
have learned nothing about what democracy is and how it is practiced.  The
Assyrians of Bet-Nahrain who live under totalitarian regimes, from my
personal experiences and observations, have an enlightened national
awareness and a fundamental understanding of democracy which is so lacking
in us Assyrians of the US who live in this most democratic country in the

Unless we rise to close these businesses that have set up shop in the name
of the Assyrian nation and replace the current corrupt system that has made
a mockery of our nation in this country for the past seventy years with
Motvas, i.e. popularly elected Assyrian assemblies at local, state, and
national level, and finance these Motvas with a National Assyrian Tax (the
same way we finance local, state, and the federal government in this
country) to bring in paid professionals to run our national affairs, I do
not foresee a viable future for our nation in this country.  It is only
through such a system that the inherent and inalienable right of every
Assyrian to participate in our national affairs will be realized.  And it
is only such a system that will be scrutinized and held accountable by our
nation, because it draws its power and legitimacy from each and every
Assyrian in this country, not bingo, parties, or conventions.

Then we Assyrians can take charge of our destiny and assume our rightful
place among the advanced nations of the world."

Ramin Daniels
San Jose, California


"I just want to let your readers know that GNN closed down and they
switched me to AOL.  However, they still kept my 20MBs (thank God). The new
address is as follows:  Learning Assyrian (Aramaic / Neo-Aramaic) Online
http://members.aol.com/assyrianme/aramaic/aramaic.html ."

Robert Oshana


"Is there anyway I can get an old version ov ZENDA? I need the one that has
the information about convention in it..if you would not mind. thank you.
very much."

Anoukin Mooshabad
Assyrian School Action Committee Moderator

[Please see this week's CALENDAR OF EVENTS for complete information.]


"Dear Mr. Sam kosa, Hello my name is Ashur S. Alkhas ,Grandson of the major
of Adea,iran in the 1970's. I read your article in ZENDA news letter. I do
have a Assyrian name . The assyrian name I found was Sargon. Sargon means
The Greatest of Kings.

Ashur S. Alkhas
Hesperia, California

[Ashur Sargon is one of the many young ZENDA readers whose number has
quickly grown in the past three months.  We urge our weekly subscribers to
encourage reading of ZENDA to the younger members of their families and
communities.  By the way Ashur, your beautiful Assyrian name comes from the
older title, Sharrukin, which means the True King or Leader.  Indeed Sargon
or Sharrukin was the greatest of Akkadian kings.]



Assyrian News
Toronto, Canada

                  S  U  R  F  E  R  S      C  O  R  N  E  R

                        VALENTINE BASH IN MICHIGAN

The Chaldean American Student Association (CASA) at the University of
Michigan-Dearborn cordially invites you to attend their Valentine Bash,
Saturday February 15, 1997, 8:00, at St. George's Cultural Center in Troy.
Come join us for an *Ultimate Night Out* while helping CASA raise money for
the graduating Chaldean high school seniors of 1997. Stags,
couples,everyone is welcome! (18 and over with ID, please).  Features include:

        *Cash Bar

There is a donation of $20.00 for tickets in advance or $25.00 at the door.
Tickets can currently be purchased at Bally's Video in Berkeley, La Fendi
Restaurant in Southfield, Miami Taning in Oak Park, Videoplex of
Rochester Hills, and soon at Sahara West in West Bloomfield. Tickets can
also be purchased from any CASA member.

St. George's Cultural Center is located on Maple Rd, east of John R.

For more information on this party, email Steven Kiryakoza at
sdkjr@umich.edu, check out http://www.umd.umich.edu/~sdkjr/casa/party.html
or call (810) 905-1277.



My Fellow Assyrians in Chicago:  My cousin is getting married and she wants
me to make her the scarves that are used to dance in front of the bride.  I
used to have the name and number of a real nice lady who either owned or
worked in an Assyrian store which carried such supplies.  I can't find her
number anywhere.  Can anyone out there give me the name and number of any
Assyrian store that carries the scarves and the cepa's (the sequin looking
things you sew around the scarf)???  Thank you in advance for your responses.

Narmela Sargis  ;-)
San Jose, CA

                  N   E   W  S       D   I   G   E   S   T


(ZNDA: Chicago) Thousands of Assyrians gathered last Sunday in Toronto,
Canada at the Assyrian Church of the East to mourn the terrible and
unexpected death of the Shamasha Yonan Hurmiz.  Returning from his second
job at the glass factory last Saturday, the 34-year-old father hit by a
drunk driver who driving through a red light. The drunk driver was caught
fleeing the site of the accident.  Shamasha Yonan was announced dead upon
arrival at the hospital.  Hours later his 5-month-pregnant wife was
informed of the accident. Mar Emmanuel, Bishop of the Church of the East
and a tearful Qasha Yonan conducted the religious rites at the memorial
last week.  Shamasha Yonan arrived in Canada in 1989 and worked to assist
his family in Iraq.  In 1993 Yonan and Fraydon attempted to collect $10,000
to support an ailing brother in Jordan who was in dire need of a kidney
transplant.  Their efforts resulted in collecting a third of the total
money needed.  Shamasha Yonan, in addition to his regular work at the
mirror and glass factory, used the equipment to create mirrors with a
glazed and embedded Assyrian flag and sold them to the Assyrian buyers.
Shamasha Yonan Hermez served as a volunteer in the Assyrian Apostolic
Catholic Church of The East, taught the Assyrian language and culture.
Shamasha Yonan is survived by his wife, Ahlam; a 2-year-old daughter; his
brother, Shamasha Fraydon Hurmiz in Toronto' a sister in Greece; and an
immediate family including a brother in Baghdad.
[Staff of ZENDA has contributed the amount of $100.00 towards Shamasha
Yonan's Trust Fund in Canada.  ZENDA urges its readers, particularly those
residing in North America, likewise to extend a helping hand and assist
Deacon Yonan's wife and daughter in these emotional times.  You may send
your contribution to
P.O. Box 20278
San Jose, California  95160

