Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]

Aadaar 31, 6746                   Volume III                       Issue 7            March 31, 1997

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       A Weekly Online Publication of the ZENDA Assyrian Newsagency

                      T H I S   W E E K   I N   Z E N D A
The Lighthouse...................... The Goals of Kha b'Neesan
Good Morning Bet-Nahrain............ The Fragile Kurdish Accord
Surfs Up............................ "to be more civil together"
Surfers Corner...................... The Origin of the Word EASTER
News Digest......................... Publication of the Akkadian Grammar
                        ACNC'97 Deadline Extended
Ziggurat............................ The Tigris and the Euphrates (French)
Calendar of Events.................. No New Entries
Entracte............................ Dinner to Honor Nemrod Simono
Intelligentsia...................... Classes and Seminars
Assyrian Surfing Posts.............. The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary Proj
Pump up the Volume.................. Ambassador & Trip
Back to the Future.................. The Assyrian Dark Ages
                        The Discovery of the Eponym
Literatus........................... A Sample of My Heart
This Week in History................ Sargis Osipov
Bravo............................... The Assyrians of Chicago
The Directory....................... News Sources
Bshena.............................. Access Com and Chicago
Salute.............................. Albert, Ashur, Zaineb, Chrisoph, Firas

                  THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E


Assyrian New Year Festival was developed as one of the fundamental institutions used for indoctrination, overhaul and stimulation of individuals in any position and public organizations in any level to fulfill freshly the tasks of the next year. These objectives were achieved through performance of detailed and precisely planned and scheduled ceremonies and processions. These were carried out during day and night for twelve days of festival period. To give impact for the whole institutions, the celebration started from the spring equinox, the time at which the resurrection of nature is highly motivating. By elaborate ideologies the indoctrination processes were linked with renewal of nature. Thus whole empire functions were revived and given momentum for another year's strive and thus the process of aging would be slowed down.

The king of the Assyrian empire, who was practically the master of the civilized world of the time, was vulnerable to develop the megalomania disease. To prevent this and save the empire from its consequences, the king in the second day of the festival, was stripped of his outfits and insignias. He would kneel before the chief priest, confess to his carelessness, if any, would be slapped to recall any negligence committed in the past year, pledging strict care for the coming year. Thereafter the kingship would be invested in him for another year's term.

The vast empire territory and the magnificence of empire power was very tempting to spark egoism and revolt against the central power. To prevent this and to keep motivated, in order of merits, the most competent officer and governor would be chosen man of the year, called 'LIMMU'. The king in the first year of kingship and TURTANU - commander in chief - in the second year of kingship would be automatically honored LIMMU. Instead of the numeral year, his name would be used in every day life and in documents. The LIMMU would also be the master of ceremonies of the new year festival for that particular year. The documentary list of limmus resulting from this institution, in which for each limmu the historical events are registered constitutes the invaluable historical documents dating exactly the events for each year.

Indoctrination of empire people for the creation of sole Assyrian national
identity, consistency and solidarity in basic matters such as cosmogony, civil law and order, other features were carried out in elaborated and precise rituals during Kha-B'Nissan Assyrian New Year Festival.

In cosmogony doctrine, the matter was eternal with no beginning and no later destruction. The life was originated from mingling of APSU - sweet water - with TIAMAT -salty water -, closely related to present scientific theories.

In civil law, the weak were protected. In the proemium to the Code of Hammurabi, 1792 B.C., we read: 'at that time Anu and Bell (the Gods) called me, Hammurabi the exulted prince, who fears the Gods to make righteousness to prevail in the land to destroy the wicked and evil, to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak'. This is in contrast with the civil law foundation of present advanced nations, which is based on 'awareness of customer', where the judge in court is not concerned with 'adequacy of consideration'.

If the Assyrian Empire was not destroyed in 605 B.C. by the allies of the nomad Medes, who building in number force for a thousand years, from the west, the Cythian hordes from the north and the sister province of Babylon from the south, or if in the twenty five centuries since the fall of the Assyrian Empire, Megalomania, over-egoism of sovereigns, aging of flourishing civilizations had been prevented, wouldn't by now mankind have conquered the other solar systems?

