6 Kanoon I 6754
Volume X |
Issue 46 |
26 November 2004
Fax 1-415-358-4778 | zcrew@zindamagazine.com |
Mid-East Christian Groups Appeal for a ChaldoAssyrian Safe Haven in Iraq [Zinda: The following statement was released on 25 November 2004.] The escalating attacks and violence against ChaldoAssyrian Christians (also known as Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Syriacs) in Iraq have led to a general sense of terror within the community. The systematic and sophisticated Church bombings of August 1, October 16, and November 8 have been supplemented by nearly daily reports of abductions, beheadings, burnings, and killings of innocent ChaldoAssyrian civilians. An ever increasing number of ChaldoAssyrians have been targeted and killed in the past 2 months alone. Other forms of pressure and threats include pressure to sell lands, the coercion of woman to wear veils, and the abduction of women for marriage against their will. The continuing onslaught against the vulnerable ChaldoAssyrian civilian population is perpetrated with the specific intent of terrorizing the indigenous Christian population into leaving their homes. We, the under-signed, hereby recommend that the Iraqi government and international community urgently:
Following the first Gulf War, the international community established a Safe Haven in northern Iraq to protect civilians from attacks by the regime of Saddam Hussein. Today, the attacks against ChaldoAssyrians are even more ominous and threatening. With reports of tens of thousands of ChaldoAssyrians leaving Iraq, there now exists the real possibility of the extinction of the indigenous ChaldoAssyrian people in Iraq for the first time in their 6700 year continuous existence. The final litmus test for the Iraqi government's and the international community's genuine commitment to pluralism and democracy remains the preservation of the indigenous ChaldoAssyrian people of Iraq. Assyrian Democratic Organization - Europe - Sweden - USA & Canada |
A New Book by Professor Joseph Yacoub Title: "Are Human Rights Exportable?" Devant la moralisation à l'excès des droits de l'homme et leur idéologisation à l'échelle planétaire qui a conduit à des dérives fâcheuses, comme l'effacement des différences culturelles et l'uniformisation, la diabolisation de l'Etat ramené à sa fonction répressive, l'inflation des textes et leur extension à l'infini, le recours aux droits de l'homme comme instrument de pression politique et le conditionnement de l'aide économique et financière, le droit, voire le devoir d'ingérence politique, la rhétorique sur la bonne gouvernance, une justice pénale internationale confuse et sélective, au-dessus des Etats-nations, et la fièvre “démocratique” par dessus la volonté des peuples, il est venu le temps de procéder à une analyse scientifique des textes fondateurs pour les rendre intelligibles. Quand bien même les droits de l'homme étaient devenus une bible, or même la parole révélée et les textes canoniques sont passés au crible de l'analyse exégétique, de la critique historique et de l'herméneutique. Ce qui ne les a pas empêché de survivre. Il doit en être de même pour les droits de l'homme qui ne doivent pas devenir une nouvelle théologie, au pire une mystique. Car loin d'être un culte, ils sont des actes historiques et non hagiographiques. Or pour qu'ils soient intelligibles et sciemment évalués, les droits de l'homme ont besoin d'être situés dans l'espace et l'époque qui les a vu naître; autrement, ils demeurent un discours sans topique, idéologique et moralisant, démesuré par ses promesses car sans effet réel, faute d'expression spécifique et d'appropriation par les hommes et les peuples. En essayant d'interroger le concept d'universalité des droits de l'homme, présenté comme indiscutablement valable pour tous les hommes, on constate qu'il est limité et non valide, pêche par excès d'utopie et irréel. La question n'est pas de nier une essence générique de l'homme et des valeurs universelles (comme la dignité inhérente à tout être humain), ni de critiquer les droits de l'homme d'un point de vue moral ou de douter des bonnes intentions de leurs défenseurs, mais de montrer que les “droits de l'homme” n'ont pas véritablement une base universelle, ni de signification en dehors du temps. Ils s'inscrivent dans la géographie et l'histoire où ils prennent tout leur sens et, comme tels, varient selon les sociétés et se déploient différemment à travers l'espace, le temps et le moment. D'ailleurs, quand on se plonge dans l'étude des textes fondateurs, tous européens, on s'aperçoit qu'ils ont toujours porté la marque du lieu, des pays, des périodes et des personnes qui les ont enfantés