or directly to Shamasha Yonan Hurmiz Trust Fund
1839 Albion Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Account # 555-820-955-884

ZENDA wishes to hear from you and maintain a record of all donations sent
from its readers.  Finally, our staff and reporters around the world extend
their heartfelt sympathies to the family of Shamasha Yonan Hurmiz and the
grieving Assyrian community of Toronto, Canada. May his soul rest in peace!]

(ZNDA: Chicago) The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations,
at Harvard University, invites applications for an expected appointment in
Assyriology, initially for a term of three years, beginning in the academic
year 1997-98.  Research and teaching interests in the first millennium BCE
are particularly welcome.  This is a junior appointment and it is not
anticipated that it will lead to senior rank. Applications, along with a
curriculum vitae and bibliography, should be sent to Professor Piotr
Steinkeller, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, 6
Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, by March 31, 1997. Harvard
University is an equal opportunity employer, and particularly urges women
and members of minority groups to apply. For more information contact:
Rachel Rockenmacher
Department Administrator
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
(617) 496-6055
                      N   E   W   S       B   I   T   s


A senior U.S. military officer said that Saddam Hussein's wife is under
house arrest and his son, Uday, may lose his leg.

         C   A   L   E   N   D   A   R     OF     E   V   E   N   T   S
Thru Mar 10             Art & Empire: Treasures from Assyria in the British
                        National Gallery of Victoria
                        Melbourne, Australia
                        Admission: $10.00

Thru Apr 6      The Ain Ghazal Exhibit
                        Smithsonian Institute
                        Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
                Washington D.C.
                        AAA of Southern CA      (818) 506-7577

Feb 6                   "The rise and fall of Assyria"
                        Gallery Talk by Paul Collins
                        11:30 a.m.
                        "Ideas of the past in the ancient Near East"
                        Lecture by Paul Collins
                        1:15 p.m.

                        The British Museum
                        Great Russell Street
                        London WC1B  3DG,
                        Tel: +44 171 636 1555
                        Recorded information +44 171 580 1788

Feb 9                   The Last Ziggurats:  An Art Exhibition by Hannibal                                                Alkhas
                        Awana of the Assyrian Church of the East
                        680 Minnesota Road
                        San Jose, California
                        3:00 pm

Feb 9                   CAPNI & GAD Political Rallies
                        Assyrian American Association of San Jose
                        San Jose, California
                        7:00 pm

Feb 10                  CAPNI & GAD Political Rallies
                        Assyrian American Civic Club of Turlock
                        Turlock, California

Mar 12                  Guardians of the Gate:  The Assyrian Winged Colossi
                        Lecturer:  A. Harrak
                        Near and Middle Eastern Civilization
                        University of Toronto
                        St. George campus
                        Toronto, Canada
                        8:00 p.m

April 9                 Recent Excavations at Gordion, Turkey:
                        An Achaemenid Persian Imperial Town in Central  Anatolia
                        Lecturer:  T.C. Young, Jr.
                        Royal Ontario Museum
                        Toronto, Canada
                        8:00 p.m

Aug 26-Sept 2           Assyrian American National Convention
                        Hyatt Regency Dearborn
                        Fairlane Town Center
                        Detroit, Michigan
                        All Single,double,triple,quad rooms: $95 per day
                        Reservations: (313) 982-6880
                        Reservations must be made by August 7.
                               E N T R A C T E

Feb 15                  Valentine Bash
                        The Chaldean American Student Association(CASA) University of Michigan-Dearborn
                        St. George's Cultural Center
                        Maple Road, East of John Road
                        Troy, Michigan
                        Donation:       $20.00 for tickets in advance
                                        $25.00 at the door
                                        (810) 905-1277

                        To purchase tickets Contact
                                        Bally's Video, Berkley
                                        La Fendi Restaurant, Southfield
                                        Miami Taning, Oak Park
                                        Videoplex, Rochester Hills
                                        Sahara West, West Bloomfield
                                        or CASA members

                        More info:  email Steven Kiryakoza
                                        sdkjr@umich.edu, check out

                         I N T E L L I G E N T S I A
Fridays                 Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
                        Modesto Junior College
                        1:00 pm
                        Founders Hall 108
                        Modesto, U.S.A.

