MICROTEL APPOINTS ZAYA YOUNAN AS PRESIDENT OF CXR TELECOM (ZNDA: San Jose) Rancho Cucamonga-based Microtel International Inc.
announced last month that Zaya Younan has been appointed president of
its CXR Telecom subsidiary. Prior to joining CXR Telecom, Mr. Younan
served as chief executive officer of CyberScan Technology Inc.
MicroTel, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries CXR Telecom Corp.,
based in San Jose, Calif., and CXR S.A., based in Paris, designs, manufactures
and markets electronic transmission test instruments and data communications
equipment to the telecommunications industry, including telephone companies,
interconnect carriers, private networks, banks, brokerage firms and
government agencies. Commenting on the appointment, Graham Jefferies stated, "I am very pleased that we have been able to attract a candidate of Zaya's caliber to our company. We feel his experience generating growth within companies in our business sector is a perfect fit for our firm." Jefferies continued, "We also believe that his wealth of business experience will be invaluable as we continue to grow our business and deliver new, exciting products to an international market. We see his appointment as the final piece in strengthening our executive management team at CXR Telcom and as a complement to our new Engineering Vice President and other sales positions that were added earlier this year."
GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (ZNDA: Los Angeles) Yesterday afternoon, members of the Assyrian American Association of Southern California voted in their organization's new Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the 2002-2004 term of office. After presenting the annual reports by the previous Executive Committee and the reports of the financial auditors, the AAASC members cast their votes for the following officers to serve for the next 2-year term: Executive Committee
Board of Directorrs Mr. Noray Betbaba After the general elections, Ms. Thea Halo, author of "Not Even My Name" discussed and read from her highly-acclaimed book. Ms. Halo's book is now available in paperback.
SYRIAC ORTHODOX CHURCH SUSPENDS MALANKARA PRELATE Press Release Archdiocese Of The Syriac Orthodox Church For The Eastern United States December 29, 2001 For Immediate Release: PATRIARCHAL SUSPENSION OF NICHOLOVOS ZACHARIAH On December 28, 2001 we have received an official notification from His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, that Nicholovos Zachariah, the former prelate of the Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America, has been suspended and relieved of all spiritual and temporal authority and responsibilities. This action has been taken due to the fact that Nicholovos Zachariah unilaterally chose to leave our Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch and join the other faction in Kottayam in open violation of the purpose of his episcopal calling. By his action, Nicholovos Zachariah has chosen to be an outsider to the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. As such, he can no longer be entrusted with the spiritual direction of the Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America which is directly under the Holy Apostolic Sea of Antioch and is not bound by the developments in our Church in India.
Courtesy of Sun Herald (Jan 27); based on a story by Matthew Benns (ZNDA: Sydney) Karl Suleman was accused last night of leaving the aspiring
Assyrian pop star, Linda George, 36, in the lurch. Ms. George claims
that Mr. Sulmean had promised to launch her career with a specially
recorded CD and appearances on Rove Live and The Panel. Froggy Music flew her to Sydney to work on recording songs and a video for her first English language album. For her final three-month trip, she stayed at the Sheraton On The Park hotel and was told she would be promoting the album on television. "For six months I lost loads of money, tours in Europe and Canada, and I am going to be suffering for what happened to me,'' she said. ``For me it was a dream they killed.'' She eventually recorded one single. She said she then found herself isolated in her hotel room, unable to promote the CD and subjected to lewd, late-night phone calls from men she believed belonged to Mr. Suleman's entourage. "A lot of things that were said to me are so disgusting I cannot tell my family about them,'' she said. The singer said she had trusted Mr Suleman because she had known him when he was a drummer in a band, long before the dyed hair, Ferraris and luxury cruisers. When she arrived in Sydney she was taken to a couturier and treated to designer clothes. By the end, she was fighting for her living expenses. After leaving Australia Ms. George found that the visa she said she had been promised had not been obtained and that she had been in the country illegally. She maintains Mr Suleman and his friends were surrounded by women who drove BMWs and wore expensive clothes. Paul Weston, of official receiver Horwath's, confirmed that his firm had questioned Mr Suleman over allegations that money had been spent on presents. His partner, Neil Cussen, said: ``It is a paper trail. We need the community to come forward with hard evidence such as receipts.'' Mr Suleman's spokesman said on Saturday: ``There have been a number of highly defamatory allegations circulating in the community. A lot of people are going to lose a lot of money and there is a lot of bitterness there.'' Earlier this month, Ms. George appeared on a live show at the studios of the KBSV-AssyriaVision studios in Ceres, California and made similar remarks regarding Mr. Suleman and the Froggie music and entertainment group.