et ce, depuis la Grande Charte de 1215; à telle enseigne qu'entre le point de départ et le point d'arrivée, les différences sont telles qu'on peut s'interroger sur la validité universelle des déclarations initiales. Par une étude comparative détaillée des textes et des philosophies qui les sous-tendent, ce travail cherche à insérer les textes des droits de l'homme dans leur contexte historique et géographique, et montrer par là qu'ils n'ont rien de constant. Ils sont tributaires des cultures et des imaginaires collectifs, des représentations nationales et des déterminants sociaux, et dépendent largement de leur instrumentalisation par les Etats. Au terme de vingt années d'enseignement et de réflexion sur les droits de l'homme, ce travail décrit et analyse leur parcours et montre que la Déclaration universelle de 1948 se trouve complétée, si ce n'est contredite, par une série de textes ultérieurs qui ont élargi son assise humaniste en intégrant de multiples apports, à la conjonction de l'individuel et du collectif. La première partie du livre procède d'une analyse philosophique et anthropologique des droits de l'homme en les confrontant aux civilisations et cultures. C'est un examen de leurs fondements intellectuels. La deuxième partie retrace l'histoire et le contexte de préparation de la Déclaration de 1948, les critiques formulées alors, ainsi que le débat en France sur la refonte de la Déclaration de 1789. Quant au troisième volet, il aborde en détail le processus d'internationalisation des droits de l'homme depuis 1948 et leur instrumentalisation par les Etats. A travers cette étude textuelle, on s'aperçoit que le monde des droits de l'homme est très divers, voire hétérogène. Devant une telle variété, peut-on continuer à fonctionner comme si la Déclaration du 10 décembre 1948 était universelle? Les réalités du monde exigent sa réécriture. En attendant une nouvelle Déclaration des droits de l'homme, qui tienne compte du parcours suivi depuis 1948, des particularités des uns et des autres, et qui soit agréée par tous les peuples, l'auteur plaide d'abord pour un large débat international qui rapprocherait les différentes conceptions des droits de l'homme sur des dénominateurs communs. Dans l'étape actuelle, il privilégie l'interactionnisme à l'universalisme, car ce dernier nie la notion de corps politique national et de souveraineté populaire. [Zinda: To purchase this or any other books by Prof Yacoub click here.] Chaldean Democratic Forum Preparatory Committee of The Chaldean Democratic Forum (United States of America) Our Chaldean people are an inseparable part of our big nationality in all of its names, viz. Chaldean, Assyrian and Syrian. The nationality whose people had the honor of building the most ancient and deepest civilization history has ever known on the land of Mesopotamia. The Chaldean nationality issue along with its complexities and overlap has occupied the mind of many of the educated and interested people and active dignitaries in the Chaldean society for over the past three decades. In spite of plenty of materialistic and human capabilities and abilities that our Chaldean people have, they were generally far away from investment and mobilization for the national, serious, fruitful and promising work for some objective and subjective reasons. However, on the other hand our Chaldean people are proud of the national and democratic role its people have undertaken in the modern history of Iraq since the foundation of the Country of Iraq. Many of them had their honorable role in the establishment of many ancient national parties and different vocational organizations, viz. (Unions, Clubs, Associations ...) which have played and are still playing a pioneering role in the political history of Iraq. On this way, our national people have the honor of struggle in the democratic and national tasks. They have right from the beginning recognized that the struggle for their national legislative rights is inseparable from the issue of struggle for the national liberation and Democracy. The issue for which our people offered huge numbers of martyrs on various stages. In spite of many attempts to establish and form establishments and organizations that upgrade the national action and activity, they, alas to say, couldn’t stand stable and continue because of subjective reasons concerned with the nature of the approach they adopted and the experience and satisfaction of the people in charge of them and the absence of the basics and democratic conventions in their structure and inability of attracting wider groups of our people to prepare and get ready to upgrade with the responsibilities of these organizations.