As conventional function of Kha-B'Nissan festival, Assyrians do renew their
pledge to strive for the establishment of a national competent organization to help each Assyrian to secure the best education, the best income and national proud identity.
Alfred Dooman

     G  O  O  D    M  O  R  N  I  N  G    B  E  T - N  A  H  R  A  I  N

                    THE FRAGILE KURDISH ACCORD

[ZENDA/Al-Ahram Weekly]  The Iraqi Kurds recently observed a moment of silence in remembrance of the 5,000 victims of the Halabja Massacre nine years ago by President Saddam Hussein.  Alleging that Iraqi Kurds had collaborated with Iran against Iraq during the eight-year war (1980-1988) between the two countries, Hussein's forces used lethal gas to kill residents of this Kurdish village.  In October of the same year, Hussein killed another 182,000 Kurds in what was known as al-Anfal operation. Just a few days before the anniversary of the Halabja massacre, the two major Kurdish factions--the KDP led by M. Barzani and the Patriotic Union for Kurdistan (PUK) led by J. Talabani--suspended the US-brokered peace talks being held in Ankara.  The talks were brought to a halt last week by the assassination of a KDP official in the city of Arbil in northern Iraq. The assassination coincided with a meeting of representatives of the KDP, PUK and no-fly zone's Turkoman minority in the Turkish capital for talks to consolidate their cease-fire accord.  The meeting was also attended by US, British, and Turkish delegates.  The KDP representative walked out of the meeting to protest the killing and said that "the PUK was behind the act of terror."  One observer of the Kurdish crisis said that the assassination attempt was carefully planned to thwart the Ankara meeting and to further hinder US efforts to bring an end to the fighting in Kurdistan. "There are too many culprits in this incident; it could be either a radical wing in Talabani's party, agents of Saddam's central government or even a radical wing in the KDP, which is trying to abort any peaceful settlement between the two factions," the source said.  Iran will work on expanding its influence with Talabani's PUK, according to the source, "to thumb its nose at the US, and its pretensions of maintaining a western influence with the Iraqi Kurds."
As one political observer put it:  "The Kurds were their own worst enemy because the [two] factions persist in living in a never-never land. And they have not yet been able to change their misconception of international politics.  So there can be no return to democracy.  The Kurds have been and will be the football of the Middle East power struggle. Unfortunately, the Kurds permit themselves to be in that role." One prominent figure in the Iraqi opposition told Al-Ahram Weekly: "The Western intervention in Iraqi Kurdistan has been negative since the UN embargo added to the suffering of those under the embargo imposed by the central government in Baghdad.  There was no assistance on the part of the international community to help break the economic and political impasse which forced thousands of young Kurds to make a living out of joining the militias of the two parties."
He added that the political settlement which both the US and Turkey are trying to impose on the Iraqi Kurds will not be more than "a temporary truce that will not hold for long.  Such a settlement will not guarantee permanent stability in Iraqi Kurdistan.  On the contrary, it will be widely rejected by the Kurds, who will see it as yet another tool of American-Turkish hegemony over the area...  Baghdad will also strongly object and will further escalate tension in the region," the source said. The area, says the source, will remain unstable as long as the Iraqi government maintains its authority in the KDP-controlled region, Iran expands its influence in the area and Turkey works on establishing a security zone on Iraqi territory.

                      S   U   R   F   S     U   P   !
"I found the article on William Daniel in last week's Zenda very interesting.  I would be very much interested in acquiring anything of his work that has been published. As I'm working on the Assyrian language of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, I would be interested in other publications of this early period too. Can you tell me where to order them?  If people have spare copies of Assyrian books, I would be very happy when they would consider sending them to me - I'm of course willing to pay for these.  More in general, it would be a good idea if Zenda would pay regular attention to new publications and reprints of Assyrian books. Much has been written in the last two centuries, but much has been lost also. Every Assyrian's help is needed in order to preserve this literature. Thanks for your efforts in this field so far."