FLOWCOM SNAPS UP FROGGY ISP Courtesy of Australian Financial Review (Jan 25); article by Mandy Bryan (ZNDA: Sydney) FlowCom Ltd is the new owner of Froggy Holdings, the
Internet service provider caught up in the collapse of Karl Suleman
Enterprises. KSE liquidators Horwath Sydney finalized a deal last Thursday,
according to sources close to the negotiations. The terms of the deal
have not been revealed. Some rival Internet service providers had also hoped to take control of Froggy's 30,000-strong subscriber base, although iPrimus said recently it was only interested in the business ``at the right price''. One-time bidder OzEmail had withdrawn from the negotiating table before Tuesday, when KSE's liquidators and lawyers called for final offers, instead opting to launch an aggressive campaign to win over Froggy's customers. The Froggy entities owe creditors $16 million. Only the Froggy mobile operations are in liquidation the ISP and music businesses are still going concerns. The KSE liquidator is also seeking buyers for some of the group's luxury assets.
Alyce Simonian of New Britain died Friday after a short illness. She was born in Yonkers, N.Y., and was formerly employed at Ellis Coat Co. and American Bazaar, where she worked as a seamstress. She retired in 1979. She is survived by her husband, George; two sons, George P. Simonian Jr. of New Britain and Peter E. Simonian of Florida; a sister, Sophia Hamp of Worcester; three grandchildren, Rebecca Anne Simonian, Elizabeth Louise Murphy and George P. Simonian III; a great- grandson, Andrew William Simonian; and several nieces and nephews. A sister, Helene Haddad, and two brothers, Andrew Sargis and Edmund Sargis, died before her. The funeral took place at the Armenian Church of the Holy Resurrection, 1910 Stanley St. in New Britain. Burial was held in Fairview Cemetery. A private prayer service was held at the Erickson-Hansen Funeral Home, 411 S. Main St., New Britain. |
MIHAYEL CUDI - A BIOGRAPHY "A young, energetic and dynamic man, transformed into an eagle, flies to liberty... he spreads out his wings and glides over the peaks of the high mountains of Bethnahrin down to the valleys and plains to Urhoy, Hassana and Midyat he rests on the banks of the Tigris and looks upon Babylon and Nineveh, which conquer his heart for eternity. This affectionate heart, he has sacrificed for his people and his beloved homeland. His name Mihayel Cudi!"
Although he lived far away from the events and traditions of his people, his heart was always with his people and his homeland. Thus he did not hesitate, after he heard in 1994 of a new movement within his people, to get into contact with the Dawronoye (revolutionaries). At the end of 1996 Cudi became a sympathizer of the Mesopotamia Freedom Party (GHB), which was at that time still an organization. In 1997 a stronger sense of responsibility for his people awakened within him. For this reason Cudi quit his job as a policeman and, instead of that, aspired to be more active for the Patriotic Revolutionary Organization of Bethnahrin (PROB). Since his home was in Amsterdam, his first activities were in the regional area of this metropolis. He later expanded his activities and obligations to the whole of the Netherlands. In the beginning of 1998 Michayel Cudi decided to become a professional cadre of the organization and in the summer of the same year he visited the homeland, together with a group of reporters from Dutch television, in order to do a documentary on the Suryoye in Turabdin. But after some days there, he became very sick due to the strong heat and the climate. As it was the first time in 20 years that he had seen his homeland, Cudi absolutely wanted to visit his village Hassana. His intentions and his longings, however, were defeated by the Turkish military, which did not let him visit the village and he returned to Europe very disappointed. As a representative of the PROB, Cudi went to Iran to take part in the congress of the Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) in November 1998. There he was able to see the possibilities for our people in the near future and to become more conscious of our national situation.