Today and under the new Iraq; the promising Iraq for the national, religious and political people of all its components, we are required particularly at this time and more urgently than any other time to work together and cooperate faithfully and constructively to accomplish our national duty towards our people overseas and in the Homeland, Iraq. Therefore, we find that it’s a must that we the people of this ancient and ever giving nationality should exert ourselves to establish a political organization that gathers, unifies and materializes the aspirations of the people of our nationality towards the national work by cooperating with all the national, serious and loyal establishments and organizations. The initiative of our loyal people in Iraq by forming a coordinate council (the national Chaldio-Assyrian) for all of the national components of our people is considered to be a great and blessed initiative and it’s a basic step into this correct and sound path. In this respect, we have a great lesson that we all should work together to ask for inspiration from it and find us a suitable formula to enhance this true orientation. Our Chaldio-Assyrian Nationality is expecting from all of its people to unite their efforts and overcome the complexities of the past and place the future of their people and its interest above all considerations. Therefore, our people are required to encourage and embrace all the serious and sincere establishments by offering all kinds of support and assistance and help all the sincere, whether they are individuals or establishments to achieve the sublime and noble goals of our people. Our Goals
Chaldean Democratic Forum The Chaldean Democratic Forum (CDF) is a project to establish a political Secular Chaldean Entity, based on the authentic fact that Chaldeans, Assyrians and Syriacs belong to one nation rooted deeply in the land of Today's Iraq.. The different names associated with this nation represent the succession of this culture over different historical civilizations implanted on the land between two rivers; Iraq. The formulation of the Chaldean Democratic Forum emerges as a response to the immediate present national and provincial necessity for such organization. The CDF stands on comprehensive democratic and patriotic outlook. Its work and activities will contribute in creating a political balance within the Chaldo-Assyrian frame. It also adds political and democratic dimension to the Iraqi political arena, through diligent and active mobilization of the inherent potentials for the Chaldeans on all levels. This Chaldean Democratic project has emerged from the state of Michigan, where the largest Chaldean community resides, not only nationwide, but also worldwide. Despite the popularity of this project among the Chaldean community, and especially the Chaldean activists and vanguard, this project aspires to cover all regions where Chaldeans exist, especially the motherland; Iraq where an ongoing effort of coordination is taking place with the Chaldean elite to form the center for this organization and initiate the call to hold its first foundational conference. The CDF strives to contribute in the efforts of rebuilding the Democratic confederate Iraq, that guarantees the rights of all its ethnic and religious components, among which, is our Assyrian nation, and to have these rights enlisted and assured in the forthcoming constitution. The CDF will commit itself to work to strengthen ties of Iraqi communities abroad, specifically the Chaldean community, with the motherland; Iraq. And also to encourage and exploit the potentials possessed by this community that is vital to the process of rebuilding Iraq. The CDF strives to establish an influential political lobby in the new home countries to serve our national goals and to defend our rights and protects its freedom and dignity. The CDF looks forward to coordinate and cooperate with all organizations with similar interests to embody whatever goal for the good of our Chaldo-Assyrian nation and our Iraqi people. A Call for Open Dialogue Our Forum, “The Chaldean Democratic Forum” starting off its fixed and constant attachment to democracy was an approach and a civilized style that we never divert from in all of the Forum’s work and activity. It has launched its true call to make its project a political secular system for the Chaldeans as they are considered to be a fundamental part of our people’s national components overstepping the dignitaries’ borderline starting off the preparatory Committee of the Forum to launch, widen and contain as much area as possible from our people and on top of them the organizations, gatherings, dignitaries and all the active people in the national area though our people are suffering from the scattering and distribution in the Homeland and all over the world. Accordingly, our Forum has put its call forward in last year’s, viz. 2003, November under the title “For the Sake of Building and Unity - The Chaldean Democratic Forum - A Call for Open Dialogue”. This document included a number of ideas and satisfactions which have been got to by studying our people’s true state of affairs on different levels, not to mention the studying of its factual, deserved and legitimate ambitions. In addition to studying the overall political factuality in Iraq after liberating it from the fist of the dictatorship which enhanced the democratic life and widened the area of the political work on the national levels in particular. The document has also included a number of topics for discussion and basics about which our Forum thinks the importance of holding discussion and dialogue because of the capability and importance they have for the formation of the Forum. In spite of the limited capabilities, the Preparatory Committee was able with the help and support of many sisters and brothers, who commendably offered lots of efforts and subsidization, to convey this call to a big number of our people and its organizations and parties on different geographical areas on which it exists and on top of them, Iraq. The ways and means of convey varied; some were direct through many extended meetings and symposia, others were through the internet as there was a symposium at the internet through the generous commendable host by Einkawa Room. We have also contacted a number of national establishments and organizations. It’s worth noting here, too that this short period of time has witnessed a number of activities and contributions in different political, solidarity, and social domains which had a good impact on wide circles of our people. We think that the available period of time, viz. (six months) and the expansion and density of the activity, the dialogue and the discussions during this period, and the wide geographical area it contained and the variousness of ideas, orientations and gatherings that contributed in enriching it, was a great opportunity that provided lots of experience, ideas, notes, interpositions and studies. We’ll spare no effort and do our best to enrich ourselves and ask for more of such activities to deepen, direct and complete the project of building and establishing our Chaldean Democratic Forum. While we are in respect of general and comprehensive evaluation of the whole activity and the big response to our humble call, we should express some preliminary notes and evaluations of some of the main aspects and orientations for this study and follow-up. First: Generally, the response was big and trust consolidating which granted us hope and optimism to go forward in completing the project and going through it successfully.