Dr. Heleen Murre-van den Berg
The Netherlands


[Grafeex of San Jose, California has kindly agreed to complete the design and development of the ZENDA website on the Internet.  As a service to the Assyrian bibliophiles we will include a section on new and reprinted Assyrian books and periodicals which can be purchased online.  Until then to order any of William Daniels published work please contact:

The Assyrian American Association of San Jose
The Education & Culture Committee
P.O. Box 41311
San Jose, California  95160  U.S.A.
(408) 927-8100 ]

"In response to Ms. Lena Mushell's observations published in Zenda, Volume 3, Issue 3, on March 3, 1997, I would like to clarify some biased comments Lena Mushell made regarding the rally that was held at the Assyrian American Association's Beta, in February 1997, by delegates from North of Assyria (today's Iraq), namely, GABA ATRANAYA and Christian Aid Program of North of Iraq.

I, Carlo Ganjeh, functioning as the mediator, was responsible to adhere to the agenda set forth by the delegates.  First,  we had a report from Christian Aid program of North Iraq followed by GABA ATRANAYA. After the report we had the floor open for questions from the delegates. The first person took 10 minutes to get to his question and it was very clear that he was not asking a question but was giving us a lecture on his beliefs. I, as the mediator, in order to control the meeting in a civilized manner asked that person to get to the point or his question. But unfortunately, Mr. Lachin and his supporters immediately exploded, stating that you cannot stop him from talking. I was shocked and embarrassed by his behavior. Out of curiosity I asked Mr. Vladimer Betlachin if he could have gone to the same meeting the next day at the Assyrian American Civic Club of Turlock, where he resides, but instead drove about 2 hours from Turlock to San Jose to be at this meeting. After this, Mr. Betlachin who leads the Assyrian Democratic Movement in California, said that he is leaving the meeting because of my question and walked out. His supporters from Turlock and San Jose also followed him out. Ten minutes later they all came back to the meeting that no one had asked them to leave. I apologized to everyone at the meeting for my question, which was not appropriate and I'm the first one to admit that.  I have since been informed that due to his lawsuit for millions of dollars against the Assyrian American Civic Club of Turlock, he has been suspended from attending any of their meetings or functions.  I also understand that this group of people feel that they are the only ones who know what is good for our people.  A dictatorship run by a select group comprised of Lincoln Malek and Lachin, who want to make the decisions for our people. This is exactly what we should be shying away from.

I wish Zenda would not succumb to trivial pursuits of a few people like Ms. Lena Mushell, when our nation is perishing at home and abroad.  Why can't we learn to be more civil together and learn from each other to further benefit our nationalistic goals rather than argue over what I think is right and what others might think is wrong."

Carlo K. Ganjeh
San Jose, CA


"Regarding the letter of Mr. Frederick Aprim which appeared in Volume
III, Issue 4 of ZENDA, I would like to give my opinion. Mr. Aprim seems to believe that Assyrians should live in some sort of Utopia where we are all pure and angelic. I would like to remind him that every Assyrian has the God given right to criticize, severely if necessary, another Assyrian who may well deserve it. Mr. Aprim states "the time is now to put these people where they belong", none of us know to whom he is referring.  He also declares that "the time is now my friends to create that environment where all Assyrians can live together united...". We cannot build a nation based on passiveness and Utopian ideology. No nation has ever attained nationhood without strong personalities who are not afraid to voice their opinion, even if it might shatter that heavenly bliss."