Passing through systematic military education in the homeland increasingly strengthened Cudi's abilities within the military arena. Thus he was designated, after a very short time, to be in charge of 10 guerilla-fighters (Manga). After the termination of the military formation, Cudi was later entrusted with other functions. In cities such as Sulaymaniya and Mosul (Nineveh) Mihayel Cudi worked successfully in the field of public relations. Cudi then returned in December 2001 to the military headquarters of the party, in order to help with the winter preparations. At the same time he participated in military and political training. In the early morning of 11 January 2002 a group under the control of Mihayel Cudi was sent to a village, which was not that far away, in order to get some needed logistics. As they began to haul their loads upon their backs and climb the mountains again to return, the climate was the mild winter weather they were used to. Later, however, within a short time, the clouds began to get denser. By the time they reached the top of the mountain-pass a snow-storm caught Mihayel Cudi and his two companions by surprise. This violent tempest caused them to lose their way and obstructed their sight. Laboriously, the three comrades tried to fight through the meter-high snowfalls. The ice-cold winds of the high Kandil mountain-range whipped repeatedly onto their faces, causing the body temperatures of the three to gradually drop and thus, ever more, their limbs began to freeze.
All his friends and all those who have loved and come to value him, knew Cudi as a cheerful, sincere and always responsible-minded human with a content smile and an even more content heart. Mihayel Cudi leaves behind his wife and his two small daughters... Ishtar and Ilona.
This week Assyrians celebrate an important religious feast - the Rogation of the Ninevites (Ba-outa d'Ninevaye). For more information on the origins and the reasons for this important national celebration read the following articles from past issues in Zinda Magazine: Bet-Nahrain
Global Satellite Television The
Eastern Christian Churches |
VALENTINE AIVAZOV Valentine Aivazov is a young talented Assyrian photographer and lives and works in Kislovodsk, Russia - famous for its health resorts and mineral water. A dentist by profession he is also an Alpine-photographer and has greatly enjoyed mountain climbing since childhood. Zinda Magazine is pleased to display in this week's column a few of Mr. Aivazov's landscape photos taken from his trip to the Caucasus.
In November 1996 Mr. Aivazov, as a member of a two-man expedition team, climbed atop Mt. Elbrus. The Latvian Bruno Shults carried out this trip with a mountain bike and Valentine Aivazov accompanied him as a guide and operator. Mt. Elbrus is the highest point of Europe. Two main Mt. Elbrus summits are about 11 km (6.8 miles) to the North from the Main Range, inside European territory. The Main Range is a state border between Russia and Georgia.
The result of this journey to the peak of Mt. Elbrus was a film made for the Lettish television and a book, that was published in autumn 2000 in Latvia. There are about 40 photos taken by Valentine Aivazov in this book.
Valentine has already been back to Elbrus a few more times since the 1996 expedition and exhibited his work at the "Photographi Pyatigoria" in Stavropol in 1999. In June 2000 a private exhibition of his photos took place in Kislovodsk.
Mountains ,unusual forms in nature, and people as part of the surrounding world are most often the objects of Aivazov's themes. His work represents the regions which are difficult to access in more extreme weather and climate conditions and Climate. Even for those familiar with the Elbrus terrains there is always an element of surprise hidden among Aivazov's photo collection.