Saturdays               Nisibis School
                        The Church of the East
                        Toronto, Canada

Sundays                 Assyrian Boy Scouts
                        Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                        Assyrian Club
                        5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                        North Hollywood, California
                        9:30am  to 12:30pm
                        Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                        (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

                        Assyrian Student Union
                        California State University, Northridge
                        Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                        Assyrian Club
                        5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                        North Hollywood, California
                        Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                        (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

       A  S  S  Y  R  I  A  N     S  U  R  F  I  N  G     P  O  S  T  S

The Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO) in Leiden

Note:  Visit www.nineveh.com for the latest schedule of online guests on
Nineveh Cafe- a chat room for the Assyrian Internet surfers.

                     P  U  M  P    UP THE   V O L U M E

                English         Modern Assyrian

                Shout                   qwakh/ta (tha)  [F]
                Scream                  syakh/ta (tha)          [F]
F = Feminine     M = Masculine      P = Plural
                B  A  C  K     TO THE      F  U  T  U  R  E
B.C. (883) Ashurnassirpal II builds his capital at Calah or Kalhu, on the
east banks of the Tigris river.

<< Ancient Mesopotamia, Oppenheim >>

A.D. (1886) A.J. Maclean arrives in Urmie and begins learning modern
Syriac.  By May 1889 the Mission Press was in operation and Maclean was
preparing his books on modern Assyrian language and liturgical material for

<< The Archbishop of Canterbury's Assyrian Mission Press, Coakley>>

                    L    I    T    E    R    A    T    U    S

                                   ca 1800 B.C.

How much longer must we keep you on a leading rein?
You are a child, you are not a grown man,
you have no hair on your cheek.
how much longer will you fail to direct your own household properly?
Don't you see that your own brother is directing vast armies?
You just direct your own palace and household properly!

<< Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia, Roaf >>

           T  H  I  S    W  E  E  K     I  N    H  I  S  T  O  R  Y

February 5, 1930:  dies, Naom Faiq, Assyrian literary giant, nationalist,
and influential journalist.

                         B     R    A     V     O

                         SYRIAC CONCORDANCE PROGRAM


            Anmerkungen zum Göttinger EDV-Programm zur Analyse
                      Verwaltung syrischer Bibeltexte

    <<Courtesy of Soryoto Online: www.gwdg.de/~grabo/suryoyo/suryoyo.htm>>

Die Verwaltung der syrischen Textdaten hat innerhalb des Projektes immer
schon eine große Rolle gespielt. Mit Hilfe der Instrumente der GWDG - dem
Rechenzentrum der Universität Göttingen - wurden bisher auf Rechnern sog.
mittlerer Datentechnik die Texte erfaßt und verwaltet. Nach Abschaffung
dieser inzwischen veralteten Rechner, entschlossen wir uns, ein Programm zu
entwickeln, das es ermöglicht, auf der Grundlage des bisherigen
Datenmaterials, dieses in Zukunft auf PC zu nutzen.

Hiermit wird es möglich werden, daß ein größerer Teil von Interessenten/
innen, die Forschungsergebnisse komfortabel nutzen kann. Darüber hinaus ist
auch an eine Nutzbarmachung speziell für Studentinnen und Studenten der
syrischen Sprache gedacht, insbesondere an die, die mit ihren Studien erst
beginnen. Eine Ergänzung um einen Programmteil, der die Analysefähigkeiten
mit ausgewähltem Material trainiert und ganz nebenbei auf Schwierigkeiten
während der Analysearbeit hinweist, bietet sich geradezu an.

[Please see our next issue for an English translation.  Soon, ZENDA will
include a regular section for non-English articles for the reading
enjoyment of our Asian, South American, and European readers.]
                         the   D I  R  E  C  T  O  R  Y
ZNAD (Assyrian Democratic Organization)
ZNAM (Archeology Magazine)
ZNAP (Associated Press International)
ZNBN (Bet-Nahrain Inc/ KBSV-TV "AssyriaVision")
ZNDA (Zenda: zenda@ix.netcom.com)
ZNMN (San Jose Mercury News)
ZNNQ (Nabu Quarterly)
ZNNV (Nineveh Magazine)
ZNRU (Reuters)
ZNSJ (San Jose Mercury News)
ZNTM (Time Magazine)
ZNUP (United Press International)
ZNUS (US News & World Report)

             W   E   L   C   O   M   E     T O     Z   E   N   D   A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

                                Islamabad, Pakistan

ZENDA wishes to welcome our first subscribers from Pakistan, Timm & Erine
Erickson & their 18 Assyrian-Iranian friends, living in Islamabad.  We
encourage our new readers to contribute to our future issues and inform us
of our newly-discovered Assyrian community.
                     S     A     L     U     T     E
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals & organizations whose
contributions appear in this issue:

                        Gabriel Rabo                        Germany
                        Albert Gabrial                      Hollister, California
                        Firas Jatou                         Chicago, Illinois
                        Lorine Mirza                        San Jose, California
                        Ashur Simon Malek               Ontario, Canada
                        Christoph Aktas                 Sunnyvale, California
                        Steven Kiryakoza                University of Michigan-Dearborn