Raman Michael


"The last issue of Zenda (March 24, 1996) featured Ramin Daniels' "Call for Action".  Mr. Daniels complains that in the 5 years since its emergence in this country, Zowaa has failed to coalesce meaningful support from the Assyrian community, and it has failed to develop "a solid political and economic infrastructure".  This justifiably distresses Mr. Daniels who is a supporter of ZOWAA. He blames the failure on Dr. Lincoln Malik, whom he describes as "a highly educated man and a career politician."
Mr. Daniels contends that "Dr. Malik has failed to stir our passions in support of our people in Bet-Nahrain, and to do what is necessary to support ZOWAA?s national movement in our homeland."  Daniels then concludes:  "It is time for Dr. Malik to pass the torch.  I urge all
concerned Assyrians to join me in calling on ZOWAA to appoint a new figure to replace Dr. Malik."  Daniels wants Malik replaced with "a person that can draw on the resources of our nation to develop ZOWAA into a strong, effective, and proactive organization in the U.S."
Mr. Daniels is obviously genuine in his concerns, and I salute him for sharing his views. But what he proposes is not so simple.  ZOWAA was created in Iraq many years before Dr. Malik?s participation. Throughout those years, ZOWAA was essentially ignored by the Assyrian community in this country.  To my knowledge, none of the Assyrian organizations in the U.S. ever lifted a finger to answer ZOWAA?s call for help.
If there is one thing that has changed since the arrival of Dr. Malik, it is that finally there has been a sustained effort to raise funds in this country for ZOWAA?s homeland use. I am convinced that much of the credit for this achievement does indeed belong to Dr. Malik.  On this point, I would encourage Mr. Daniels to see the glass as half-full, rather than as half-empty.
But Mr. Daniels raises another bothersome issue. According to Daniels
"It is time that we Assyrians demand accountability from people who have assumed positions of importance and [who] impact our national affairs." This is a most valid point and it applies to all Assyrian organizations. As for Mr. Daniels' specific brief, it is interesting that it echoes another recent complaint (see Zenda, March 3, 1996) by Mr. Esha Tamras. By all accounts Mr. Tamras was a dedicated and productive worker for the Assyrian Aid Society (the charity arm of ZOWAA). Such individuals should be treasured for their value. Yet Mr. Tamras resigned as President of the Santa Clara Chapter of the A.A.S. in exasperation for the authoritarian and secretive style of leadership at the top. Mr. Esha Tamras remains a strong supporter of ZOWAA, just as Mr. Daniels. Mr. Tamras worked hard for two
years raising funds for the A.A.S., yet he found that even as Chairman of A.A.S. in Santa Clara County, he was rarely provided information about the organization, and his ideas were rarely heard out.  To Mr. Tamras, there was no evidence of a dialogue, only of a military-like mentality. The top dog never shared any information with his troops, except on a "Need To Know" basis.

The tradition of leaders being close-mouthed and projecting an
autocratic rather than a democratic image has ample precedents in the
Middle East, and Assyrians take second to none in this department.  In a mode reminiscent of Louis XIV?s "L'etat c'est moi!", Assyrian maliks and high clerics traditionally expected their edicts to be obeyed, not questioned. Like it or not, today?s Assyrian "leaders" must recognize that those days are over. Volunteers cannot be inspired to maximum effort if they are treated as minions rather than as partners.  Less imperiousness will do wonders.
I have personally visited with various ZOWAA leaders, both in Iraq and in Syria. I have always been impressed with their positive attitude and their interest in hearing out suggestions, and in a genuine exchange of views. Ironically, therefore, ZOWAA leaders in the Middle East seem far ahead of the ZOWAA leaders in the West. There is the same dichotomy when it comes to the Assyrian Aid Society.  In Zakho and Dohuk, representatives of the A.A.S. spent considerable time allowing my inspection of their receipts
and expenditures.  They correctly assumed that public exposure is the best disinfectant.  I came away thoroughly impressed with the candor and openness.  In sharp contrast, my recent experience with the Assyrian Aid Society in the U.S. seems to be "we will let you know the least possible," and "it is none of your business." With due respect, if it is about our people, it is every Assyrian?s business.
I would like to add two brief points:

1.  I seriously question whether there is any Assyrian in the U.S. who would be willing to take on the responsibility currently shouldered by Dr. Malik. He has dedicated untold hours on this project. If there is someone else with the talent and the readiness to do this job, I wonder where this person was in the years before Dr. Malik assumed the position.

2.  Mr. Daniels states that we must demand accountability, and actively scrutinize the performance of our leaders. While I doubt that "openness" in itself can do much to change "the pitiful state of our nation at the close of the 20th century," it is time for our "leaders" to stop talking down to the people, and to hear them out.