Among the Elbrus pictures there is a unique photo that was taken at the dawn of the first day of the year 2000. The photo was shot from the slope of Mt. Elbrus. It's exclusivity is not only due to its timing, but also in the extraordinary colors of the dawning of the new millennium. All of the photos are permeated with the delicacy of their author's perception, with his ability to see and to represent nature. Every photo is imbued with its own spirit, easily felt by the viewer.
Aivazov's photos illicit a response and stir up emotions. The people
in his photos do not dominate the scene, rather become an organic part
of the surrounding nature, beautifully joined into the magnificence of
the North Caucasus. |
Share your local events with Zinda readers. Email us or send fax to: 408-918-9201
![]() Saturday February 9 |
![]() OGIN PARTY IN PHOENIX Assyrian Aid Society of Arizona
Proudly Presents: 8:00 PM $20 per person (no discount for
children) For Tickets Contact:
![]() Wednesday March 6 |
CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR SYRIAC STUDIES LECTURE La Societe Canadienne des Etudes Syriaques "Resafa-Sergiupolis: From
A Roman Desert Castle to A Christian Metropolis" University of Toronto
[Zinda Magazine is a proud Corporate Sponsor of CSSS.] |
![]() March 11-13 |
THE NIMRUD CONFERENCE Clore Education Centre, British Museum.
![]() Through March 17 |
AGATHA CHRISTI & THE ORIENT Revealing Agatha Christie the archaeologist and how her discoveries in the Near East influenced her detective writing. The hitherto unknown interests and talents of the great crime writer are told through archaeological finds from the sites on which she worked with her husband Max Mallowan at Ur, Nineveh and Nimrud. Important objects from these sites in the Museum's collections are combined with archives, photographs, and films made by Agatha Christie herself. Personal memorabilia and souvenirs of travel in a more leisurely age are only some of the exhibits which range from first editions of those novels inspired by her other life to a sleeping compartment from the Orient Express, from a lethal 1930s hypodermic syringe to a priceless first millennium ivory of a man being mauled to death Admissions £7, Concessions £3.50 West Wing Exhibition Gallery Room 28 |
![]() Sunday March 24 |
LECTURE AT THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY MEETING 212th American Oriental Society Annual Meeting
The J. W. Marriott Visit the following website for further topics in ancient Assyrian & Near Eastern studies: http://www.umich.edu/%7Eaos/2002/program2002.html |
![]() April 15-19 |
Third International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 3 ICAANE Purpose: To promote cooperation and information exchange between archaeologists working in the ancient Near East, from the eastern Medi-terranean to Iran and from Anatolia to Arabia, and from prehistoric times to Alexander the Great. Contact: Victoria de Caste, Secretariat, |
![]() Wednesday May 1 |
CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR SYRIAC STUDIES LECTURE La Societe Canadienne des Etudes Syriaques "Bar-Hebraeus & His Time:
The Syriac Renaissance & the Challenge of a New Reality"
University of Toronto
[Zinda Magazine is a proud Corporate Sponsor of CSSS.] |
![]() May 10-11 |
ASSYRIAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE The Editorial Board of "Melta" Bulletin and a stirring
group of the Assyrians of Russia decided to hold an International Scientific
Conference "The Assyrians Today: Issues and Perspectives". The Conference
will take place in Moscow on May 10 - 11, 2002. - The issues of the Assyrians in the Middle East.
[see Zinda Magazine's 14 January 2002 issue] February 28, 2002 - deadline for submission of Abstracts and Registration Forms. Address: P.O.
Box 18, Moscow, 129642, Russia Telefax:
(7-095)-935-0155. |
![]() July 1-4, 2002 |
48TH RENCONTRE ASSYRIOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/rencontre/ "Ethnicity in Ancient Mesopotamia" Registration Form: http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/rencontre/mailform.html
Zindamagazine would like to thank: Alphonse Odisho Deacon Genard Lazar Kevin Toma |
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