Second: Our call has contributed to the consolidation of a sincere discussion and dialogue and the subject at stake in our national area. We can say with high confidence that the atmosphere of the dialogue and the enthusiasm have attracted a good number of educated circles of our people to seriously and practically contribute to the national action. It’s worth noting here, too that this atmosphere has enhanced and refreshed the spirit of democratic competition among the organizations and establishments acting on the national area that will undoubtedly contribute to the direction of placing our nationality and its legitimate rights in the right position inside the new Iraq. Third: Most of the opinions and interpositions have confirmed the importance and necessity of finding formulae for cooperation and coordination among different national trends and organizations and the necessity of finding a clear national program that relies on the basic constants of our people’s rights. Fourth: In spite of receiving many studies and interpositions which included important ideas and notes that are worth praise and concern, there are distinct participations that have been characterized with courage, clarity and objective, deep and comprehensive understanding and have coordinately expressed between the national action and the variousness of orientations and organizations connecting with the factual understanding of democracy and the relation of the concept of wider nationalism with the narrow nationalism. We see here that we must praise the brothers and masters from our people, namely “Saeed Shamaya, Gorgees Oraha Mansour, Sami Al Malih, and Samir Kattola” for their great carefulness and sincere effort they demonstrated in their studies and interpositions to deepen and develop our approach and speech. Fifth: Most of the opinions confirmed the necessity of establishing the Chaldean Democratic Forum so that it may take its role and natural position in the national action of our Chaldean people and offer a real and serious contribution to enhance and hold together the unity of our Chaldio-Assyrian Syrian people. Being considered as an organization - a democratic and national trend that connects thinking and politics with the objective factuality without addition and exaggeration, the Forum, in this meaning, does not express the overall intellectual and political trends in the national action.
The preparatory Committee of our Forum is facing big pressures from many of our people who express the necessity of the rush in convening the Constituent Conference of the Forum. The Preparatory Committee was working, activating and coordinating with many of the brothers who adopted our project in Iraq to seize the initiative in preparing to convene the conference there. However, because of the deterioration of security conditions and the difficulty of transportation and communications, it has been agreed to convene the Constituent Conference of the Forum in Northern America (America and Canada) for the availability of all the Constituent prerequisites before any other areas. On condition that this position be a supporter and assistant in establishing other organizations of the Forum and on top of the list in Iraq. Sixth: Some contributions and dialogues were confined only to the name “Chaldean” and they kept away from contribution about the essential being of the project which confirms the unity of our nationality and the importance of concentration on the necessity of representing all of our people in the national project. As for the names, they are factual reality that no political trend can refuse and look down upon, not to mention that the names our people owned throughout its journey which extends back to thousands of years, are a source of pride for every Iraqi because of the civilizations and grants they symbolize to which all the world testifies. How is the case then when somebody claims the Nationality? Seventh: Alas to say that there are still a number of uncivilized phenomena and cases that settle in the minds and satisfactions of not only some people in our nationality, but also in the practices of many of our institutions and their political parties. Examples of some of these phenomena are: the tendency of expelling and undermining others, means of suspicion and defamation without any proofs, personal nonobjective positions, tendency to harmful blocs, not accepting criticism and many other harmful deformities and diseases which for a long period of time predominated all of the party and political work in Iraq. Therefore, we pledge you that we in the Chaldean Democratic Forum will keep to our care and attention in following the approach of the Democratic Principle morals and we’ll do our best to respect all the powers and trends irrespective of our compatibility or contrariety with them. We’ll also keep to making the best relations, cooperation and coordination formulae with them. Finally: we should express our thanks and appreciation to whoever responded to our call and expressed his/her interest in our project whether it suits him/her or not. We assure our observance of persistence and continuation to get to the best means, formulae and programs to enhance the role and the position of our Chaldean people and our valuable nationality. The enactment of the Country’s Administration Law for the Interim Period in Iraq by the Governing Council is an advanced step on this way as the name of our nationality and its legislative rights, likewise the other components of our great Iraqi people, has been established for the first time in the history of Iraq. [Zinda: The Chaldean Democratic Forum Constitutional Conference will convene on 3-5 December 2004 at: 25625 Telegraph Road. in Southfield, Michigan. For more information contact: Dr. Mansour 248-321-8100, Sam 248-763-3818 / Fax: 313-372-7442. To contact CDF for more information write to the Chaldean Democratic Forum, P.O. Box 250213, West Bloomfield, Michigan 48325-0213. USA. You may send an email to info@cdfus.org.] Nahrain (Nina) Baresso The city of Södertälje in Sweden has chosen the phenomenal Assyrian basketball player, Mrs. Nahrain (Nina) Baresso, as its ambassador to all regional and national civic and cultural activities in which the city participates. Mrs. Baresso was featured in a Zinda editorial earlier this year (click here). The city of Södertälje bestowed this honor on the Assyrian Golden Star, as she is affectionately known in Sweden, after her great success in last year's Swedish Women Basketball League (the Damligan). Her team, the Solna Vikings, won the national championship because of her efforts and contributions. This year, Nina switched teams and is playing for the Telge Energi. Her team is second in the standing at this point after the Visby Ladies. Nina has promised her supporters to win Swedish women basketball championship again. |
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