Francis Sarguis
Santa Barbara, California


"Hi. I was reading Lena Mushel's letter to the Zenda and I think that I agree with him. I am an Assyrian from Iran and I believe that there are a lot of Assyrian-Christian in the Iran and Iraq or even in the United State which need this money. It is better to think about Assyrian pour families and helping them. There are a lot families which do need money to survive in the cities like Turlock, Ceres and San Jose and also we have thousands of Assyrian wondering all around the world which need money and help. We have hundreds of students in the universities that are the future of the Assyrian society and most of them need money. We are collecting money for those who killed thousands of Assyrian during the Agha Potrous revolution ( if I spelled it right.) Our people in Iran and Iraq need that money more than the other. This money goes to the people that called us "dirty" for years. Just have a trip to the Ceres in California and see how many families do need that money. I am Assyrian, I love Assyrian and I prefer that any kind of help goes to

Eddie E.
California State University, Stanislaus
Turlock, California


"Thank you very much for your help and kind cooperation I have received your e-mail with e-address of an Assyrian in Finland. I shall contact this brother by e-mail.  I know that Assyrians live in Oulu, but I didn't know this seven years ago when visited this town in Finland.  Dear brothers and sisters from ZENDA, I am greatly appreciated for your noble patriotic activity, and for attention to my request. I wish you happiness Sincerely yours."
Promarz Tamrazov

                  S  U  R  F  E  R  S      C  O  R  N  E  R

ZENDA readers are invited to respond to the following request(s) by either
directly writing to the author or sending a reply to ZENDA.

                ZENDA on the Origins of the Word EASTER

According to the Venerable Bede, an 8th Century Christian historian and theologian, the name Easter is derived from the festival of Oestre (sometimes spelled "Estre"), pronounced "Eestruh", the Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Spring, Fertility and New Life. The name "Eastre time" later became "Easter time". The goddess Estre was of course none other than the Assyrian goddess Ishtar.  According to the Mesopotamian mythology every year, at the end of Vernal Equinox, Ishtar descended to the underworld and succeeds in rescuing her lover, Tammuz. Tammuz, whose name also refers to the fourth Assyrian month (July) returns to life after three days of absence or a physical death.  In addition, according the Anglo-Saxon mythology the Goddess Oestre (Estre) graciously turns a bird into a rabbit, and in gratitude the rabbit, remembering how to lay eggs during the Festival of Oestre, lays beautiful eggs for her goddess.


                  N   E   W  S       D   I   G   E   S   T


The students and scholars of the Akkadian language will be pleased
to learn that John Huehnergard's "Akkadian Grammar" will soon be published in the Harvard Semitic Monograph series by Scholars Press.  It is presently
in route to the printer and should be available for ordering no later
than the end of June 1997.  Please note that orders cannot be placed in
advance of its actual publication. ZENDA will send a notice with ordering
information when the volume arrives.  For more information contact Patrick Durusau of Scholars Press at pdurusau@emory.edu.

As previously announced, the upcoming Assyrian Community Networking
Conference (ACNC'97) will be held in Turlock (CA) in conjunction with the
1997 Assyrian State Convention of California. The ACNC'97 FREE registration period has been extended to April 30, 1997. The conference will consist of two main sessions and a panel discussion. In addition to a keynote address, there will be a number of individual presentations from both Assyrian and non-Assyrian experts.  Proposals for demonstrations, panel discussions or related activities are welcome. Visit Nineveh-Online (http://www.nineveh.com/acnc97.htm) for detail information about the objectives and topics of the conference and on how to register. All participants will receive a FREE T-shirt and a disk with Assyrian Fonts.


Mr. Ashur Shamoun, who suffered a heart attack while taping a weekly Assyrian radio program, was discharged from the Oakville Hospital in Oakville, Ontario.  Mr. Shamoun is the vice-president and the producer of the Assyrian Voice of Canada which can be heard every Saturday, on frequency 1430 from 10 in the evening until midnight.

                       Z   I   G   G   U   R   A   T

                         LE TIGRE ET L'EUPHRATE

Une unite reelle, qui n'exclut cependant pas des differences regionales,
marque le bassin: elle provient pour une bonne part du reseau
hydrographique qui prend source dans les hautes montagnes de l'Armenie; la
fonte des neiges provoque des crues de printemps capables d'inonder les
valees et le baspays et qui sont redoutees, car elles surviennent alors que
la recolte est deja sour pied; les habitants ont donc du tres tot se
defendre contre ce danger.

L'Euphrate, qui coule longtemps dans les montagnes, est plus lent et moins
nerveux que le Tigre; les deux fleuves sont grossis de quileques affluents
de rive gauche, le Balikh, le Khabur, le grand et le petit Zab, la Diyala,
qui jouent tous un role important dans les relations du bassin avec son
environement, car ils penetrent parfois profondement dans les massifs.

A cette unite, creee par le relief et l'hydorgraphie qui individualisent la
Mesopotamie de l'ensemble de son evnironement, vient s'ajouter une
caractersitique commune a l'ensemble du bassin: l'extreme pauvrete en
matieres premieres.  Si l'on fait abstraction de l'argile, partout presente
a profusion, et qui, alliee a l'eau qu'il convient de domestiquer, devient
source de richesse agricole et materiau de base de la vie quotidienne, on
ne trouve aucune ressource importante: pratiquement pas de pierre, tres peu
de bois, sauf celui du palmier, lequel est utilise aussi pour se dattes,
ses fibres et ses palmes.  Le roseau, omnipresent dans les marais du sud et
le long des canaux. joua un role considereable, mais il ne peut remplacer
le bois.

Jean-Claude Margueron

Am 6. April werden wir noch einmal unser Neujahr feiern, diesmal mit
Kaffee, Kuchen und viele andere Ueberaschungen. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wird
Frau Adrin Takhsh einen Vortrag ueber die Zeremonien im alten assyrien halten.
Beginn: 17:00
in den ABGAD Raeumlichkeiten in Wiesbaden
(die genaue Adresse, nexte Woche)
David Yonan's Konzert:

Sonntag den 20. Juli 1997 um 11:00
David Yonan spielt Geige
Mathaeikirchstrasse 1
im Musikinstrumenten Museum Berlin, Curt-Sachs Saal (dierekt neben der

      C   A   L   E   N   D   A   R     OF     E   V   E   N   T   S

Thru Apr 6      The Ain Ghazal Exhibit
                        Smithsonian Institute
                        Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
                Washington D.C.
                        AAA of Southern CA      (818) 506-7577

Thru April 27           Masterpieces from the Pierpot Morgan Library:
                        A collection of relics 3300 B.C. to 1800 B.C.
                        Cylindrical Seals
                        From Uruk, Akkadian, Babylonia and Assyria
                        California Palace of the Legion of Honor
                        Lincoln Park, San Francisco.

Thru Fall 1997  Ancient Mesopotamia: The Royal Tombs of Ur
                        2650-2550 B.C.
                        Third Floor

Apr 5                   NEC Meeting of the Assyrian American National Fed.
                        Eden's Banquets (Assyrian Social Hall)
                        10:00 am

                        Hotel Information:
                        Radisson Hotel
                        4500 West Touhy

Apr 9                   Recent Excavations at Gordion, Turkey:
                        An Achaemenid Persian Imperial Town in Central Anatolia
                        Lecturer:  T.C. Young, Jr.
                        Royal Ontario Museum
                        Toronto, Canada
                        8:00 p.m

Apr 11-13               Big Bear Ski Trip
                        Skiing, hiking, Mountain biking, etc.
                        Assyrian Student Union Big Bear Trip
                        Members $40  non-members $65
                        Includes lodging, transportation, and 1st night's food.
                        Contact Sargon Gewargis:  fishtale@juno.com

Apr 24                  Beginning of Settled Village Life in Eastern Anatolia

                        Dr. Michael Rosenberg
                        Associate Professor, University of Delaware

                        6:00 p.m.
                        Reception Follows
                        Rainey Auditorium
                        Free (215) 898-4890

May 4                   "Near Eastern Archeology"
                        Speaker:  Dr. Thomas E. Levy
                        University of California, San Diego

                        Location:  Westchester, New York
                        Call Hugo Vandenwall Bake (914) 472-0874

May 5                   "Near Eastern Archeology"
                        Speaker:  Dr. Thomas E. Levy
                        University of California, San Diego

                        Location:  Tufts University, Boston
                        Call Jodi Magness (617) 628-5000 x2680

May 23-26               Assyrian State Convention of California
                        Turlock, California

May 24                  A C N C '97
                        The Third Assyrian Community Networking Conference
                        The Assyrian State Convention of California
                        Turlock, California
                    Organized by The Assyrian Community Networking Society

Jul 20                  A Concert by the Assyrian Violinist, David Yonan
                        Mathaeikirchstrasse 1
                        Musikinstrumenten Museum, Curt-Sachs Saal
                        11:00 am

Aug 26-Sept 2           Assyrian American National Convention
                        Hyatt Regency Dearborn
                        Fairlane Town Center
                        Detroit, Michigan
                        All Single,double,triple,quad rooms: $95 per day
                        Reservations: (313) 982-6880
                        Reservations must be made by August 7.
                               E N T R A C T E
Mar 31                  Kha B'Neesan 6747 Festival
                        Victorian Assyrian Communities
                        12 noon - 7:00 pm
                        Moonee Ponds Community Centre
                        Cnr Mt Alexander & Pascoe Vale Roads, Moonee Ponds
                        Adults $5   Family $20 (2 Adults & 4 children)

Apr 5                   Kha b'Neesan Dance Party

Apr 6                   Kha b'Neesan Parade
                        1:00-3:00 pm

                        A Dinner in Honor of Nemrod Simono
                        Assyrian Scholar of the Modern Assyrian Language
                        The Assyrian Academic Society
                        Edens Banquet Hall
                        Pulaski- Chicago
                        6:00 p.m.

                        New Year Celebration in Wiesbaden, Germany
                        &/lecture: "The New Year Ceremonies in Ancient Assyria
                        Speaker:  Adrin Takhsh
                        5:00 pm
                        ADBGAD, Wiesbaden

Apr 26                  A Cocktail Dance Party
                        5th Anniversary of the Assyrians Around the World
                                TV Program
                        Entertainers:  Julian Jindo
                                        Julian & Janan Band from San Diego
                        Hyatt Hotel
                        1740 North First Street
                        San Jose, California
                        (408) 993-1234
                        Tickets:  Etminan Market & United Foods
                         I N T E L L I G E N T S I A
CHICAGO         Assyrian Athletic Club Soccer Development Program
                        Ages 7-14
                        7:45-9:45 pm
                        Warren Park Gymnasium
                        Western Avenue & Devon Street

HARVARD UNIVERSITY      1997-98 Syriac Classes Taught by Dr. J.F. Coakley

                        Elementary Syriac
                        Instructor:  J. F. Coakley
                        Basic Syriac grammar and syntax
                        with selected readings from the Syriac Bible and
                        other early texts.

                        Readings in Syriac I
                        Historical and theological texts, and early poetry

                        Readings in Syriac II
                        Special attention to exegetical texts and to reading manuscripts.

MODESTO         Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
                        Modesto Junior College
                        1:00 pm
                        Founders Hall 108
                        Modesto, U.S.A.

NORTH HOLLYWOOD     Assyrian Boy Scouts
                        Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                        Assyrian Club
                        5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                        North Hollywood, California
                        9:30am  to 12:30pm
                        Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                        (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

                        Assyrian Student Union
                        California State University, Northridge
                        Assyrian American Association of Southern California
                        Assyrian Club
                        5901 Cahuenga Blvd
                        North Hollywood, California
                        Contact Sargon Gewargis @ fishtale@juno.com
                        (818) 891-3705 after 7:30 pm

SAN JOSE                Nisibin School
                        Assyrian Language Classes
                        Ages 5-14
                        10:00-1:00 pm
                        AAA of San Jose BETA
                        20000 Almaden Road

                        Raabie Nimrod Simono's Intermediate Grammar Class
                        AAA of San Jose BETA
                        ONLY IN MARCH
                        Class Days Vary (Contact ZENDA for more information)

                        Maestro Nebu Issabey's Nineveh Choir Practice
                        AAA of San Jose BETA
                        8:00 pm

TORONTO         Nisibis School
                        The Church of the East
                        Toronto, Canada

      A  S  S  Y  R  I  A  N     S  U  R  F  I  N  G     P  O  S  T  S

The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary Project


                     P  U  M  P    UP THE   V O L U M E

                English         Modern Assyrian

                Ambassador              mshaad/raa              [M]
                Trip                    khzooq/ya               [M]
F = Feminine     M = Masculine      P = Plural
                B  A  C  K     TO THE      F  U  T  U  R  E
B.C. (1208)  This date marks the beginning of the Assyrian Dark Ages which
lasted over 250 years.

<< The Dark Centuries, Parpola >>

A.D. (1862)  Sir Henry Rawlinson discovers a major Eponym List in which a
complete list of every Assyrian ruler or governor was given from 911 BC
down to 660 BC.

                    L    I    T    E    R    A    T    U    S

                                   That Night
I heard
the angels sing
on that mystical night
when you gazed at the sky
with your heavenly face
and whispered to the moon
about your dream
a small kingdom, a prince and a white horse...
you wonder how I knew !
ask the moon
for I was there
on that October night
when the lovebird wrote about you on a falling leaf
and the winds gently brushed it to me...
I looked up and there was your image
carved in a single white cloud
I tried to reach for you
but you were so far away
I cried, did you hear me my princess!
I might not be a prince
but a lost knight I am
and I might not have a kingdom
but who needs that
as long as I have your eyes
and those are the whole world to me...

Frederick Aprim
           T  H  I  S    W  E  E  K     I  N    H  I  S  T  O  R  Y
April 1, 1886:  born in Tsibili, Georgia, Professor Sargis Osipov, an
Assyrian linguist and scholar who collaborated with German orientalists at
the turn of the century.
                         B     R    A     V     O

                          THE ASSYRIANS OF CHICAGO

Next Sunday afternoon, April 6, from 1 to 3 pm (Central Standard
Time/Chicago) Assyrians of Chicago will take their Assyrian pride to the
streets of Chicago.  Currently as many as 100,000 Assyrians live here.
Along a designated route the Assyrian floats (mobile wooden stages) will
move in a choreographed procession to mark the arrival of the Assyrian Year
6747.  This annual event has become the largest and the most visible
demonstration of the Assyrian pride in Diaspora.

                         the   D I  R  E  C  T  O  R  Y
ZNAD (Assyrian Democratic Organization)
ZNAM (Archeology Magazine)
ZNAP (Associated Press International)
ZNBN (Bet-Nahrain Inc/ KBSV-TV "AssyriaVision")
ZNDA (Zenda: zenda@ix.netcom.com)
ZNMN (San Jose Mercury News)
ZNNQ (Nabu Quarterly)
ZNNV (Nineveh Magazine)
ZNRU (Reuters)
ZNSJ (San Jose Mercury News)
ZNTM (Time Magazine)
ZNUP (United Press International)
ZNUS (US News & World Report)

             W   E   L   C   O   M   E     T O     Z   E   N   D   A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

                        Access Communications
                        Chicago, Illinois
                     S     A     L     U     T     E
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals & organizations whose
contributions appear in this issue:
                        Albert Gabrial  Hollister, California
                        Zaineb Istrabadi        New York
                        Ashur Simon Malek       Ontario, Canada
                        Christoph Aktas Sunnyvale, California
                        Firas Jatou             Chicago, Illinois
and the following individual(s) for introducing ZENDA to our new readers:
                        Albert Gabrial  Hollister, California